View Full Version : where does serpento fit into your joeverse?
08-15-2008, 11:34 AM
[COLOR=Red]just wondering who uses him, and if you do, how do you use him? i cannot decide if i want him to be on a opposite faction of cobra, or if i want him to return and take control over cobra once again.[/COLOR]
08-15-2008, 11:44 AM
I never liked serpentor and Im not gonna buy him now, especially since the 25A figure is so bad. He will always be part of the downhill turn Joe took for me with neon, sci-fi stuff they started putting out.
08-15-2008, 12:02 PM
He tryed to take over COBRA, failing his attempt he begin to build a new organization. The Coil, is now underground because it is to small to face, both Cobra and Joes.
08-15-2008, 12:17 PM
I still dont define who is the Cobra leader: Serpy, CC or Golobulus...
08-15-2008, 12:51 PM
Serpentor hasn't ever been included into my JoeVerse simply cuz I never had the toy as a kid. But now that I have one, I'm nost sure what to do with him. I might go with the idea that he was created, got big headed and failed to take over Cobra.
08-15-2008, 01:58 PM
I'm not a big Serpy fan either. I just use him as the ceremonial head of state of Cobra Island with no real power and no say in the day to day running of Cobra.
08-15-2008, 03:11 PM
He's a figurehead in my Joeverse, CC is the 'brains' behind the operation.
08-15-2008, 04:21 PM
heh heh. I should just set itup so that CC, like Craig said, is the brains. BUT unlike Craig, my CC should just send Serpentor's dumbass onto the field and sees if he gets blown away first!
08-15-2008, 04:38 PM
[COLOR=Red]the reason i asked this is because im thinking of switching mine around. as of now i have him with a small group of his own. but im thinking of letting him take over so i can have some fun times with CC saying "the mighty serpentor has fallen, i am now the leader of cobra, follow me." then serpentor would come back later, i got thinking about this because of watching transformers so much the last few days. [/COLOR]
08-15-2008, 06:44 PM
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well... in your joeverses...
which Cobras will support Serpy and wich ones would support CC?[/COLOR]
08-15-2008, 08:28 PM
[COLOR=Red]that i havent decided yet. if i do it, probably the same ones who backed serpentor in the toon would. i wonder why they never put storm shadow in the cartoon where serpentor came to be. probably because he was supposed to be loyal to the commander no matter what and he could have stopped the whole thing.[/COLOR]
08-16-2008, 10:14 AM
i only use serpentor for flash backs , cobra civil war , zartan takes him out .. ;)
Roland da Thompson Gunner
08-16-2008, 11:20 AM
I like Serpentor as a figure as he looks cool but I really have no use for him otherwise, he just wouldn't fit in. Here you have a bunch of guys in blue suits and scarves, a disco reject in a metal helmet, a one eyed poet, and a hella shifty guy in a blue suit and a rag on his head. They don't even have a scientist how are they going to get the DNA to clone a dude or even know how to?
08-16-2008, 02:26 PM
i always had him going after the SGT. this new one that came out is like ,whatever, but from what i have seen, the one there going to release later this year looks cool.but we have to wait and see,
Lava Boss
08-16-2008, 04:48 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well... in your joeverses...
which Cobras will support Serpy and wich ones would support CC?[/COLOR] [/QUOTE]
Short answer: I don't have a real joeverse currently, so I can't say for sure.
Depends on how treacherous they are and what they'd gain. If Destro was mad at C.C. or not or had his own army doing its own thing.
The only sure thing is that Serpentor has Mindbender in his corner. Cobra Commander's treachery towards his own lackeys means that any of them could side against him and side with a rival more out of hatred towards CC than loyalty to someone else.
Taking the comic into consideration, who doesn't have reasons to want C.C. deposed or dead? (Mostly minor players like Wild Weasel, Slice and Dice)
Taking the cartoons into consideration, who never betrayed the Commander? (Copperhead, Wild Weasel, Firefly, Storm Shadow and Major Bludd) Who restored him, despite earlier betrayals? (Baroness...with Gnawgahyde).
The toys, Mindbender's role in the V-Troops and BAT program would put related troops on characters on Serpentor's side perhaps. The Crimson Guard are supposed to Cobra Commander's most loyal troopers.
Most fans favor Cobra Commander so much that when a split comes around, they usually lump the main Cobra characters all on the Commander's side. Serpentor gets nobodies (Overlord) and not-so-favorites and Dr. Mindbender. This allows a reset button, so once the conflict is over, Cobra's mainstays remain.
