View Full Version : toys r us sucks
10-07-2006, 01:04 PM
i had it .i went to 5 of the stores here in conn. and i cant find a thing.thay have this sell going on buy 2 get the 3 free. thay wont even stock there shelves. iv talk to a bunch of people there and i keep getting the same thing. theres nothing in the back or it never came in. i had it with this place. why dose hasbro have to go with toys r us? why not wal-mart or target? every time theres a sell nothing there. when theres not a sell. fill free too see all you want. dose any one have this trouble?????
10-07-2006, 03:46 PM
I don't even bother w/ 'em. I find them to be usually overpriced and always out of stock. I'd rather go to Target or even buy them online. I can almost feel your pain but I've dismissed them years ago. And keep in mind, that 3 for 2 sale is them making space for 'new' stuff. Also, rumor has it, it was only for the Sigma6 stuff, not 3.75". Not sure on how true that is or not, it's not like I have one nearby.
Lava Boss
10-07-2006, 04:50 PM
Sorry for your lack of luck.
It was for 3 3/4" stuff, too. I've got 3 figures free over the past week, even found Cobra Troopers (surprised me). Though, using the toyshop code, you can get the stuff cheaper online, but hasbrotoyshop hasn't had cobra troopers or that Lady Jaye comic pack in months.
The problem is the single card cases are all of 8 figures, which are picked cleaned, and then the unwanted figures linger (at $7 they are gonna keep lingering!) until they send for more. Comic packs linger because the Devil Due issue and the Oktober Guard set are dust collectors in most areas. However, the 6-packs have all sold out, good value I guess.
10-07-2006, 05:52 PM
Dude, good catch on the Cobra Troopers! Those are pretty hard to find these days. Good to know that it was for both 3.75" and bigger. I had read it about on the S6 forums but there was NO mention of it on the 3.75" forum over on the JBL.
From what I understand, TRU doesn't actually order anything. People in a central office (of TRU) sit there and look at #s and move stock around. So if San Jose's TRU sells 5 Kamakura w/ Ninja Bikes, those # crunchers say, "Wow, it's selling! Better send them more!!!" Then San Jose gets sent 30 more. lol. The real kicker is that the distribution plays favorites. So if San Jose sells thru their shipment of 5 Defense Mechs, distribution JUST might pull the order for Bellingham, Wa's shipment of mechs and give it to San Jose. NOrmal practice, yes. But the fact is, B'ham never had the mechs. I had friends at the TRU looking out for them and they never came. Anyway... Where were we. Oh yes, TRU sucks.
BUT at least A store got the 3.75" singles. I don't think Hasbro could support Target or Walmart w/ the #s they were producing. A typical wave was around 100,000 units. The online stuff was cut to around 30k. There simply wasn't enough to support the big stores. TRU may have been able to get away with it because of the many stores that they closed down recently.
10-08-2006, 05:02 PM
Every Toys r us I've been to sucks also. Sometimes my Target has more. I've had the same troubles you have been enduring.
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