09-07-2008, 11:05 AM
Hey guys, I was over at Generals Joes (http://generalsjoes.com) last night (A fan sight ran by Justin Bell), to discover a post that can be read here (http://generalsjoes.com/?p=236), should go out to all Joes. Some time here lately, his camera busted on him and he needs a replacement. He has a paypal account set up that donations can be sent here (https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=XKBczd6gDfdOGw7RAZgzEyn7orsRDLpTQGFq04CMq88e_R_rWSPXFawPo1a&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f38432c9462fe731381a7a80e09148cd4af2c34b16e5a6822). For those who don't know, Justin has been a pioneer in the online G.I. Joe dio-stories as well as a critic for all things joe-related and some that are not. Justin offers fair unbiased reviews of figures, playsets and vehicles even if it doesn't particularly appeal to him. His dio-stories and reviews single handedly brought me back into Joe collecting two years ago. If you have never been to his sight, I urge you to go and see for yourself why we need to help keep this guy going. This thread was in no way authorized by Justin, I just felt we should all help if we can. YO JOE!