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09-24-2008, 09:59 PM
[COLOR=Red]once again hasbro is taking our questions and giving us ambiguous answers. G is a little busy so i offered to lend a hand and send the questions in this time. were getting a late start this time so hurry up with the Q's, they have to be in by monday at noon.[/COLOR]

09-25-2008, 12:47 AM
1: Does Hasbro have any plans to create a shipping department that sends items to Norway and the rest of Europe?
2: In the live action movie will the heroes be working for USA, Nato, UN or be some other international force? Will any of the GI Joe heroes be from Norway?
3: What scale will the movie figures be in?
4: How long will you continue selling 25th figures?
5: Will Sgt. Slaughter appear in the movie?
6: What is the end of the comic in the destro and iron grenadier two pack? It seem to suddenly stop.
7: Do you have any plans to release 25th viper figures with better hands?
8: Will Low Light appear in the movie?
9: Will Trip wire be in the movie?
10: Will Short Fuse be in the movie?

09-25-2008, 10:49 AM
You have the parts even if they are retail/online exclusives will we ever see the oring figures again?

09-25-2008, 11:13 AM
1. Why don't you make good figures anymore?
2. Why don't you make a character that you dont have to use repainted sculpts for?
3. Why have you cheapend G.I.JOE?
4. Do you think the G.I.JOE nostalgia factor on the fans is wearing off?
5. Will you be doing Star Brigade 25ths?
6. Will you be making Eco Warrior 25ths?
7. Are you going to sack the PR guys?
8. What was with Marlon Wayans playing Ripcord?
9. Is verne troyer scheduled to play destro in GIJOE: dWARFS rEbORN
10. Why didnt you have Federica Ridolfi play Baroness in the film?
11. When are you going to actually put some effort into this line?
12. Do you care about your fans? - # scratch that question of course you don't
13. Not a question, but FFS bring back O-ring joes.
14. Why dont you make some good figures for a change?
15. Why did you lie to us in January?
16. Will you make 6" GIJOE figures now that you have the Legends License?
17. If not, why not?
18. Will you stop releasing repaints?
19. How many more Snake Eyes, Cobra Commanders, Dukes are we going to see?
20. How old is Hawk/Duke? they must be getting into their 50s now right?

P.S I did have another 80 questions to ask you, which I sent in an email and a personal letter dated 25th August 2008 but i guess i'm not spending enough on your line to have the courtesy of a reply.. so I'm only submitting 20 of 100 questions,

09-25-2008, 12:54 PM
Can you provide better distribution to Canada?

A store owner told me GI Joes always come in short of what they order. Yet every where I go shelves are overstocked with unwanted Star Wars and Indy figures. Why the difference in product availability?

09-25-2008, 07:55 PM
[QUOTE=guiltridden]You have the parts even if they are retail/online exclusives will we ever see the oring figures again?[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I second this one. H could you add this as a petition with the 5 selected questions?[/COLOR]

General Jones
09-25-2008, 08:01 PM
Are there any new developments about the status of the Season 2 Volume 2 DVD set?

09-28-2008, 09:40 PM
[COLOR=Red]ok, here are the questions i sent in.

(prince adam) Any plans for a playset for the 25th Anniversary figures or the movie, now that you've seen how well the line has done?

(nemesis) will you be doing any other sub-teams

(trench viper/troops of doom) Does Hasbro have any plans to create a shipping department that sends items to canada, europe or other places outside the U.S.?

(general jones) Are there any new developments about the status of the Season 2 Volume 2 DVD set?

after the movie toys die down, will you revert back to the 25th line of action figures and continue going through the line making the other figures?

i paraphrased some of them and combined as to get 2 of your question answered at once. hope these were good enough, not many people wrote. we should get them back next monday.

09-29-2008, 02:00 PM
Cool beans Leresh.

09-29-2008, 11:46 PM
Darn, I remember when the first few of these came out, I asked questions like "Why are you selling $hitty figures(the 25th anniversary stuff)" and "Are you gonna bring back ARAH / O-Ring figures". 90% of the time, my questions never got forwarded up the chain, and when they did, I got vaguely ambiguous answers that really answered nothing. I got tired of asking and tired of 25th fans decrying me as a hater, but it seems that more and more people are sick of the 25th by the look of this thread....maybe I'll have to start a poll and see! hmmmm.....

09-30-2008, 11:04 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red](trench viper/troops of doom) Does Hasbro have any plans to create a shipping department that sends items to canada, europe or other places outside the U.S.?[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
What I meant was I want to be able to go to a store and purchase Joes. They're really hard to find around here. From what I've been told, stores are getting less than they order from Hasbro, so on the rare occasion a store gets some in there's not enough to go around. Now there's Target exclusives but I don't think we even have one in the country.

I just want to buy some Joes... :confused:

09-30-2008, 11:23 AM
I have Hasbro's answers already: [QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]ok, here are the questions i sent in.

1.(prince adam) Any plans for a playset for the 25th Anniversary figures or the movie, now that you've seen how well the line has done?

2.(nemesis) will you be doing any other sub-teams

3.(trench viper/troops of doom) Does Hasbro have any plans to create a shipping department that sends items to canada, europe or other places outside the U.S.?

4.(general jones) Are there any new developments about the status of the Season 2 Volume 2 DVD set?

5.after the movie toys die down, will you revert back to the 25th line of action figures and continue going through the line making the other figures?

i paraphrased some of them and combined as to get 2 of your question answered at once. hope these were good enough, not many people wrote. we should get them back next monday.
1. Not at the present time, but we will look into it.
2. There are no plans right now, but we will keep that in mind.
3. We will look into that, but its up to the local retailers what items they carry.
4. There are no new devopments at this time, but we are taking that into concideration.
5. The line will continue in the present format.
