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View Full Version : What single Figure do you have the largest number of?

10-22-2008, 06:18 PM
With alot of us here into Army Building,I was wondering what Single Figure do you have the largest number of,and the toal number of it you have?And let everyone know why you picked it as your biggest Army Builder Figure in your Collection,and your final number goal on it.Also give us the runner up Figure to your biggest Army Builder,and how many of it you have.

10-22-2008, 07:02 PM
NeoViper. Spy Troops. o-ring. blue. Sure as frak NOT t-crotch.

10-22-2008, 07:12 PM
it's A Tie. I Have 24 Blue Shirts, Vipers, & Night Watchmen. I Chose These Because They Are My Cannon Fodder. Which Will Be Displayed For One Of Next Months Weekend Warriors.

10-22-2008, 08:08 PM
I have about 150 of the new Blueshirts. 65 of the 2004 ones.

10-22-2008, 08:13 PM
Well I guess I need to let you guys know my 2,especially since I asked the question.The top Figure in my Army Builders is the Cobra Troopers from the 2004 Comic Pack #1 Set,right now at this time I have 67 of them.And i'm going to try to get up to a total of 100,and to be honest as to why I chose these I have no idea, it kind of just happened. :D And number two on my list is actually a close race of 2 Figures,the Vipers from the Viper Pit 6-Pack,and the 1988 Iron Grenadiers.I'm right at 40 on both of those,i'm pretty much done with the Vipers but i'm wanting to get my Iron Grenadiers up to 50.I have quite a few Figures that number up in the 20's,and many more in the Teens.I have to say my Favorite part of Collecting is Army Building,there's nothing better looking than a Big Army of Cobras all lined up!! :D

10-23-2008, 01:47 AM
Well I'm not that into army building, my biggest number of a single figure is 7 pcs of Viper pit vipers... imo thats enough. Then I have a bunch of figures that are "in the process of..." like Techno-, Tele-, Range-, Alley-, Hydro-, SAW-, Frag-, and Rock-vipers, Desert scorpions, Iron Grenadiers and Siegies that I only have 1 or 2 each. I'm trying to "build" them up to 3-4 as I think that specialists like those either work in small teams or augment/lead the vipers/blueshirts. The blueshirts I'm trying to build up for 5-7.

I want to be able to make teams/platoons, but I dont need HUGE armies like 30+ something... I really dont have that much extra money to put into "toys" :( frakking cool as they are :D

Lava Boss
10-23-2008, 05:33 AM
I don't know who I have the most of. I don't keep track or keep everything together.

-2002 green Vipers, Mirage, blue & camo Alley-Vipers, Big Bens. I've never counted them. I've got a good dozen I never opened. This was from raiding K-Mart and Family Dollar when they went on mark down. I got these because they were cheap, RAH molds and I liked them well enough.

-2004 Cobra infantry (which is debatebly 6 different figures). I almost wish I'd bought more. I was too much of a "leave some for other people" type.

-Viper Pit, 4 packs, I think. f they'd been better, I'd have twice that. Too much trouble to make them useable.

-BAT Mk 2 (mail in six pack). Over 23 more or less.

-Crimson Shadow Guard, 18 maybe.

-Removable helmet CG's, 9 sabotage versions and 16 six-packers.

New sculpts

-A few Neo-Vipers with o-rings maybe a dozen. They were cheap and kinda cool, preposed arms aside.

-single carded BAT MK3's probably the same. Cheap and decent.

-Single carded red CLAWS. Gorilla proportions, but still fairly cool looking.

-Single carded gold and black Sand Scorpions. You can still get this guy some places. Cheap and decent looking, if a bit too super villainish.

-VvsV Viper and Alley Viper 2-packs. They both suck on many levels, but I still dig them out and look at them. Go figure.

Anyway. I'm not actively building any of those forces. Or anything right now, especially. Most recent thing I army built were Star wars Sandtroopers, Storm Troopers and Scout Troopers.

Da Talent
10-23-2008, 07:51 AM
Ive got 56 version 9 Vipers


And 27 of the version 6 viper

I like them because they are sort of realistic in there coloring and work well with my custom vehicles.