But it flies in the face of the Sunbow series and the comic, where betrayal was the hallmark of Cobra's golden years. The Hasbro/Sunbow rationale for Serpentor's creation was all about his creators gaining power. I suspect that was Dr. Venom's original plan in the comic (he came up with the idea of a composite clone super trooper) , since he was quite treacherous.
08-16-2008, 06:10 PM
Sepentor (Siam Kessler) is the nephew of Clyde Kessler (my Cobra Comanders name) and the son of Claud Kessler (do the math). The Kesslers are the rulling house of the United Dutchies of Arbia. Sepentor is the the commander of the 9th inf regiment. Clyde has no sons so Sepentor is in line after his father.
08-17-2008, 09:54 AM
My thoughts -
This current Serpentor is a third clone, but genetically enhanced by scientists loyal to Cobra Commander. There's a genetic tag within Serpentor that makes him loyal to Cobra Commander. He is genetically predisposed to do CC's bidding. Sort of like the clone troopers with Order 66. They have no choice but to follow Order 66. Same with this new Serpy, he has no choice but to follow CC's directives and there's no way he can get around it, except death.
He'd be a great battlefield commander and an impressive political "face" behind Cobra, stirring up whatever terrorist nations that can become Cobra allies. A great and frightening maniacal spokesperson for Cobra.
08-17-2008, 12:05 PM
[QUOTE=giTom]My thoughts -
This current Serpentor is a third clone, but genetically enhanced by scientists loyal to Cobra Commander. There's a genetic tag within Serpentor that makes him loyal to Cobra Commander. He is genetically predisposed to do CC's bidding. Sort of like the clone troopers with Order 66. They have no choice but to follow Order 66. Same with this new Serpy, he has no choice but to follow CC's directives and there's no way he can get around it, except death.
He'd be a great battlefield commander and an impressive political "face" behind Cobra, stirring up whatever terrorist nations that can become Cobra allies. A great and frightening maniacal spokesperson for Cobra.[/QUOTE]
I like this idea... :rolleyes:
08-31-2008, 12:40 AM
Serpentor and the Coil never interested me. They create something that is superior to any Cobra in any way. He doesn't exist to subvert Cobra Commander, he exists to replace him outright. I also find it ludicrous that he would have followed Golobulus for any extended period of time. My own fanwank is he was biding his time, seeing that he had no tactical advantage to move against Golobulous in the Cobra La Ice Dome.
It all played out like the toon, got his cape stuck in his chariot and was injured, gone forever? Cobra is left shattered, Twins turn to crime, Destro is off doing his thing, much like the Decepticons in Transformers, lowest of lows the post-movie season. Cobra Commander returns from his snake form, battle armor is actually a mutation stablizing device, and rebuilds Cobra and plans his revenge on Golobulous, assuming he ever can find him. Golobulous is like Unicron, always a danger lurking in the shadows, but not amounting to anything after the movie, but still a big symbol of evil, as he is responsible for unleshing both Cobra Commander and Serpentor upon the world.
Eventually Serpentor would reemerge with the help of Pythona (who's loyalities are to him, not Golobulous), only both he and Cobra Commander would be summoned before Golobulous for some purpose to conquer the world. He'd expect them to fall back in line as his lieutenants. At that point, the two rivals would form a shaky alliance to finally bring down Golobulous once and for all, only to backstab one another afterwards. These are just story concepts I played out as a kid.
Serpentor and Cobra Commander remind me of Hordack and Skeletor, or Megatron and Starscream. A pairing that could actually conquer the world if they actually worked together, but the desire to rule alone make it impossible.
Who has the advantage? Depends on the day of the week, the mood I am in. I'm not pleased with the 25th Serpentor, so Battle Armor CC is running the show right now and Serpy is stuck in the Cobra Arena of Sport.
If one is in charge, the other is disposed of. Cobra Commander is too arrogant to kill Serpentor, when he has the advantage, Serpentor is put in the Cobra Arena of Sport as CC's amusement, forced to fight captured Joes and such. Serpentor, of course, is too good to lose any fight, and sure enough, eventually escapes, sometimes with the help of his opponents in the Arena, and re-takes over Cobra. CC has to go into hiding because Serpentor would kill him given the chance. Eventually Cobra Commander makes a play to take back over Cobra, the cycle repeats itself. The cycle is only broken when Golobulous shows his face, then and only then will they work together.
