View Full Version : What are your feelings towards the 25th Anniversary Joes?
09-29-2008, 11:52 PM
I just read the "Q&A with Hasbro" thread and was surprised to find more more disgruntled questions about hasbro and GI Joe than positive ones. I know that when the 25th came out, I felt like an outsider because I HATED (and still do HATE) the 25th! But it seemed like everyone else JUMPED on them like they were the coolest thing since sliced bread! Well, let's take a honest.....
09-29-2008, 11:57 PM
To be perfectly honest, I'm not really a fan in the sense of functionality. I have bought a few of them, but other than a couple of instances, I have them on the shelf for display. The only one I kind of like is the BAT, other than that meh.
09-30-2008, 12:14 AM
Well, I would take back the ol' faithfull O-ring anyday...
Personally I dont have a single one of the new 25th line because:
1) I dont like them (stupid manboobs) and,
2) they are kinda hard to get here in Finalnd (read: from ebay only)
3) I dont like them (still stupid manboobs, oh and stupid articulation alltogether...)
But like many have stated in the forums before, I would consider getting some of them for their accesories (SS and comic pack Firefly come to first in mind) and couple of the figures seem pretty cool regardless of the "manboob syndrome" (like Zartan, the B.A.T, Stormy and Torpedo)
But what bothers me the most (after the "boobs") is the height issue, as most of them just look plain gigantic next to good old ARAH figures (like IG Destro...hes huge!!!)
So in the end I personally find so many negative aspects in them, that the few positives (accesories and couple of figures) are faded to obscurity... so why bother?
So Ender, Outrider and others!!... you are not left alone to dwell in your hate for the empire of the 25th!!!...there are many amongst us!...And we shall unite to bring the tyranny of the HASBRO to and end...MUHAHAHAHAAA!!!...*cough, cough*
09-30-2008, 12:48 AM
Well my Avatar says alot of how I feel about this Line,but I do say the ONLY good thing thats came out of the 25th Line is the Vehicles.I love all the Vehicles thats came out so far,and i've bought multiples of just about everyone of them.And i'm looking forward to all the new ones still to come out,and I know i'll be buying just as many of them also.But as far as the 25th Figures goes,it's DEFINITELY a Thumbs DOWN!When they 1st came out I bought a Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes,and after looking those 2 over I knew that was the end of my 25th Figure buying.Heck the only reason I even have as many 25th Figures as I do,is because of the Vehicles i've bought.But I have a Couple of Friends that just love the 25th Line,so i've been able to get a close look at all the new Figures.And one Figure with a huge flaw that really stood out to me was the 25th Viper,I think the Hands on it are just Terrible!!So it really just boils down to Personal Taste,and thats what makes this World so Interesting.... :D
09-30-2008, 01:18 AM
I am at the oposite side of the equation here.
I got back into collecting Joes because of the 25th.
I find the old models lacking in detail and poseability.
If you see the poll here you can see its mostly haters of the line, and then you have a small number on the opposite side.
***edited: just saw that there where only 5 people who have voted so far - lets wait and see what the majority says just yet (but I'm betting it won't be much different)***
All of the pro's and con's have been discussed way to many times now. The only reason I have a few o-ring joes is purely out of sentimental value, I usually never take pictures with them - they are to me, to old and dated (molds wise) to be of any use to me.
So please don't let this turn into another "Bring the O-ring back" campaign or "I hate the 25th" thing, I think most of us have heard it all before.
09-30-2008, 04:28 AM
I allways seen it as the 25th haters beeing in the majority here on this site and on the internet at large. I belive that the 25th figures are not as good as the original ones in most respects. However the thing that the 25th do better is face and body detail which is what drew me into buying them, they look cool allthough they are inferior as far as posability goes. It is allso a tad irritating to see that they make some 25th figures that have decent posability (Snake eyes or Cobra trooper) and then just fall through on other figures like the Baroness.
All in all I buy 25th because they look good in pictures. :)
09-30-2008, 07:00 AM
[QUOTE=Trench-Viper]I allways seen it as the 25th haters being in the majority here on this site and on the internet at large. [/QUOTE]
Funny, I had just the opposite impression. Every time I walk into a store, I find 1/5 of a wave left on the shelf. It seem like despite the fact that a lot of people say they hate them, they seem to sell out pretty quick. But I guess that's not too had when you only have 3 pegs in Walmart and a hanging endcap in TRU.
