View Full Version : Contest : September

09-16-2008, 09:30 PM
It’s CONTEST time! As promised, there IS a September contest! Check out these prizes… But first, this is OPEN to all members. And this time, I HAVE TO change things up. It IS free. I pay the shipping for EVERYTHING. But due to funds, all participants who enter will NOT receive freebies (in the past, if you entered, I still sent goodies). I have leftovers which I WILL send out to those who probably never entered. Anyway, anyone can enter. EVEN if we’ve had beefs in the past, I throw that out and YOU can enter and maybe even WIN! What do you lose? A few minutes of your time or net searching for the correct answers.

So check it out. To win, you gotta answer correctly. THE people who answer ALL questions correctly are in a pool for THE TOP 3 PRIZES!

What are the prizes?

1st Prize. Predator. This is a TOY (not statue, not Microman, etc) that was DESIGNED by my uncle Randy Bowen. You don’t recognize that name??? Randy Bowen was THE foremost statue sculptor. In the 90s, some of you might remember the statue of the Death Dealer that was painted by Frank Frazetta. Randy Bowen did the statue. I was at his house for a Thanksgiving and watched him work his magic. At that time, he was doing the shield to attach to the knight. This Predator TOY is signed by him. He designed it and it was used by another company. This is NOT to scale with any other figure

2nd Prize. Grendel Cycle Badge. ALSO designed by Randy Bowen. This is a VERY fragile piece and signed by him. You don’t know Grendel. Think Dark Horse. Think Matt Wagner. I admit, I’ve LOOKED at the piece but never did anything with it other than NOT figure out how it fits BACK into the package! It’s pretty mint.

3rd Prize. Ok, this prize is pretty dang goofy. I am NOT going to reveal what it is. Just as I didn’t quite reveal at the time what 3rd Prize was last time. For the record, TroopsOfDoom won Prize3 and he will be receiving ( I just mailed the 14lb package today) 10 resin/clay/something Chinese Terra-Cotta-wannabe soldiers. These have been discontinued to by Daiso (where I used to work) and well, he gets the case they came in. He gets 2 cases (5 pieces each). BUT THIS 3rd PRIZE is radically different. They are incredibly geeked. And let’s face it… The significant other MIGHT like them better than you. BUT hell, maybe you can find a use for them in the pictures!!!

The contest ends 9/26/08. That should give you all plenty of time to figure out the answers. AND maybe go and rent a video or two. “Yeah baby, I wanna do this contest but I really need to watch Ong Bak the Thai Warrior cuz… Well, there are questions about it and it’s supposed to be a really good movie…”

PM me the answers and PLEASE include screen name, real name and shipping address.

Onto the body count!!!

09-16-2008, 09:32 PM



1)) Will Smith’s wingman for the 1st battle scene is:

A. Harry Connick Jr
B. Dr. Dre
C. Val Kilmer

2) The alien forces are defeated by:

A. Jeff Goldblum’s character’s computer virus.
B. Courtney Love sneezed on an alien that managed to land and run around the city thugging people.
C. Lucas Haas’s vision that everyone should live in teepees. (score extra points if you KNOW where that reference is from!)

3) The President’s wife is played by Mary McDonnell. Other than being the suicidal babe in LAST OF THE MOHICANS, she is also babalicious (for us old folks) in what other tv series?

A. The Sarah Connor Chronicles
B. CSI : Miami
C. Battlestar Galactica (only on the Sci-fi Channel; new version)

4) Dr. Okun was played by the actor:

A. Todd Bridges (kudos to those who KNOW who this is!)
B. Brent Spiner
C. Sam Neill

09-16-2008, 09:32 PM


1) It takes more than 88mph to make the FLUX CAPICATOR to operate. How many gigawatts does it take???

A. 2.21 GW
B. 1.21 GW
C. 2.21 GW

2) ZZ Top has a role as the band in Back To the Future III:

A. True
B. False

3) Christopher Lloyd was a HUGE star in the early 80s. Best known as JIM in TAXI, he showed up in another popular franchise.

