View Full Version : Leaving the Joe-Community for good...
The Faceless Master
09-01-2008, 10:32 AM
Some of you know me, some of you don't
I have been a proud member of the forums for quite some years.
Some of you may have noticed that I have not been participating in forum
discussions, nor keeping the peace within the boards, nor logging in at all
for several months now.
I have decided to leave the Joe-collecting community for good.
I have enjoyed being part of this fantastic community, and I wish you
all the best in your continual efforts in taking fantastically awesome pics
& creating amazing dios of the 3-3/4th world.
I am selling my entire collection *link located at the bottom*
which will be updated with new items as often as possible as
I open the boxes that have been just collecting dust.
My one final request of this community is to please help me get rid
of every single one of them, thank you
09-01-2008, 11:27 AM
Don, that's not news I wanted to hear, but obviously you have your reasons. I'll miss your intelligent input and your pictures, man! Thanks for all the kind comments you have made on my pics over the years. All I can say is I hope whatever you do in your life works out just how you want it to. Good luck and best wishes my friend!
09-01-2008, 12:05 PM
where are you for local pickup?
09-01-2008, 12:37 PM
Good luck in future endeavors man.
I'm interested in a lot of your stuff actually :-s
But I won't be chiming in until the 15th (if there is any left) - payday.
General Scarlett
09-01-2008, 01:26 PM
Hey Don....I'm sorry to hear all this, truly..... :(
I want to wish you well in whatever path life takes you....and if you ever need to chat, I'd be more than willing to listen....
09-01-2008, 01:36 PM
I dont know you but I will say that you should save your stuff in case you change your mind later on.
I wish you well and thanks for all the cool pics I espeally liked the Cobra vs ninja specters and your ally viper customs.
Good luck onward.
neapolitan joe
09-01-2008, 02:08 PM
I am so sad to hear that :( , I'd You change Your mind: however we'll wait Your coming back.
Yo JOE, Brò!
09-01-2008, 02:09 PM
you should do what ya need to do but you should at least keep you favorite ones otherwise you will regret it later
09-01-2008, 03:25 PM
Your awesome customs and input will be missed :( . Good luck.
09-01-2008, 03:35 PM
[COLOR=Red]its always sad to hear that someone who has been around a long time is leaving, so many come to mind. it makes me wonder why, is it something wrong with the people or just lost interest? we are getting new people everyday, but its still sad to see the vets leave. you joined 4 months after i did, makes me wonder if everyone will leave sooner or later.[/COLOR]
09-01-2008, 05:43 PM
I hope you will be back.
09-01-2008, 08:40 PM
That sucks man. But things have to happen, I guess. I'll talk to you on myspace.
The Faceless Master
09-01-2008, 09:04 PM
Craig ~ I will miss your awesome shots, but I will be visiting
JoeDios to check up on your latest pics when I can...
I think the last time i ever logged in here was a month ago :o
Thinktank ~ im in the SF Bay Area
Haradrel ~ don't worry, the items are selling really really slowly :rolleyes:
I REALLY wanna get rid of ALL of them ASAP
Pru ~ thanks for the kind words on both here & yojoe
Trench-Viper ~ thanks... I used to be under userID donsbabyboo ~ check
out those pics as well!! :D
Neapolitan Joe ~ maybe, i doubt it tho... i really just lost my lust for joe-collecting
and I wanna sell all my stuff ASAP
Tracker & Rambo ~ maybe
Scarr ~ your customs are frikkin awesome, keep up the fantastic work
Hershel ~ i simply lost interest, I dont find myself running to the toy section
at Target, or stopping by the nearby TRUs...
If you wanna add me up on myspace, feel free to do so!! :D
09-01-2008, 10:08 PM
Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!
Trench Vipers is DonsBabyBoo? Thanks DRey for telling me!!! Sheesh! You PROBABLY shoulda got a hold of me thru myspace! Now, i wonder if i have Faceless Master's myspace profile somewhere in my mess of friends!
09-02-2008, 05:16 AM
I had wondered where you had been, life takes us in different directions I know I've had times where I just wanted to sell everything best of luck in whatever you do.
09-02-2008, 06:35 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Whoa whoa whoa whoa!!!
Trench Vipers is DonsBabyBoo? Thanks DRey for telling me!!![/QUOTE]
Øøøh... No?!?
The Faceless Master used to be DonsBaybyBoo. Not me.
09-02-2008, 07:39 AM
Take a break from it a while and put the collection in storage. As for your collection SAVE THEM. After having accumulated many collections, the 25th being my last you will want to hold on to your booty for the time when you want to get back in the game. I regret destroying my Ninja Force when I saw Slice and Dice in Larry Hama's story with Firefly and Storm Shadow.Not the present Arah. I was like aw man. Think it through and don't make a rash decision. You have a blockbuster movie coming out, different figs, collect Arah if not happy with 25th. Just take time off, don't leave!! That would be doing a less than honorable thing because people would miss you. People look forward to hearin from you. That would be dissin them and their friendship!!!!!!!!!
09-02-2008, 07:51 AM
I don't know what's goin on in your life and why you're getting out, but I gotta agree with a lot of the people here: Save what you have. If not, at least save a "core" set of figures that you love. I recently got a hold of a childhood friend of mine who gave me his collection when he was about 17, and he says he really wishes he had kept his toys.
I'm truly gonna miss you. I remember you from when I joined and you have always been in my corner with honest criticism and heart felt praise. Take care in whatever you do and don't be a stranger.
09-02-2008, 08:18 AM
I saw you around when I first joined the boards. I wish you the best of luck on whatever you do. You will always have a place amongst us Joe fanatics.
09-03-2008, 03:25 PM
It is sad to see a friend of the community and, I think, a major contributor decides it is time to hang it all up. I wish you the very best with your life. As an old friend I had used to say, “May you life be like a roll of toilet paper, long and useful.” If you ever decide you want come back we’ll leave a light on for ya. Good luck and may the force be with you. :D
We at the Sithviper compound salute you.
The Faceless Master
09-07-2008, 03:55 PM
yah, i doubt i'll be back
i might drop in every now & then to check out photos & what not
thanks for the salute send off SithViper!! very :cool:
oh also, more items added to my for sale list :p
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