Everywhere I go on the web, people are talking about the 25th like they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Look at the pics on the front page! I haven't seen an Original "Spirit" action figure pic come out since the 25th one hit the shelves. Me...I pick and choose. I want to get "Wraith" and maybe some "Para-vipers", but that's about it. And the whole "MASK" thing just turned me totally off! Lemme guess, next is gonna be a Joe named "Captain Power"? Anyone think this smacks of the whole 90's "Let's jump on every bandwagon" thing they had goin on?
09-30-2008, 07:15 AM
I really like the new figures. The detail, the accessories, the poseablity as a whole (minus some bad arms here and there) and the availability win me over. I went cold turkey off the Joes as a teenager and barely thought about GI Joe for maybe 15 or 20 years. I started picking up Star Wars figures here and there, and then got into collecting clone troopers and bounty hunters. I never really did anything with them besides stand them on a shelf. I wanted more real life military stuff and was content with PTE and some BBi stuff. I didn't even know 25A was coming out until I saw the anniversary 5 packs, which I thought would look good with my other military themed items. Then I started taking pictures. Then I found Joedios. For me, the 25A brings back good memories and gives me a new hobby. When I see ARAH standing next to 25A, Im blown away by how much better the new figures look. They dont have blocky heads and molded on guns and knives. They are different heights from each other. Their legs pose like crazy. I wish they would improve a few things, like the Duke arms and diaper crotches, but to me they are some of the best toys to come out in a long time.
Lava Boss
09-30-2008, 07:25 AM
They aren't entirely bad action figures, but part of me hates them...and it's largely because of the scale change, because it's not like they went to 5" or 6", "it's just enough to make you mad". If they'd all been Snake-Eyes' height I could deal. Instead Snake-Eyes is the shortest character in the new line.
Bringing back the o-ring is irrelevant, they'd still be giants to the rest of my figures, and I'm not interested in buying everything over in a new scale...again. Maybe some other fans will feel the same whenever Hasbro changes formats again (probably as soon as next year).
On the plus side, I've saved a lot of money this year.
09-30-2008, 07:30 AM
I like the 25th because of the detail, paint,. and the fact they were accurately based on the comic and tv show. Take the Sharc, can't wait to get it. Why, cuz Deep Six's arms can bend. Plus you don't have to pay 30 bucks for single vipers instead you can get a more accurate lot of 5 for about 4o. it's up to the person. I wish they went by year,sequentially; 83, 84, 85 that way you could plan what you want to get. They should make the October Guard again old and new. Plus Big Ben in Sas 1980 Iranian Embassy wear and 1991 form. Anyway, I love em!!!
Pit Viper v2
09-30-2008, 08:02 AM
I love the vehicles. But the figures I treat as a separate line of mini statues. These things just don't have the playability of the Joes that came before them and I feel in some cases even the new sculpt stuff looked better. My main gripe is and has always been that they are not in scale. Terrible decision on Hasbro's part. As it is I have about 35 25th figures. i am far from being a completest. I do like some of the direction they have gone with the 25th line however. Such as making new Cobra troop types that are just blue shirt variations. Wish Hasbro would have done that with RAH.
09-30-2008, 08:56 AM
[COLOR=Red]LOVE THEM!!! i loved the o-rings too, but i find that i love these far, far more because of the great detail and better movement(try doing a dio and see which ones are easier to work with). even if i liked the o-ring figs better, i would still buy these because there are so many i didnt have.
now as far as what others like. here on joe dios those who like the 25th are the minority. you see more and more pics with the 25th in them, but you see far more hate toward them, but that is here. now on sites like hissstank, who have way more members then we do, the 25th are loved (so too is the cartoon whereas here most hate them) and i rarely see anyone talking about them in any bad way except the repaints, and we had those in the o-ring so can we really talk about that?
with all that beign said, i still dont think more bad things are said then good in the Q & A. keep in mind that the bad is what will try to be pointed out, you dont want to ask a question about a good thing but rather the bad so they can improve it.
Lava Boss
09-30-2008, 09:53 AM
Hisstank seems to be mostly newbie collectors, people who jumped on the "new" nostalgia train that 25th started. Really, the turn-over rate for GI JOE collectors seems pretty high, maybe because of the format changes or lack of media that Transformers and Star Wars have. The number of active long time 3 3/4" collectors online seems pretty small, really. And it's a pretty fractured "community" from what I see, both in terms of cliques (message boards, clubs) and preferences (RAH, new sculpt, toon, comic, 25th...).
