08-13-2008, 09:54 PM
You guys already saw I sought out help with extra pics of Clutch. Or "double clutch" Whatever you want to call him!
I'm preparing reviews for Roadblock v2 and Red Underwater SkinTight Scuba Baroness w/o Removable Fins So She Can Trip On Them When Walking Around...
IF anyone wants to email me their OWN special fotos of these two, feel free to do so. I am, honestly, too lazy and too busy to do my own shots. I can do weak-ass production shots to show of the basic figure. But it's fun for these figures to end up in a bit of action.
and man, Baroness is SOOOOO short standing next to Comic Pack FIrefly, Roadblock and COpperhead. And yet... there's something oddly sexy about her in a red scuba outfit... EVEN if part of the figure is from Scarlet. Ahem.
Thanks in advance.
I'm preparing reviews for Roadblock v2 and Red Underwater SkinTight Scuba Baroness w/o Removable Fins So She Can Trip On Them When Walking Around...
IF anyone wants to email me their OWN special fotos of these two, feel free to do so. I am, honestly, too lazy and too busy to do my own shots. I can do weak-ass production shots to show of the basic figure. But it's fun for these figures to end up in a bit of action.
and man, Baroness is SOOOOO short standing next to Comic Pack FIrefly, Roadblock and COpperhead. And yet... there's something oddly sexy about her in a red scuba outfit... EVEN if part of the figure is from Scarlet. Ahem.
Thanks in advance.