A. Star Trek : Search For Spock
B. Star Trek : Wrath Of Kahn
C. Star Trek : Voyage Home

4) Lea Thompson who played Lorraine Baines McFly showed up in this 80s movie:

A. The Breakfast Club
B. War Games
C. Red Dawn

5) In Back to the Future, who killed Marty McFly’s father in the alternate universe?

A. George McFly committed suicide after losing a huge gamble on horse racing.
B. Biff Tannen who always wanted Loraine McFly
C. Doc Emmitt who was truly a psychopath.

09-16-2008, 09:33 PM
Ong-Bak The Thai Warrior


1) What actor plays the main character TING?

A. Tony Jaa
B. Jason Scott Lee
C. Robin Shou

2) The martial art that the main character uses is:

A. Tae Kwon Do
B. Muay Thai
C. WWE-style wrasslin!

3) The bad guy can only properly speak thru a :

A. Voice thingy just like KANE from the WWE. (well, he used to. Rock made fun of him one time. “My name is Kane. I am a rooty poo, candy ass!”)
B. He uses sign language.
C. There IS no main bad guy!

09-16-2008, 09:33 PM
DIE HARD (all 4)


1) John McClane’s hair style in Die Hard 2 is:

A. Shaved bald
B. Short and losing his hair in which, he shaves a few years later…
C. He wears a wig to give him shoulder-length locks.

2) Arguile’s (sp) role in Die Hard is :

A. Limo driver
B. The guy who sets up the bombs in the tower
C. He’s the cop who helps McClane thru the whole ordeal

3) Die Hard takes place in :

A. Los Angeles, Ca
C. Moscow, Id.

4) Die Hard 3 partners Bruce Willis with what famous actor?

A) Matt Damon
B) Will Smith
C) Samuel L Jackson

5) Jeremy Irons plays the bad guy in Die Hard 3 (aka Die Hard With A Vengeance). He ALSO shows up in which movie?

A) Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift
B) Dungeons & Dragons
C) Enter the Dragon

6) In Die Hard 4 (aka Live Free or Die Hard), the bad guy is played by Timothy Olyphant. What other big movie was he in that ended up as a flop?

A) Doom
B) Double Dragon
C) Hitman

7) Kevin Smith plays a WHAT in Die Hard 4?

A) A computer geek who can hack into anything.
B) A newspaper salesman who gets run over by a semi.
C) A musician that only covers Credence Clearwater Revival tunes.

General Jones
09-17-2008, 01:26 PM
PM sent :D

09-17-2008, 04:31 PM
pm Sent To Cool Of You Sonn.

09-17-2008, 04:44 PM
Yes, I purposely made this hard. Look at the prizes, y'know? Course, it's hard for some, easy for others. ;)

09-18-2008, 07:18 AM
my pm was sent yesterday to you

09-22-2008, 12:02 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]3rd Prize. Ok, this prize is pretty dang goofy. I am NOT going to reveal what it is. Just as I didn’t quite reveal at the time what 3rd Prize was last time. For the record, TroopsOfDoom won Prize3 and he will be receiving ( I just mailed the 14lb package today) 10 resin/clay/something Chinese Terra-Cotta-wannabe soldiers. These have been discontinued to by Daiso (where I used to work) and well, he gets the case they came in. He gets 2 cases (5 pieces each).[/QUOTE]
Check out the Chinese Terracotta Warriors in the latest episode of Troops of Doom! (http://troopsofdoomcomic.com/075.html)

Thanks Graham, much appreciated. The package may have been so heavy because you sent me 4 cases (20 figures) instead of 2. :eek:

09-22-2008, 01:54 PM
Those shots are pretty darn cool! Very nice use of those things.

2 cases. 4 cases. I didn't remember! I just know that it's 2 5-packs per case so, uh, it's really 2 cases!

Major Bludd
09-25-2008, 07:54 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]It’s CONTEST time! As promised, there IS a September contest! Check out these prizes… But first, this is OPEN to all members. And this time, I HAVE TO change things up. It IS free. I pay the shipping for EVERYTHING. But due to funds, all participants who enter will NOT receive freebies (in the past, if you entered, I still sent goodies). I have leftovers which I WILL send out to those who probably never entered. Anyway, anyone can enter. EVEN if we’ve had beefs in the past, I throw that out and YOU can enter and maybe even WIN! What do you lose? A few minutes of your time or net searching for the correct answers.