Not that any of that has to do with 25th figures.
09-30-2008, 10:48 AM
I can't vote in this poll with only the one option of unconditional love and five options of hate.
I find the whole O-ring/25A argument very strange. One side is blind to the 25A flaws and the other side refuses to acknowledge the improvements. I think people need to take another look at the line from an objective point of view.
09-30-2008, 11:17 AM
i Grabbed The First Two Waves To Collect. Heck It Was Better Then Nothing, But Now I Don't Even Bother With Them. I Have Them Up On My Walls And The Ones I Did Open Aer For My Boys To Play With. I Would Much Prefer The Old, Old O'ring Rah Style. I Don't Even Get The Newer O'ring Dtc Stuff. The 25th Vehicles And Accessories Are Great Though So I Continue To Purchase A Select Few So Wish The Line Well For Those Who Do Enjoy It.
It's Just Not For Me ;)
09-30-2008, 11:23 AM
Difficult to pose, fragile, too large for many old vehicles, ugly chest join, heads that look like aliens when seen in profile. I dislike them intensely and will never ever waste money on the figures (most of the vehicles so far have been okay). Hasbro takes away the o-ring Joes that I love and replaces them with a different toy altogether, and wants me to buy the Joes I already have all over again? I'm insulted and angry and refuse to give in to their greed and arrogance. Does that state my point of view clearly enough? :mad:
09-30-2008, 11:28 AM
Craig, don't be a hater :p
Lava Boss
09-30-2008, 12:07 PM
"What? More Repaints?" option is a moot point, because Hasbro's been all about repaints since 1993! Part of the design on the 25th, for better or worse, is generic bodies that can be recolored and reused again and again. The cobra trooper has been recolored 20 times now...not including parts reused on non-Cobra trooper/officers.
09-30-2008, 02:38 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]One side is blind to the 25A flaws and the other side refuses to acknowledge the improvements. I think people need to take another look at the line from an objective point of view.[/QUOTE]
I think you hit the nail on the head there.
I am not above saying that the 25th line has flaws, it obviously does. But some of the flaws that are mentioned here and in about 1000 other discussions like this are based on personal preference.
For example - I've lost count how many of the ARAH figures I've had (and still have) that got their thumbs broken or crotches broken as well as their o-ring ripped in twain. - Right now, I only have 1 broken 25th, and that was just a lemon - Beachheads foot has come somewhat loose.
All in all I think its starting to be pointless to debate this as people have made up their mind about it a long time ago.
I'm going to keep buying 25th because they are more poseable and look better in pictures then the old and dated lines, however nostalgic they might be.
As someone else pointed out as well - now I get to finally find the characters that I never had (nor knew of) when I was a kid. - All the vehicles I have now, I never had as a kid, which gives me much satisfaction now (I can finally get all that I want on my own paycheck :) )
09-30-2008, 02:43 PM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]I can't vote in this poll with only the one option of unconditional love and five options of hate.
I find the whole O-ring/25A argument very strange. One side is blind to the 25A flaws and the other side refuses to acknowledge the improvements. I think people need to take another look at the line from an objective point of view.[/QUOTE] Winning post on all counts, though I do lean towards the second option because of the endless repaints.
The Good
Overall, great facial sculpts
More articulation points - Ankle joints are especially useful in pictures
Separate belts, harnesses and holsters
"Man boobs" give more realistic movement
Less brittle plastic so thumbs and waists don't snap off
They have duller paint, meaning less glare for taking pictures
Look great displayed
1:18 scale, meaning they can fit in well with all other 1:18 lines
The Bad
Elbows and diaper crotches - What good is more articulation if they can't use it? Some of the O13 and Gen. Hawk upset me the most about this
Not easy for kids to customize - If they don't know about "boil and pop", they can break their figures just trying to switch hands.
"Man boobs" aren't done well on several figures
REPAINTS - And as a result, far fewer characters
1:18 scale, making them impossible to fit in with older figures - To me, this is easily the most valid point AGAINST these figures. I totally understand the anger for all of you who kept your old figures.
