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View Full Version : main battle 5

09-27-2008, 07:06 PM
out back vs cobra eels
out back just found out that is good old buddy Bazooka was in trouble, so he hop on to the g.i.joe Devil fish, making his way half way ,his boat was attacked by cobra eels, Turing his boat over and sinking far below, out back made the escape , with his knife ready to strike , but above there be more trouble then he can Handel, or can he,
ok you finish the story then vote,

09-27-2008, 09:25 PM
this is funny, every one is voting, but no one finishing the story, :confused: im i doing something wrong, :confused:

09-28-2008, 11:34 AM
People are just busy its not something you are doing wrong.
I like this battle idea and your threads.
After Outback gets to the dry shore the Eel confidently follow him knowing that he can not have any guns with him. They follow his tracks and when they see a flash of white in the forest they pepper the area with bullets.
Then Outback drops down behind them Rambo style and stabs one in the head with his knife and then shoots other with the stabbed Eels gun.
Outback wins again.

09-28-2008, 04:16 PM
out Numbered And Out Of His Element The Eels Strike At Outback. One Tough Sob. He Takes Out A Number Of Them Before Finally Being Sunk To Davey Jones Locker. Eels!

Agent Viper
09-28-2008, 04:38 PM
Well the Eels smoothly glide across the water in enemy territory only for 3 grenades ot float beside them BOOM!