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View Full Version : all the dio stories

08-24-2008, 08:16 AM
[COLOR=Red] there are so, so many dio stories out there on the web. some of them are joe dios, some are star wars and some are a mixture. some are continuing and some are one shots. yet, it is so hard to find these. when i started first reading dios, i found dozens of them from many different people, most of which i havent saw again. soon one of them (hammerfel's) led me to this site. after finding this site i thought i wouldnt need to look around anymore, that all dios would could be found here. i see now that that is not true.

i see the end of days dio posted over on joecustoms but not here. i see spin doctors hide and seek posted on joebattlelines but not here. general hawks dios use to be posted here but now there on joebattlelines and not here. some dios are posted only on violentfix's site The Tri-State G.I.Joe Collectors Forum and nowhere else. we are all so scattered that its hard to hunt down and read anything. i thought that with the name joedios that most would post here, but they do not. is it because many dont know about this site, is it because we here on joe dios do not give enough feedback so the authors dont think their stories were read, or is it some other reason?

maybe we need to contact some of these authors and tell them to post a link here, or give us that know them permission to post a link for them, maybe start a outsiders dio thread or something. dio stories are what got me back into joes. i thought after reading them that i would make my own and be part of something big, it doesnt seem so now. i know that this site mainly takes a picture standpoint, but if not for the dio stories i probably would not come here. so, if anyone knows of any good dio stories out there that are not posted here, write the person who did them and ask if it would be ok to post the link here.

08-24-2008, 08:54 AM
It would be cool if more people posted up dio stories. I try to advertise Joedios on some other sites. I dont know how successful I am. And to be honest, I don't know if what I do is a dio or not....I usually have a little story to tell in 5-8 shots. I build a set and set up some guys and make up a story from there. And I see people saying "1-shot dio" and I think that my stuff qualifies, and then I see a dio comic book story that is months in the making with full blown chapters and what not and I know that I probably don't have a whole comic book worth of stuff.

08-24-2008, 09:03 AM
[COLOR=Red]dios can be one shots or a long story with chapters. just like a comic, some stories take only one comic, others take 4 or more. i have done 3 one shots and plan on doing more, its a way to get some characters spotlight without having to worry about the long haul.[/COLOR]

08-24-2008, 09:04 AM
[COLOR=Red]here is a link to the dead end dios story, he is having some problems with the site, but it is a good story if you can read it. [/COLOR]

08-24-2008, 09:05 AM
so to be a dio, it has to be a story, or has to have a set? somewhat confused about what they really are

08-24-2008, 09:19 AM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank]so to be a dio, it has to be a story, or has to have a set? somewhat confused about what they really are[/QUOTE]
doesnt have to have a set. i have used the outdoors as my setting for a bunch of my stuff, and i have read some that use a desktop, although these arent the best looking, some have cool stories. but yes, in order to be a dio story they need a story, otherwise they are only a dio, not dio story. [/COLOR]

08-24-2008, 09:25 AM
When I think of "dioramas", I think of a built scene like the ones on this page: http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2002/06/stuff_eng_tech_diorama_bases.htm . I think most of our "Photos" qualify as dioramas.

When I think "dio-story", I think of things like your Hidden Agenda, lehsreh.

Since joedios doesn't really host dio-stories, I think a good call would be to contact dio-authors (like you said, lehsreh), and just ask them to put the covers to their stories on here, with links to said stories (as well as their main site, so we can check out older stories). That'd make this the hub for all G.I. Joe dio-stories.

If people know the dios can all be found through this site, our beloved joedios would get more traffic, and possibly even more creative people to draw ideas from - I like to say "draw ideas from", some might say ripping off :D

Anyway, there's my two cents.

Have fun, gang!!!

Edit: Uhh... after reading through the thread again, I pretty much typed what's already been said. Please disregard my non-sensical ramblings :o

08-24-2008, 09:35 AM
ok...I do dios, with a short story. I like the set building more than the story telling.

08-24-2008, 11:00 AM
[COLOR=Red]here is a link to another dios story. i had never read these until a week or so ago.[/COLOR]


08-24-2008, 11:39 AM
a story can have words, or you can tell a story without words, just a pic alone can tell a whole story, its how you see it to present to others,,

08-24-2008, 11:48 AM
[COLOR=Red]i put a few links in the dio author section[/COLOR]