The Good
Terrific for customizing, even for kids
Because of the harder plastic, they feel more durable
So many figures already available
The nostalgia factor
Elbows and waists that allow terrific movement
Great size at 3 3/4" making them perfectly sized for every vehicle out there
The Bad
Facial sculpts not as realistic until after ARAH
Broken thumbs and crotches
Very gimmicky
Don't look as good as the "No-rings" when displayed
Whoa... after all that analysis, I may need to take a nap.
Here's the thing: I don't have much of my old collection left, so it doesn't tick me off as much that the 25th isn't in scale with the rest; but as I said above, I COMPLETELY understand what you guys are saying. I'd be mad, too.
Like Thinktank, the 25th brought me back. I think they're better for pictures, which is pretty much what I do with them; so for me, the 25th wins. And hey, you'll still catch me using post ARAH figs with the o-rings because of the duller plastic, so you don't all have to hate me :D
Everybody wins!!!
Have fun, gang!
[SIZE=1]Edit: The writer understands that his views may not gel with the views of others on this forum. Please don't kick him.[/SIZE]
Agent Viper
09-30-2008, 02:57 PM
Well my opinion is this.
Ok, I have a certain amount of O Rings that i am able to get my hands on. And the older Joes looked awesome and i am glad that they are redoing the original joes for guys to buy what they have missed out.
But alas, I wish they would atop with thw god forsaken repaints!
09-30-2008, 02:57 PM
Well the problem with being objective is the question is how do you 'FEEL" about the 25th figures. Also no matter what all opinions are subjective, there is no objective point of view to be taken with this line of questioning. The very nature of opinions is subjective.
Still I have to say I like some, and dislike others. There is really no univeral "WOW" to the figures. Some I am very impressed with, Nemisis Eforcer (Imortal I know) is one of the best figures I have seen in years, while he is packaged with Falcon who could easily be a whipping boy for everything that is wrong with this line.
My one major glaring complaint would have to be the chest joint, not that it is there, but that it has that oddball hump in so many figures that, well, is just ugly (the aforementioned Falcon, or Duke or Shipwreck are prime examples of figures that are ruined by this design, otherwise they would be incredible figures). Now why hasbro chose this design is beyond me since many companies had already done the same joint without any kind of hump or disruption (ie Microman, Superhero showdown, even hasbro itself did a darth maul with the same joint again without the "Hump").
At first one might think its something artistic or limit of design, Until you look at Storm Shadow, Destro (either version) or Nemisis enforcer and note again that there is no hump in any of those figures. It does beg the question as to why it is there.
Still some manage to work around it somehow (ie Roadblock and Snake Eyes) and be pretty good figures dispite the flaw, but not all of them can do that.
Bazooka looks like he is going to be assigned to the dolly parton brigde, and Barbeque needs to diet (as does Slipstream). While ace and wild bill either need to hang on the back of a door to stretch thier arms or get whacked hard in the head to shink thier torsos (or both and meet in the middle).
So in sumation I love some and dispise others. each one is a case by case basis of my own opinion.
09-30-2008, 04:30 PM
What about the guys like me who are always into new things and see the room for improvement? LIke, I could care LESS about the o-ring in concept BUT the fact that Hasbro didn't give us a SW-like swivel waist peg wasn't thought out well. To make the swivel and jointed ankles work, you gotta have a swivel thigh (think JvC Firefly).
The lack of head articulation in terms of looking up and down isn't as big a deal to me as the LACK OF ARTIULATION in the ARMS that most of these figures suffer from. AND the lack of Swivel Wrists, which we KNOW Hasbro can do, the lack of it sucks! The fact that the chest and stomach don't usually match up is a bummer too. Duke's shirt is off. I'da prefered, I guess, the o-ring cuz it'd fix that tiny problem of the torso lining up.
But the sculpting, for the most part, is top notch. They've given us a pretty large array of characters to choose from. Repaints work for me (like DTC LowLight, the Steel Brigade, Colton, etc) but the OVERUSE of characters for the repaints (or vice versa is a bit of a low point. How many ninja we got now??? Red, black, white and an upcoming aqua ninja??? I also like the amount of soft goods that have been added to the figures. Firefly for example. Instead of a molded on ammo belt, it's removable. Just like Beach Head and his vest. Very nice touch and it helps the costs with the figures (just add soft goods).
I'm FINE with the 25A. THey aren't the end all. But there's a lot of room for improvement.
