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09-08-2008, 02:02 PM
Went to my local Big Lots today and found they've got their PTE stuff in stock again. It wasn't as much as last year. I got the attack helicopter and the lookout tower.

Lava Boss
09-08-2008, 03:24 PM
They seem to have a lot less stuff than prior years.

Last year had a full aisle with the command post, the bridge, the 4 different humvees, the artillery, the tank, attack helicopter (little bird), the A-10, maybe the seal boat, plus the small camel, horse, lean-to, kayak and paratrooper sets. (Some claim have seen Swat/firefighter sets).

Year before had the bunks and locker and tent sets, plus the carded 6-packs of figures. An unarmed little bird with sand rail dune buggy set.

This year, it's just an end cap with the tower, the attack helicopter, the cannon and the small sets.

No Humvees (not yet anyway), which you'd think would have wider appeal than say, a guard tower.

Instead they carry more and more Transformer knock-offs and out right bootlegs. You can army build rescue bots and aerial bots.

09-08-2008, 07:32 PM
I'll have to stop by the local Big Lots

09-08-2008, 07:47 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I went tonight and got a lookout tower and a horse. They didn't have any bunks and lockers. Have to check the one in the next town.

09-08-2008, 08:00 PM
yeah It's True I Picked Up Two Police Figures A Policeman And Swat Figure Last Yr. They Came With Tools A Barracade And Broken Up Wall Piece. I Have A Lot Of Those Army And Desert Figures. If Any One Wants To Trade Or Work A Deal Pm Me ;)

09-08-2008, 08:15 PM
My Big Lots had the Tower, Little Bird, Howitzer Cannon, Horse, Camel, Para-Trooper, Camp fire and 4 different types of 3 packs. However there was a lot of space in between the Vehicles and the figure packs that gives me hope that this is only the first wave of PTE. The extra room I'm hoping for will be for some Humvees.

09-09-2008, 04:14 AM
If anyone sees any of the Black SWAT Humvees, could you pick me up one...or two...or three?? I'll pay you back!

YO Johnny
09-10-2008, 11:29 AM
My Big Lots has the howitzer cannon, I waited too lang last year, and missed out on it. Won't make the same mistake this year. I hope to find the patrol boat as well. Shippy needs a ride.

09-10-2008, 02:46 PM
Since I work for a Merchandising company when I walked in Big Lots last week I saw some of the stuff with obvious holes throughout the expanding toys section which only means one thing........reset for Christmas!!!!!

They are beginning their expansion for the Christmas season, they are usually first to have their stuff up compared to the other retailers. They will be getting more stuff throughout the next few months through December so if you don't see something now you probably will in the next few weeks. They are quick to clear it out at the beginning of January so don't put off buying something for too long.

On a side not it was nice to see the expansion of Joes in TRU and in Wal-Mart too...now if I could only get my hands on the Target Rattler and Conquest!!!

09-10-2008, 08:56 PM
Picked up 2 watch towers and 2 ranger sets. They had the best acc in them. Saw the camel and horse sets, parachute guy, seal kayak,lean to campfire thingy,sand rail buggy and little bird. Im sad to say no lockers or bunks or large aircraft. Im going back for a few sand rails and little birds after payday.

09-14-2008, 02:57 AM
Checked both Big Lots here,they both had the same few things.All they had was the Lookout Tower,Little Bird Chopper,Howitzer Cannon,Horse,Camel,Campfire & Parachute pack.I bought another Little Bird Chopper,and i'll probably get another Tower.But what i'm really wanting is the Hummers,so i'm hoping they get them in sometime soon.I remember last Year the whole row was full of different things,they had everything they made here last Year.I should of bought more than I did last Year,and if they get a full stock like last Year i'll get everything this time.

YO Johnny
09-14-2008, 04:51 PM
I got the cannon this weekend, it dosen't dissapoint. it also comes with a cool sandbag wall, a backpack radio, that I gave to breaker, and a flak jacket. It was almost worth it for the extras!