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View Full Version : The Next Dio Is ON!

08-26-2008, 07:03 PM
I know I haven't finished up the 1st Archives episode dealing with the creation of the NeoVipers and Gung Ho's destruction of the factory... And I haven't finished up Hunt For Sonneilon either (I have NO idea where that's going, but I have some ideas...).

But I've started the next 'big' dio. Yup. This next dio will be part of the ongoing GI Joe : Modern Day dios that started with "Transformations" and continued on thru "The Island". I don't quite know what's going on yet. But like Self-Modifier, I'm keeping the stories in the same universe that I've created AND it'll still be sci-fi/horror. Well, not sure about the horror part. Hopefully you guys aren't hard real life fans to NOT go for the concept of, uh, genetically enhanced humans (moreso than the NeoVipers). It'll be an interesting tale where the GI Joe verse crosses a bit with another 'verse out there. But if some people can make the A-Team and Rambo part of GI Joe, I can do that with... Well, you'll see.

Now if only Agent Viper had instant messaging again...

08-26-2008, 08:09 PM
I want it when you're done. The stuff I've read of yours in the past is a TOTALLY different direction for the team. And your particular "different" is most definitely good.

08-26-2008, 08:20 PM
[COLOR=Red]i for one am down for some joe tales with a twist like your sci fi elements and self modifier's transformers. if all joe dios were straight out war stories, well then it would get boring quickly. im going to be putting into one of my dios, but hama did it and everyone loves him, so...

and where is agent viper? havent saw him on in a few days, or weeks...[/COLOR]

08-27-2008, 01:05 PM
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]My question would be:

how do you start a dio project? do you actually write?[/COLOR]

Agent Viper
08-27-2008, 01:38 PM

No worries lol.

Wel Graham, hit me a couple pm's on questions or ideas and I will def. get back to you.

Just bacxk home and only get on at friends so..yea.

Well hit me up G :D

08-27-2008, 01:57 PM
Thats great news! Are you going to send them to me or are you going to post them somewhere?