And from what I've seen, most of the JBL seems to LOVE the 25A. A bit more than myself, tho that might not be saying much. I'm not sure WHY those guys love the 25A more than the bastard era. Maybe Frank can explain that one. All I can figure is that those guys are more traditionalist than Outrider in that we are getting UPDATED figures in (almost) ORIGINAL outfits. *shrug*
09-30-2008, 04:33 PM
BTW, I may not be a fan of the old ARAH stuff, but man... If I had mad cash, I'd be buying DTC Blueshirts, VvV (red) Vipers and ST (blue) NeoVipers myself. THose are o-rings and I'd hit that. And also, I LIKE the VvV Cobra Commander (black w/ cape) and DTC Major Bludd better than their 25A counterparts.
09-30-2008, 05:17 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]All I can figure is that those guys are more traditionalist than Outrider in that we are getting UPDATED figures in (almost) ORIGINAL outfits. *shrug*[/QUOTE]
It's not a matter of being a traditionalist G. I'm all for new stuff, especially new characters (which is one of the main reasons I buy the con sets), I just don't like the style of the 25th figures, or the larger size. I readily acknowledge their (few) good points such as the detailed sculpting and mostly cool accessories, but they have too many faults for me to buy them. The fact that they are "updates" of the original line makes me want them even less. Why buy the same characters, in the same outfits again? I wouldn't even do that if they were o-ring figures! :rolleyes:
09-30-2008, 06:30 PM
See, that's my point. The traditionalists LOVE the fact that Hasbro updated the original outfits. I wasn't refering to a traditionalist being o-ring only. I know that a majority of the fans there were dying for the original outfits cuz they weren't in-love with the Bastard Era. I think they've gotten over the scale issues and I figure a lot of 'em are hardcore fans. And you know what 'hardcore' really means, right? ;)
09-30-2008, 06:42 PM
Sorry G, I misunderstood your point when you referred to "traditionalist". :rolleyes: Oh, and I think I have a faint idea what "hardcore" really means... ;)
09-30-2008, 06:58 PM
I don't like to discuss this topic, but maybe someone would like to read my 2 cents. I like the o-rings, but I love the o-rings on comic pack form. The ones who can hold any weapon w/o breaking a thumb :cool: . I wish I had seen more figures getting the treatment of the comic packs. I would like a Falcon v1 and some others that way. Of course the relaunch of the RAH in 2000/2001 made some woderful figures too.
Many people tell how poseable the 25th are and in parts it is true, however you can get real good poses from the old sculpts. People keep comenting on my pictures saying how good the poses are, but there are many here doing better than I, with the o-ringed figures.
I think sometime things change, like good TV series getting to an end. The bad thing about the 25th for me replacing the old ones, is to be on the wrong side. On the looser side, the o-ring lover side :(.
09-30-2008, 07:30 PM
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Better sculpt desing...
I like the oldies :p
And all of us can live together.
09-30-2008, 09:04 PM
I think I've made my opinions on 25th clear. I have nothing against O-ring figures. I like them, I have many that I don't ever plan to get rid of. But they look so... primitive and deformed next to their more proportionally correct 25th descendants! I like the 25th because of the superior sculpting, as has been mentioned before. I also dislike the chest swivel (though I do think it's getting better) and the dreaded Duke arms. But those are about the only things I dislike.
As far as the fact that they're basically rehashes of all the old figures... That's actually what I wanted the Joe revival in 2002 to be! I never owned v1s of a lot of the main Joes from the comics and cartoons, and getting them in an updated format is fantastic. In the year or so since 25th started, I think I've bought more of these figures than in the 4 or 5 years I was collecting JvC and its sequel lines!
Finally, I will say this-- If I still played with my Joes, I'm sure I would find the 25th figures too fragile. But I just display them on a shelf, and use them for dios, and that's about it. I tried displaying my RAH and JvC Joes, but they looked very primitive and silly next to all my nicely sculpted and highly articulated Marvel Legends and similar lines. However, I proudly display the 25th Joes because they're geared far more for that purpose.
I think that about covers my thoughts...
