View Full Version : Tropical Storm Fay

08-21-2008, 09:04 PM
Thought I would let you all know what was going on here this week. Tropical Storm Fay has been pounding us here. I just got my power back on today after 3 days of being out, thank gods, it has been so hot!! We have gotten close to 30 inches of rain since Monday and it is still raining!! This is a shot of the rain when it was real heavy, the shot is not blurry, that distortion is the rain coming down.
We had a record 22 inches of rainfall in a 24 hour period! Needless to say everywhere is flooded. I have been through dozens of hurricanes and I have never seen anything like this before. Usually they are traveling at 25 MPH or more, this one was going 2 MPH. It just sat on top of us and pounded. The winds were not to bad at around 60 MPH
Of course the first thing to go was the screened-in porch, and I had to fish the lawn chairs out of the pool.
I tried to get more pictures, but my camera kept fogging up. The rain is suppose to keep up until Saturday, but at lease it is alot lighter now. Just wanted everyone to know I am not MIA, I am going to be moving this next week. I can't get to the new house right now because the road is flooded and is closed. Saturday was the move date, but we will have to wait a little longer. My collection is ALOT thinner now, but I still have some cool figs to take shots of. I still have alot for sale, if you need something let me know. Dave

08-21-2008, 09:12 PM
wowzers Dave First Thing First Glad Your Safe. Take Care Of That Family Of Yours And Get Back To Us Whenever Your Done Taking Care Of Business Buddy.
Best Regards Marcos ;)

08-21-2008, 09:12 PM
Great to see you're still around, Vader! It seems you left just as I was coming back.

That shot of the rain is INTENSE! I drove through some stuff a few years ago that I figured was the hardest rain on record, but I'm thinkin' Fay takes the cake.

Anyway, hope everything gets through the rest of the rain with minimal damage, and I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us when you start takin' pics again.

Good luck!

08-21-2008, 09:35 PM
Marcos, Dave thanks! The 22" record is for Melbourne, the previous record was like 11" here. In 1950 Hurricane Easy droped 38.5" just north of Tampa, that is the record for the state. One sour note, because we are moving, all of my collection was packed in the garage. The garage started to flood and my boxed Terror Drome & Death Star playsets got soaked. I caught it before it was a complete loss. Hopefully the boxes will dry without to much damage, the toys are safe. Thank gods my figures were in ziplocks and stayed dry! :)

08-21-2008, 10:05 PM
That stubborn storm . I know we could use the ran if it would come up to Ga.

Glade your ok

08-22-2008, 12:27 AM
Scary photos Dave, glad you got through alright though buddy! Man, 30 inches of rain? It takes us years to accumulate that much here. If we get 15 or 20mm (less than an inch) in one day, we call that a downpour!

08-22-2008, 12:40 AM
Looks like a nice house, good luck!

Urban Saboteur
08-22-2008, 07:27 AM
Hey Dave,
First things first, it's good your alright, I was actually thinking of PM'ing you on here as I'd not heard back from you for a few weeks or so now. :)

Those shots definately capture the mood and relentlessness of the tropical storm.

I wish you the best of luck for the near future and hope the move goes off well. :D

08-22-2008, 09:33 AM
I'm glad you are ok. I didnt imagine how powerful was this storm. BTW it was a pleasure to do business with you.

08-22-2008, 01:22 PM
It's great to see that you're still around. Good luck with the move, and I think everyone will be glad to have you back soon.

08-22-2008, 02:18 PM
You were inside of a big $hit ah bro. Good is that you are safe and sounding as we hope you can be for long time. Here in south Brazil we had a rain coming 7 days long. Today was the first sunny day. But I think we weren't so bad as you were.

Just call us to the swimingpool when things start to get better :).

08-22-2008, 08:54 PM
I was wondering where Dave, i hope we'll see you whyou and yours are safe we'll see you when the storm's over