View Full Version : Cobra Commanders voice.

08-11-2008, 01:47 PM
I was just checking out Guiltridden pics about the Rogue BAT. When reading the Cobra C. dialog his raspy voice just pops into play. Im just wondering does this happen to anyone else? For me its only Cobra C. a voice I will never forget.

08-11-2008, 03:44 PM
[COLOR=Red]when i am writing speech for someone, of reading a dio or whatever, i always hear the voices from the old cartoon. for me they all fit so perfectly and will be hard for me to accept them any other way.[/COLOR]

08-11-2008, 05:03 PM
Yes, it does. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. Somtimes I'll just make up a voice or accent, but I do that when I'm reading a book, too.

08-11-2008, 05:08 PM
Yeah, when I'm reading anything, if there's an established voice for the character from some media, I hear it. Chris Latta as Cobra Commander fits so well into Larry Hama's scripts, too! It's like he wrote for that voice without realizing it!

And I'm like lehsreh-- I always try to make sure that what I write "sounds right" in the character's animated voice. This is especially easy for my favorites, like Duke and Optimus Prime. It gets harder for characters that I'm not necessarily that fond of.

08-12-2008, 06:34 AM
That was one of the reasons I hated the Cartoon. Cobra Commander was reduced to a whiny spineless idiot. Destro sounded more like James Earl Jones than a Scottish
arms dealer. The only Voice I thought was fitting for the Cobra's was Zartans, with that strange echo.

I see Cobra Commander having a voice that is normal, but with a slow, deliberate tone. I could see the guy who played Dr. Doom on fantastic Four playing his voice.

Destro should DEFINITELY be voiced by Sean Connery or someone with that profound Scottish accent.

But, yes, when I'm thinking of Cobra Commander, I ALWAYS hear THAT voice in my head! And sometimes it makes me wanna pull my hair out.

08-12-2008, 07:27 AM
[COLOR=Red]i thought everyone, even those who didnt like the cartoon liked that voice. look at the first miniseries, there was someone else playing the voice and didnt pull it off at all. the voice did make him seem wimpy, but that is exactly what he was in the cartoon. as for destro, i thought his voice was the best bar none. i didnt know that he was, and still dont care that he is scottish. i mean a better voice, or more realism...

this makes me wonder if those who like and those who dont do so because of an age demographic. i was around 7 when i started watching them so i didnt think about evil and stuff. just that i loved it so much. i guess anyone around 12 or 14 would be influenced by peers at school and noticed things like tough guys and all. whereas for me, i was in a stage of bliss and believed in santa.

this also got me thinking of the new cartoon, id bet my whole joe collection that it doesnt have a impact anywhere like the one run. you have mature grown up who wont give anything that isnt deadly serious any thought, but on the other side you those who like me who enjoy fake things that give us a break from the harsh reality, and you have kids who watch cartoon who are still in their childhood bliss that dont want to, and/or their parents wouldnt let them watch something graphic and hard.

this being the case, i cannot wait to see it. but if it were on tv in the afternoon and i missed a few of them, i wouldnt care.

08-12-2008, 07:50 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]i thought everyone, even those who didnt like the cartoon liked that voice. look at the first miniseries, there was someone else playing the voice and didnt pull it off at all.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

I agree with everything you said about one's age when it started playing a part in one's enjoyment of the show. However, I have to respectfully correct you on the above point. I assume you're talking about the MASS Device mini-series, and in those episodes, Cobra Commander was indeed voiced by Chris Latta, as he was through the entire series' run. Latta hadn't fully fleshed out the voice yet, though, so it was deeper and (in my opinion) more menacing than it later became.

08-12-2008, 08:07 AM
Good point on the age difference. At the time, I was like 14 (going on 40!) and trying to get into more "adult" type entertainment. (Ok, I can hear the jokes already, I just mean I was too old for Sesame Street but too young for Friday night "Skinamax".) It's true, I was beginning to see the world through the eyes of a growing adult and not a kid, so a lot of things that I enjoyed I also picked apart for being "too Childish". I look back at shows I watched as a kid when they have boomerang on Cartoon network and I'm shocked at how silly they are, but I loved them.

I just hope when they finish "GI Joe" the movie, it isn't like the Cartoon. I don't want it to be rated NC-17, but by the same token, I don't want to go to a live action Disney film.

08-12-2008, 08:45 AM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier] Cobra Commander was indeed voiced by Chris Latta, as he was through the entire series' run. Latta hadn't fully fleshed out the voice yet, though, so it was deeper and (in my opinion) more menacing than it later became.[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=Red]you know, i never read the credits, so i wasnt sure. i didnt think it somehow seemed like him, but thought it wasnt. now i know...
and knowing is half the battle.

and frank, im sure we all know how it is when you reach high school. everyone is growing and getting a more adult way of thinking, and for us boys we focus more on girls then toys.

i remember my older cousin who i played joes with. he was 14 when i was 12 and he told me he was giving all his joes to his kid brother that he was to old for them himself... WHAT IN THE NAME OF JOE WAS HE THINKING!!! i was still playing with them, he should have given them to me,lol.

growing up were sad days, but in a way im glad now. its bad in that i cant think the way i did as a kid, and the ones you love pass away as they reach a great old age, but at the same time new people come into your life. i have a great g/f, you can get as many joes as you can find, unlike being a kid and only getting one or 2 because of an allowance, and though i no longer play with my real life friends, making dios and reading them is a way to play with the many great people here on joe dios and other sites. sob...sob... my emotions almost got the better of me,lol. [/COLOR]

08-12-2008, 05:11 PM
Strangely, I was one of those kids who never stopped collecting toys... By the time I was "too old" for them, my brother (five years younger than me) was just getting into them... So he picked up where I left off, and I stayed involved in toys through him. Unlike a lot of collectors, I never had that phase where I stopped, then later "got back into it."

On the other hand, I also wasn't very interested in girls during high school... It wasn't until college that I started paying attention to the opposite sex. Maybe I was just a late bloomer.

(and even in college, I was still collecting toys on the side!)

08-12-2008, 05:53 PM
[COLOR=Red]the only reason i stopped at all was because they stopped making them. you can kind of tell that you stayed into them from your dios. they have a kind of youthfulness to them, thats why i enjoy them so.[/COLOR]

08-12-2008, 08:41 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]you can kind of tell that you stayed into them from your dios. they have a kind of youthfulness to them, thats why i enjoy them so.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Thanks, I take that as a huge compliment! I've always said that the number one reason I've been making this story is because it's the sort of crossover I would have wanted to see when I was a kid!