View Full Version : Weekend Warriors - November!

10-21-2008, 08:56 PM
Weekend Warriors is a themed project that takes place every weekend. It's a chance for all members or any members to try their hand at shooting with a specific purpose. For those of us who often find themselves in ruts, this is a great way to maybe get back on track. Maybe it will give 'you' NEW ideas or energy to do more. Maybe even move ya into doing dios.

In any case, the themes switch from single characters to actual scenarios. HOW you decide to portray it, that's up to you!

11.8/11.9 : "Bringin' the Thunder" This was suggested by Ender098. Now, in the TF movie, it's "BRING THE RAIN". I can only assume it means a barrage of fire on one of the teams. Does it mean aerial units throwing down? Or does this mean that a group of Rocket Launching-Vipers are taking out a Joe squad w/ massive flying rockets? Frank, if you wanna elaborate, please do!

11.15/11.16 : Trail of destruction - a character mowing through enemies/friends whatever. Suggest by Bayer. So you take a dude and he's leaving behind mounds of duders. What was that quote from John Malkovich in ConAir. "...With lots and lots of dead people..."

11.22/11.23 : Secondary Military Specialities.... dig out those filecards and let's see figs using their secondary skills (especially the unusual ones!! Shockwave in a choir anyone?) Suggested by Ned Drok. This one looks interesting.

11.29/11.30 : DREADNOKS "SELF EXPLANITORY" This was Flatline's idea. And honestly, we NEED some Dreadnok action on this site!!![/B]

10-22-2008, 10:47 AM
i Have Already Started For My Idea.

10-22-2008, 02:21 PM
will try to get on this I made every october ones need to get working on some ideas

10-22-2008, 07:13 PM
not B$@^ing Or Anything. But Did'nt We Do A Sniper Theme Not To Long Ago???

Roland da Thompson Gunner
10-23-2008, 11:39 AM
[QUOTE=Flatline]not B$@^ing Or Anything. But Did'nt We Do A Sniper Theme Not To Long Ago???[/QUOTE]

Yeah it was like the last week of september or first weekend of October

I'm looking forward too a couple of these

11-02-2008, 10:43 PM
WTF? what was the actual theme for this weekend??? Sniper TEAMS. NOt just Snipers, right? Crap, I thought it was something else but HEY, we get this one out of the way. And since a lot of us are 25A fans, when we gonna see LowLight, Crosshair or Blackout??? I thought so. But yeah. I wante4d to get this out of the way so I could concentrate on OTHER ideas.

Yes, I forgot about the every other week are characters thang, but come December... it'll be a short month when X-Mas in the way and New Years.

But please speak up. I was ONLY planning to do Weekend Warriors 12/6&12/7 and then 12/13&12/14. I figure we'll all be busy with stuff until the end of the year. I'd like to do a New Years edition but c'mon, who's gonna post New Years weekend??? Let me know if you want more. Otherwise, it'll be character oriented for December.

11-03-2008, 09:54 AM
I've noticed a lot of people don't put the Weekend Warriors theme in the Title of their photos or they'll make up their own title. Going through the archives I often have no idea what the theme was or I'm left wondering how effective the photo is.

Just something to consider. ;)