08-31-2008, 01:23 AM
Eventually Serpentor would reemerge with the help of Pythona (who's loyalities are to him, not Golobulous), only both he and Cobra Commander would be summoned before Golobulous for some purpose to conquer the world. He'd expect them to fall back in line as his lieutenants. At that point, the two rivals would form a shaky alliance to finally bring down Golobulous once and for all, only to backstab one another afterwards. These are just story concepts I played out as a kid.
Serpentor and Cobra Commander remind me of Hordack and Skeletor, or Megatron and Starscream. A pairing that could actually conquer the world if they actually worked together, but the desire to rule alone make it impossible.
Who has the advantage? Depends on the day of the week, the mood I am in. I'm not pleased with the 25th Serpentor, so Battle Armor CC is running the show right now and Serpy is stuck in the Cobra Arena of Sport.
If one is in charge, the other is disposed of. Cobra Commander is too arrogant to kill Serpentor, when he has the advantage, Serpentor is put in the Cobra Arena of Sport as CC's amusement, forced to fight captured Joes and such. Serpentor, of course, is too good to lose any fight, and sure enough, eventually escapes, sometimes with the help of his opponents in the Arena, and re-takes over Cobra. CC has to go into hiding because Serpentor would kill him given the chance. Eventually Cobra Commander makes a play to take back over Cobra, the cycle repeats itself. The cycle is only broken when Golobulous shows his face, then and only then will they work together.[/QUOTE]
i really, really like this idea. it follows the cartoon perfectly and seems like a great story that should have been told. this cold possibly change the directin of my storyline, ive been wanting to, but havent had cobra la in it yet. maybe you should do a dio about this.[/COLOR]
08-31-2008, 05:30 AM
[QUOTE=dakullprt]Sepentor (Siam Kessler) is the nephew of Clyde Kessler (my Cobra Comanders name) and the son of Claud Kessler (do the math). The Kesslers are the rulling house of the United Dutchies of Arbia. Sepentor is the the commander of the 9th inf regiment. Clyde has no sons so Sepentor is in line after his father.[/QUOTE]
I like this realistic aproach. Where does Raptor fit into your Joverse? If you use him at all?
08-31-2008, 11:58 AM
In My JoeVerse, Serpentor is much Like GITom said. Third Clone. V1 was created by Dr. Mindbender as a replacement for Cobra Commander. Cobra Commander funded the Project thinking he was getting the Ultimate battlefield commander. When it was realized that Serpentor was meant to replace him, the Cobra Civil war broke out. Serpentor was killed by Zartan. MindBender hedged his bets by cloning Serpentor (and himself) and hiding the technology, clones and his notes in Various Places. Cobra Commander is FURIOUS and wants the destroy the Serpentor Project.
MindBender keeps one step ahead by downloading his consciousness every so often into a computer program that can reload it into a Clone much like the "Synch Cord" in the Schwarzenegger movie "The 6th Day".
Serpentor 2 was one of these clones as was Mindbender. The events happened pretty much as the devils Due comic portrayed them. Another War between the Coil and Cobra. Although Cobra Commander destroyed the coil, some hardcore loyalists escaped and began rebuilding. Along the way, they infiltarted Cobra (And MARS) and have sabotaged Cobra Commanders efforts and put strain on his and Destro's relationship.(Because of this, Cobra is depleted and Cobra Commander started the Venom 2 Project which failed with the exception of Sgt Riddick) Mindbender has escaped Cobra (See Enemy of my Enemy # 2) and is getting ready to create Serpentor #3.
I haven't gotten to that part yet, but #3, being the best version of Serpentor yet, will realize that he cannot take over cobra, and he an the Commander will be forever locked in a duel, depleting both Cobra and The Coil. He also knows any other Army large enough to take over the world will not have him because he's FAR too dangerous. So he will strike up a bargain. He will be Cobra Commanders new General, he will lead the Armies of Cobra for Cobra Commander, but cobra Commander has to give him TOTAL control of strategic and Tactical Decisions. Cobra Commander says "Take country X" but Serpentor decides HOW to take Country X. Like Swindle said, if CC and Serpentor can unite, they can take over the world. But on the way, they will need to cut deals and bolster their forces with groups like Destro and his Iron Grenadiers, Headman and his Headhunters, The Skull Troopers, the Dreadnoks and maybe even a newly formed Oktober Guard! The new Serpentor MArk 3 is not only the ultimate battlefield commander, but a skilled Politician and master manipulator.
The fun is just begining in MY JoeVerse!
08-31-2008, 02:46 PM
[COLOR=Red]nice, cant wait to see it all happen.[/COLOR]
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