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View Full Version : Comic Pack Figures

10-04-2006, 03:06 PM
I'm a big comic pack fan. I love the idea and love with figures are released with new heads in comic pack format. So I was wondering which 3 figs you would see released. It doesn't mater if they are in the same comic. Just pick up 3 figs to receive comic pack treatment.

My choices would be:

Ripcord with the same acc as v1, but new head and the rubber hands! Of course the helmet mask have to be redone to fit the fig.

BAT v1

Outback v1

10-04-2006, 06:09 PM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]I'm a big comic pack fan. I love the idea and love with figures are released with new heads in comic pack format. So I was wondering which 3 figs you would see released. It doesn't mater if they are in the same comic. Just pick up 3 figs to receive comic pack treatment.[/QUOTE]


That's it. He's the only one I really, really want. If I had to come up with two others, one would likely be Kwinn in his summer clothes, but I'd have to think about the other. Billy, maybe, or perhaps Scarface or Professor Appel... Or Snake-Eyes unmasked from the late issues.

So okay, let's say Dr. Venom, Summertime Kwinn, and Snake-Eyes (circa issue 150).

10-04-2006, 11:13 PM
Dr Venom and Prof Appel have already been mentioned, and I would also like to see a Cool Breeze figure. Billy would be kind of cool too, as would Capt Minh. Then I think a Captain Bulgakov figure would be great to have. When you think about it, there's plenty of characters out there to do! :)

10-05-2006, 08:09 AM
I'd like to see something like a Cobra Island insertion force if that #'d comic wasn't already done. Falcon, Sneek Peak and Gung Ho. The last 2 are negotiable, but I'd like to see Falcon get the push again.

Keep in mind, Hasbro bases the chars of the specific issues. So you can't exactly ask for, oh, a Crimson Guard and want a Marvel #2. lol.

Maybe that story arc of where Stalker and (odd) crew go in to Borovia to save that political guy could be neat. Give us another Stalker, Quick Kick and that dude who Stalker had a sniping match with. (uhmmmm, maybe give us the White Clown? HAHAHAHAHAHA, no.)