So check it out. To win, you gotta answer correctly. THE people who answer ALL questions correctly are in a pool for THE TOP 3 PRIZES!

What are the prizes?

1st Prize. Predator. This is a TOY (not statue, not Microman, etc) that was DESIGNED by my uncle Randy Bowen. You don’t recognize that name??? Randy Bowen was THE foremost statue sculptor. In the 90s, some of you might remember the statue of the Death Dealer that was painted by Frank Frazetta. Randy Bowen did the statue. I was at his house for a Thanksgiving and watched him work his magic. At that time, he was doing the shield to attach to the knight. This Predator TOY is signed by him. He designed it and it was used by another company. This is NOT to scale with any other figure

2nd Prize. Grendel Cycle Badge. ALSO designed by Randy Bowen. This is a VERY fragile piece and signed by him. You don’t know Grendel. Think Dark Horse. Think Matt Wagner. I admit, I’ve LOOKED at the piece but never did anything with it other than NOT figure out how it fits BACK into the package! It’s pretty mint.

3rd Prize. Ok, this prize is pretty dang goofy. I am NOT going to reveal what it is. Just as I didn’t quite reveal at the time what 3rd Prize was last time. For the record, TroopsOfDoom won Prize3 and he will be receiving ( I just mailed the 14lb package today) 10 resin/clay/something Chinese Terra-Cotta-wannabe soldiers. These have been discontinued to by Daiso (where I used to work) and well, he gets the case they came in. He gets 2 cases (5 pieces each). BUT THIS 3rd PRIZE is radically different. They are incredibly geeked. And let’s face it… The significant other MIGHT like them better than you. BUT hell, maybe you can find a use for them in the pictures!!!

The contest ends 9/26/08. That should give you all plenty of time to figure out the answers. AND maybe go and rent a video or two. “Yeah baby, I wanna do this contest but I really need to watch Ong Bak the Thai Warrior cuz… Well, there are questions about it and it’s supposed to be a really good movie…”

PM me the answers and PLEASE include screen name, real name and shipping address.

Onto the body count!!![/QUOTE]

What about the last contest winners? I know you asked for addresses and that was the last I heard. Just curious :confused:

09-25-2008, 10:09 AM
I sent out a slew of prizes to all entries.

Bludd, didn't I send out stuff to you?

The 1st prize winner... Lava Boss

2nd Prize winner... Vader9000

3rd Prize winner... Troops of Doom

Major Bludd
09-25-2008, 10:25 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I sent out a slew of prizes to all entries.

Bludd, didn't I send out stuff to you?

The 1st prize winner... Lava Boss

2nd Prize winner... Vader9000

3rd Prize winner... Troops of Doom[/QUOTE]

So then why did you ask for my address? As stated in the below post.

I guess I could take it up with Mr Hammerfel

09-25-2008, 11:11 AM
Because all entries received a lil something. Consolation prize. Did I not send you something? I coulda sworn I made out a package to Sebastian Bludd. It should've been a tapestry and a pair of chopsticks. I've done with all the prior contests to the September one.

If you read the original contest stuff AND the later posts, you would've seen everyone that enters gets a lil prize. NOT just the winners.

09-25-2008, 11:16 AM
[QUOTE=Major Bludd]

I guess I could take it up with Mr Hammerfel[/QUOTE]

Oh no!! Oh god nooooo!!! :o

Major Bludd
09-26-2008, 08:12 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Because all entries received a lil something. Consolation prize. Did I not send you something? I coulda sworn I made out a package to Sebastian Bludd. It should've been a tapestry and a pair of chopsticks. I've done with all the prior contests to the September one.

If you read the original contest stuff AND the later posts, you would've seen everyone that enters gets a lil prize. NOT just the winners.[/QUOTE]

In case anyone doesn't know where I live got nailed with a wind storm on Sept 14 so 300,000 people were without power. I've been without power up until this past Wednesday. So know I didn't read all the post in ref to the contest. (No power)
I'm also getting the impression that my inquiry is apparently a joke. And no nothing was ever received

09-26-2008, 11:44 AM
Actually, all the stuff that I stated was from the August contest.