09-30-2008, 09:25 PM
wow man, i dont see how you can say most of this. like
Difficult to pose, no way. they can hold so many more poses then the o-rings. ive been doing dios with both 25th and old stuff, and i can tell you that if i only use the 25th i can get 3 times more done because of the ankle.
fragile, ???WHAT!?! no thumbs or crotches can break. i have yet yo break one.
heads that look like aliens when seen in profile. double WHAT!?! how can you say their heads look weird when you sit one up to cross country or metal head or anyone.
just my thoughts on the matter. once again i think joedios is mainly populated by o-ring lovers and the other sites by the 25th lovers. but there are some like myself who still call joedios home even if we dont all agree on which figures we like best.[/COLOR]
Urban Saboteur
10-01-2008, 02:24 AM
Hate them..
I truly hate them.. (Hasbro)
I've done a review on the 25th Storm Shadow, now even though I hate everything that Hasbro now stands for and slaps out willy nilly with irrevocability
yet despite how awfully poor their distribution is, despite their awful repaints and awful customer service.. despite their ignorance and completely arrogant adoptance towards greed.. the figure I reviewed was actually rather good.
Sure it has its faults, but the old style figures have flaws too. I agree with T.O.D, but we all like and hate things for different reasons, we wouldnt have a discussion on anything anymore if we all liked the same things.. forums wouldnt really exist.. well they would but nobody would have a full opinion on things. :o
Assume that I'd had a complete memory scrub of the RAH figures and I didnt know they existed, and I only knew 25th existed.. Yeah I'd think they were cool. In parts they look alot better but don't in other areas.
The scale issue with them, I'm not sure about, I'm all for Hasbro releasing destro and roadblock to be taller/bigger than someone like Scarlett, it makes sense.
The fact remains any time you try something new, your going to hit problems, it's just frustrating from my point, because
A) I havent had a memory scrub.. and so know what hasbro are capable of..
B) Because of this, the problems hasbro has with this line are fixable, and makes me think that they do it on purpose.
You know the 25th line is an abuse by Hasbro, they've used the Nostalgia to lure fans in with a 'best of both worlds' account, but by rights they are running out of this nostalgia.. Matt Trakker or Hot Rod anyone? It's really weird because they done the same thing in the 80s and i'm certain nobody kicked up this much of a stink.
So in summary I hate Hasbro, with a passion, but I can't truly hate the 25th, mainly because some of them without doubt are good figures, it's just they've been released under suspicious circumstances and hasbro's policy towards their fanbase isn't something I agree with.
*Note* I actually hate the manufacturer more than I hate/love the figures.
I voted bring back the O-ring, I dunno why.. I guess I just like clicking things..
Pit Viper v2
10-01-2008, 02:58 AM
[QUOTE=Rambo][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Better sculpt desing...
I like the oldies :p
And all of us can live together.
These are excellent. I too wish more RAH Joes could have got the "comic pack" treatment. Especially Gung-Ho.
You know what I feel is the best G.I. Joe figure ever? MAJOR BARRAGE. This figure was the pinnacle of 3 3/4" G.I. Joe figure design IMO. He is a new sculpt figure but it looks just as good if not better than the 25th stuff. Yeah he was an all new character so there is no nostalgia factor but try and tell me any 25th figure with "Duke arms" is better than Major Barrage.
Barrage has arms and a head design that were more or less carried over to the 25th line but he still has an o-ring. Look at the arms on this figure! No giant plastic rivets like the other new sculpt guys suffered from. To me this figure is proof that Hasbro didn't have to abandon the new sculpt style and switch to the funky 25th style in order to make the figures look good. All it took was good proportions and a few design changes (not a total redesign).
10-01-2008, 03:46 AM
Lot of good points here. The Articulation is AWESOME in the 25th, but Hasbro was on it's way there with what Graham calls "The Bastard Era". Major Barrage has a 25th style head with neckball, Snake eyes, the Black Firefly and a couple of others had adjustable ankles and A few had adjustable wrists. So why not just add those features to ARAH and make 25th figures like that?
And now if I want to use new characters and make them look right, I need to repurchase my whole collection over again! Nah, I'll pass!
10-01-2008, 11:48 AM
wow man, i dont see how you can say most of this. like
Difficult to pose, no way. they can hold so many more poses then the o-rings. ive been doing dios with both 25th and old stuff, and i can tell you that if i only use the 25th i can get 3 times more done because of the ankle.
fragile, ???WHAT!?! no thumbs or crotches can break. i have yet yo break one.
heads that look like aliens when seen in profile. double WHAT!?! how can you say their heads look weird when you sit one up to cross country or metal head or anyone.
just my thoughts on the matter. once again i think joedios is mainly populated by o-ring lovers and the other sites by the 25th lovers. but there are some like myself who still call joedios home even if we dont all agree on which figures we like best.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
I say it because it's my opinion, based on my experiences with them, it doesn't mean it's right or wrong. I just state my opinion, I don't dis the opinions of others.
