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View Full Version : How do I upload to reviews?

10-14-2008, 07:50 PM
Hey gang,

I just wrote the TF Duke review, and tried to post it. It game me the ol' "must be 800 characters or less" (I'm at 1,867).

I'm fairly certain most of these reviews aren't less than 800 characters :D

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks all!

P.S. Yes, I am trying to put it up under the Reviews category.

P.P.S. I just figured out I'm a moron. The review'll be up in a sec. Mods, please... KILL THIS THREAD BEFORE EVERYONE FINDS OUT I'M AN IDIOT!!! :D

10-14-2008, 08:23 PM
In the description box, type in "PLEASE SEE REVIEW BELOW" or something close to that.

Then the 1st reply to the post can have your review. That's how I do it and it seems the easiest way. If you have added pics, you gotta use an online hosting site for the shots. At that point, you wanna break the review up into a few posts.

10-15-2008, 07:54 AM
I read it before it was deleted DaveCW!!!!!!!!
Now to read the review :D