View Full Version : Help with REVIEWS

08-13-2008, 09:54 PM
You guys already saw I sought out help with extra pics of Clutch. Or "double clutch" Whatever you want to call him!

I'm preparing reviews for Roadblock v2 and Red Underwater SkinTight Scuba Baroness w/o Removable Fins So She Can Trip On Them When Walking Around...

IF anyone wants to email me their OWN special fotos of these two, feel free to do so. I am, honestly, too lazy and too busy to do my own shots. I can do weak-ass production shots to show of the basic figure. But it's fun for these figures to end up in a bit of action.

and man, Baroness is SOOOOO short standing next to Comic Pack FIrefly, Roadblock and COpperhead. And yet... there's something oddly sexy about her in a red scuba outfit... EVEN if part of the figure is from Scarlet. Ahem.

Thanks in advance.

08-14-2008, 07:13 AM
w/o Removable Fins ????? is Hassbro participating of Whacky Wednesdays?

08-14-2008, 08:16 AM
It gets worse. With the 1st DVD set, almost ALL the figures come with holsters and stuff but NOTHING to go in it. For example, Stalker has the spot for his knife, but no knife. Snake Eyes has a slot for pistol and knife but gets neither.

08-14-2008, 02:44 PM
I can get ya' a couple "in action" shots of Roadblock - unless someone's beaten me to it, of course :) . I was tryin' to come up with a photo for tonight, anyway.

08-14-2008, 05:24 PM
Both Roadblock v2 and UnderWater Baroness need support shots! Or shots in general!

08-14-2008, 08:19 PM
I took a couplea' pics with Roadblock in 'em tonight. One of him in action, with the SE and Flint from wave 8 in the background; and one with him standing well in front of them (SE and Flint), at the center of the picture. He's in focus, they are not.

Let me know what you want me to do with them.

08-14-2008, 09:35 PM
just send 'em to SunCe4@gmail.com I'll take care of the business on my end... of course, Lehsreh has to get back to me on the Roadblock v2 review!

08-17-2008, 11:22 AM
roadblock 2 and scuba Baroness pics sent