I don't think they don't pose as well as ARAH figures. Fragile? The first set I bought, the Gung Ho was broken straight out of the box, and the Baroness was so thin that her limbs bent under the slightest pressure. The first time I tried to pose Duke, his hand came straight off. The heads do look weird in profile. I know you're a big fan of them, and I'm glad you like them, I really am, but I'm so sick of being told I'm "wrong" because I don't like them that this argument is a waste of time. You like 'em, I don't, and never the twain shall meet.
10-01-2008, 12:13 PM
[COLOR=Red]wasnt trying to dis your opinion or say you were wrong, just telling my side of it because like you being tired of everyone saying you are wrong, its also getting old the constant threads and whatnot about the 25th sucking.. and i think everyone would agree that the first few waves werent all that, but since then they have really, REALLY improved. i think the first few were meant for collectors.[/COLOR]
10-01-2008, 04:25 PM
I know when I first got ahold of the figures, I was worried about them being fragile. But I tend to play with my stuff carefully and yeah, the 25A tend to stand around MORE than run wild. My fear is the joints loosening up too much so they can't be used well. THAT was a problem and fear I had as a kid. Sure, it's FACT that the more you play with them, the looser they'll get (Graham, deal with it!). I try and keep the 25A in good condition just as I did with the Bastard Era figures. ANYBODY who has received figures from me, those figures GOTTA be pretty tight. IF anything has loosened up, it's cuz of the weather or shipping process.
I'm not worried about these figures being fragile anymore. They seem pretty sturdy to me! The weapons on the other hand....
10-01-2008, 10:54 PM
I think another issue is "Standing". A lot of people say they are hard to pose. With all that articulation, they are EASY to pose, but I can't get mine to stand for beans!
As for posing, I guess I can see where all this articulation COULD make them hard to pose. trying to pose small joints may throw off the angle of larger joint you had already finished posing.
I didn't mean for this to get into a war about why this or that sucks. I know Myself and Craig didn't like the 25th, but I thought we were in the minority. I was stunned when a lot more people had negative things to say about the 25th in another thread and I just wanted to see if this was something to do with too many repaints, lack of distribution, not liking them but not wanting the line to die, or is it because people (like me and Criag) just don't like the molds!?!
All of these issues with the 25th have been discussed before, but it just seems to me that over time, those who WERE ga-ga about them have slowly grown to be dissatisfied with them. Maybe they were ALWAYS haters, but I just didn't see it. I see nothing wrong with people liking them, they DO have a lot of cool things about them. It's just that they are SO radically different than ARAH joes, I feel like Hasbro said "Thanks for buying thousands worth of our product, now throw it all away and line our pockets again!" I feel betrayed and disgusted.
It's like with Vista, I NEEDED a laptop for work. I wanted one with XP, but DELL only was selling Vista. I bought it, it got delivered a few days before I shipped out and 1/2 of my software doesn't work on it! I can't downgrade to XP (Tried that already..drivers aren't compatible) Now, what can I do? I'm STUCK with it! now I have to Re-buy 50% of my software...and Microsoft has already said that Vista was a major mistake and everyone is waiting for Windows 7 to fix this mess....
Sorry...I'm tired and ranting! LOL!
10-02-2008, 01:14 PM
[COLOR=Red]just one reason why i love the 25th. i did these shots in a few seconds and i didnt have to use anythign to hold them up. can anyone do this with an ARAH figure?[/COLOR]
10-02-2008, 01:46 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Better sculpt desing...
I like the oldies :p
And all of us can live together.
This is what i mean using the parts you have to make better figures why not both? how about internet exclusives, even joe dios exclusives I'm sure it would bring traffic to the site.
10-02-2008, 02:13 PM
I just go with the flow. What's killer is that Marvel's upcoming toy figures use the same articulation! Perhaps this GI Joe thang was just an experiment for the next toyline!
I've only seen the hate towards the 25A here. We are a different community. We actually USE our figures, y'know?
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