View Full Version : What would you do?
Urban Saboteur
08-30-2008, 08:17 PM
Hey guys,
thought I would throw this scenario out to any Dio'ers out there, I couldn't sleep tonight, and i've been having problems sleeping of late, it's about 4AM in the morning here in the UK and i've been thinking about an Idea for a new G.I.JOE story..
my point or question is simply this.. I have the idea and I like it, however
1. I dont have the figures or resources to push for creating the story just now
2. I am already half way through another dio/story at the moment which I am focused on.
What do I do? Should I bury the idea as nonsical because I can't sleep and it's because I have a wandering mind? Or should I flesh out the idea in draft in preparation for a future time and see if anything comes of it?
The idea I have focuses soley around one guy from GIJOE and i have to say he's never really been considered one of my favourites, but the story and the idea I have for him suits him quite well and I'd really enjoy making something out of it.
Anyone else been in this predicament before? I'd really like to 'take this on' and do it now, but with the things I'm already doing I can only see it adding to the many things I already have going. :o
08-30-2008, 09:14 PM
If you think it's perfect for the figure, draft it! Then, finish your current stuff, and in the meantime buy up some figs/resources, and come back to it after the other stuff's done.
I'm trying to write jokes, so I'll inevitably think of ones while I'm trying to sleep, not get up to write 'em down, and completely forget 'em later on. That's the only reason to even THINK I know what I'm talking about :D
Of course, then there's the Mitch Hedberg school of thought: "I sit at my hotel at night, I think of something that's funny, then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen's too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain't funny."
Back on topic: if you look at the draft tomorrow and think, "What was I thinking?" then just pitch it.
No harm, no foul.
Good luck, man!
08-30-2008, 10:52 PM
I say write it down and take a look at it when you're more awake. If you can't get to it now, get to it later. Once you get this dio finished, look at it again and see if is do-able.
What figures and Resources are you lacking? Maybe I (or WE) can help ya out!
08-31-2008, 01:34 AM
[COLOR=Red]without a doubt write it down. i have 2 stories written down from before i started my first, now the way i have worked my dios around, one of them wont be made, but it was the starting point that i was working toward and helped me do the dios i have. so, write it down, but finish the one your on. as of now i have a basic idea for
1)a dio w/ crazy legs vs battle armored CC, still waiting to find the 25th armored CC
2)a dio featuring a group of snow serpents facing nemesis, waiting on the winter packs for this one
3)a dio featuring dusty, waiting on the desert and dvd pack with dusty
4)a dio featuring some of the martial artist of the joe world, star wars and DOA girls which is much like the joe cartoon ninja holiday
5)a halloween dio
6)the dio that i started the prologue in way back in a country boy can survive which will feature what was supposed to be my main team the vandals.[/COLOR]
08-31-2008, 05:13 AM
Write it down, finish the original then begin on the new.
08-31-2008, 06:32 AM
I never write anything down and I know that is my downfall I sometimes have a rough idea but usually I make the story up as I go along. If you have an idea you think is good I'd say write it down, never let your collection limit your creativity figures can be bought/traded for this site is full of some of the most generous/nice people around post a list of the figures you need.
08-31-2008, 06:36 AM
[QUOTE=guiltridden]I never write anything down and I know that is my downfall I sometimes have a rough idea but usually I make the story up as I go along. If you have an idea you think is good I'd say write it down, never let your collection limit your creativity figures can be bought/traded for this site is full of some of the most generous/nice people around post a list of the figures you need.[/QUOTE]
Everybody has their way of doing things. Do you normally write down things for future dios?
Me, I get random ideas, if its sketches or positions of the figures or a random story line I always try to write it down, or draw it or take a rough picture of it for later use.
I say go for it, let no creative idea just wither away, write it down so you don't forget.
Urban Saboteur
08-31-2008, 08:52 AM
Hey Guys,.
Thanks for the cool advice, I'm going to begin a draft right now so I can at least have the basics down. :D
08-31-2008, 11:06 AM
Sleep on it. :p No seriously, sleep on it. If it keeps on coming back to ya, it might be worth doing afterall.
09-02-2008, 07:58 AM
Finish the story you crazy British bastard. In month a month tell me what figs you need. I have doubles like Firefly anf the twins and will provide them for free. I'll pay postage for insurance so some soccer hooligan doesn't kick my ass. Ask Scarlett, i mean what I say..
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