I know I sent a package out to you. If you want another, you can pm me your addy again. I don't keep the addresses from contest to contest (as you can tell because I'm always asking for them). IF you want to decline the prize to keep your address private, that's fine too. I'm sorry that it never showed up. I sent everyone's at the same time and got reports from most of the people that they received it.

I personally don't see the issue as a joke. However, I would've preferred that people read the 'fine print' in the statements in the contest. Everything that has been discussed was already stated.

Major Bludd
09-26-2008, 09:58 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Actually, all the stuff that I stated was from the August contest.

I know I sent a package out to you. If you want another, you can pm me your addy again. I don't keep the addresses from contest to contest (as you can tell because I'm always asking for them). IF you want to decline the prize to keep your address private, that's fine too. I'm sorry that it never showed up. I sent everyone's at the same time and got reports from most of the people that they received it.

I personally don't see the issue as a joke. However, I would've preferred that people read the 'fine print' in the statements in the contest. Everything that has been discussed was already stated.[/QUOTE]

Surprisingly enough I'm an easy going guy. So if you say you sent it then I'll take your word for it I don't hold grunges or anything. No need to send another one. It didn't get here oh well so be it. Stuff happens.

09-27-2008, 10:28 AM
IF you want, I can send another one. It's no problem. I feel kinda bad if you didn't get one. I suggest that if you don't want me to know your real address, give me a friend's or something, y'know? I'm just looking for a shipping address for people regardless if it's their's, their parents's, aunt's, cousins, etc.

Major Bludd
09-27-2008, 01:53 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]IF you want, I can send another one. It's no problem. I feel kinda bad if you didn't get one. I suggest that if you don't want me to know your real address, give me a friend's or something, y'know? I'm just looking for a shipping address for people regardless if it's their's, their parents's, aunt's, cousins, etc.[/QUOTE]

Nope don't worry about it. Like I said no big deal.

09-27-2008, 07:16 PM
Incidentally, I don't have the list here (I'm chillin at my parents) so the winners will be listed Monday morning. There were, iirc, only 4 people who got the correct answers and 2 people who didn't. Therefore, only 6 entries. That means, I should have enough stuff to give out as consolation prizes.

09-28-2008, 08:08 PM
Alright party people! I got things figured out and had a buddy pull the names and the winners are as follows...

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple][SIZE=3]1st Prize - General Jones

2nd Prize - Bravo

3rd Prize - Silent Dusty[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

And even Vader9900 will get a secret 4th prize while Flatline and Urban Saboteur will get consolation prizes! Congrats!

09-28-2008, 08:40 PM

09-28-2008, 10:57 PM
Awesome, thank you!

09-29-2008, 12:02 AM
Hearty Congrats to General Jones, Bravo and Silent dusty.. :D
well done for answering correctly and of course winning.. thanks to Sonn for doing the compo. :cool:

General Jones
09-29-2008, 07:44 AM
Woo Hoo!!!! Rock on! Thanks G. :D

10-17-2008, 01:21 PM
Holy crap, this was 4th prize!!!! :D You rock G, Thank You very much!

10-17-2008, 01:44 PM

10-18-2008, 07:05 PM
I told ya I had a surprise for ya!

Some of you guys know I was doing apt maintenance last summer. On occasion, we'd have people who'd just up and leave, leaving a bunch of stuff left over. This was one of those cases where the guy took all his GOOD stuff (ps3, HD TV, money, etc) but he also left a lot of stuff. We got 1st digs at stuff. The spider is one of the things I found. The guy had gone to the same tech school I'm at now so I know one of the welding guys had made that as either a project or just for practice. I nabbed it but never knew what to do with it. So I figured, "Hey, Marcos needs something since he has everything I've ever given out so..."

Yeah, you should totally do some sort of shot with it. I would have myself, but I'm not exactly in one of those shooting modes.

And Dave, I figured I had some extra goodies around the pad and well, I didn't see them as really worthy prizes. HOWEVER, someone will be getting a geeked prize so...

General Jones
10-21-2008, 09:03 AM
Got my prize in the mail yesterday. It's pretty freakin' cool. Thanks again G.

10-21-2008, 06:37 PM
whens the next one takes place,