View Full Version : G.I. Joe, year by year.

09-15-2008, 08:14 AM
[COLOR=Red]i thought it would be interesting to go through the years and see what each year meant to each of us. by this i not only mean the figures, but the comics and cartoon as well.

first off, 1982 and 1983. i think these two years can be put together as one as most of the 83 figures were remakes of 82 with swivel arms. so, what did the 82 and 83 figures mean to you, how did they have an impact on your life. the same for the comics and the M.A.S.S. device cartoon.[/COLOR]

09-15-2008, 08:19 AM
[COLOR=Red]this is a bad start for me as at this time i didnt even know about the figures and wouldnt know about the comics until years later. i do remember watching the cartoon. i remember that TBS would show it, then wait a few months and show it again. i loved it, but still didnt know anything about G.I. Joe, that would come 2 years later, but ill have to save that for the 85 year.[/COLOR]

09-15-2008, 09:39 AM
Me neither saw them so I got nothing to say. Exept that they mean overused molds for me.

09-15-2008, 11:11 AM
2 and 3 years old no joes in my life yet

09-15-2008, 11:43 AM
The first thing I ever got GI Joe related was the Adventure Team copter in 1978, so that was a start. For the 3 3/4" it was the 1982 Colorform play set, thin plastic pieces that clung to this special board, almost like fridge magnets, after that I got the RAM and Breaker for Christmas, and that was the beginning, mind you I never had a lot of Joes, I remember having a VAMP w/Clutch, Duke, Zartan & the Chameleon, the Manta, a HISS tank, a couple of Cobras, Destro, Lt Falcon (the version with the sound attack backpack), 1989 Rock n Roll with the ridiculous guns, a rather beaten up Skystriker, and Airtight. I also had the TYCO train set. I was really into the cartoon, and never even read the comic until a few years ago.

These days I pretty much have all of the vehicles I ever wanted (some are still incomplete, but I'm getting there), and I'm still working on the figures side of the house, I never ever really lost my love of GI Joe, it fell to the sidelines for quite a few years, but I still picked up stuff here and there (my original collection, as small as it was went to one of my cousins quite a few years ago)