10-23-2008, 10:16 AM
Version 1 BATS 80 complete (just got a hand on ebay) and about 15 in parts and pieces.

next probably 10 televipers

I've always liked BATS when my friend Tim and I got back into joes he liked Vipers and Snow Serpents and I liked Bats and Crimson Guards (at one point I had 30 v.1) I would like to get to a 100 complete BATS one day but who knows, all my other bigger number army builders were sold long before I joined this site to pay bills while I was out of work I just could never let the BATS go.

10-23-2008, 01:12 PM
Almost forgot, I got about 100 or so of the FD single pack tele-Vipers when they were out. I figured 2 or so for every dio scene I could ever want to do.

10-23-2008, 03:52 PM
Not an army builder per se. I bought two Viper-Pit 6 packs, though I have only modified one set for use. (I bought these since I only had one of the 1986, and I had always wanted more.) I should take the time to modify these to bring out an even dozen. (Although a few have been given other heads for the "helmetless look."

I have 4 1988 IG's, though they are rarely used, which is shame on me...
I applaud those who choose to army build and those who choose not to. I only have two hands and limited funds, so I don't "need" more than 6 of any figure... 3 to 6 usually does it for me. (3 1985 CG's, 2 1986 BATS, 2 1985 Eels, 2 1985 Snow Serpents are ones who come to mind.)

I DO love to see massive displays of others, as it is really cool. It shows your patience, enthusiasm and photography skills. Good thread!

10-23-2008, 04:23 PM
1 x Viper Pit
2 x Viper Guards
2 x Blue Shirts
3 x Crimson Guards
2 x Cobra Troopers (Gas Mask)
3 x Sea Slugs
2 x Cobra Officers

10-23-2008, 05:57 PM
I'm not really a huge army builder, but I do have two of the old Toys 'R' Us Cobra Infantry packs, so I guess that means I have eight Cobra troopers from those sets... But they have different skin tones and hair colors, so do they still count as the same figures? Likewise, I have eight 25th blueshirts, but they're a mixture of the 5-pack, Cobra Legions, single pack, ranking officers, and DVD pack sets, so they have slightly different paint schemes from one another.

If we're just talking about absolutely, completely identical figures that I have more than one of, then it's three JvC Neo-Vipers (the gray ones that came with Wild Bill).

Personally, I see no need to have hundreds of any one troop type (10 is usually more than enough for me), but if it's something that makes other people happy, who am I to question it? :D

10-24-2008, 03:13 AM
[QUOTE=Self-Modifier]I'm not really a huge army builder, but I do have two of the old Toys 'R' Us Cobra Infantry packs, so I guess that means I have eight Cobra troopers from those sets... But they have different skin tones and hair colors, so do they still count as the same figures? Likewise, I have eight 25th blueshirts, but they're a mixture of the 5-pack, Cobra Legions, single pack, ranking officers, and DVD pack sets, so they have slightly different paint schemes from one another.
By army builder I think that the figure has the same uniform as the others, if the head and skin is diffrent then that is just bonus for extra detailed army builders.
So the toys r us figures are army builders and the mixed 25 blueshirts are notl.

10-24-2008, 05:25 AM
I've 6 IGs, but I just army build my troops to a maximum of 4 figures.

10-24-2008, 09:28 AM
Single Figures? Have to be a tie between my 31 V1 Vipers and my 31 V1 Iron Grenadiers.

I have like 30 (5 setts of six) pf the Viper pit and the Night watch, but since they aren't identical I guess they don't count. I have about 34 CLAWS, but they are various versions! I do have 30 DTC Cobra Troopers!

I usually collect Army builders in squads of 10, but if they are low on the cobra heirachy, (Vipers or blue Shirts) I go with a platoon of 30.

10-25-2008, 04:33 PM
Let's see (off the top of my head)

3 viper pit sets

2 cobra infantry 6 packs

4 1998 troopers

5 red 2002 alley vipers

9 v1 Iron Grenadiers (5 with swords)

4 blue shock vipers

5 2001 "laser" vipers

2 v1 headhunter stormtroopers

6 convention Headhunter stormtroopers

6 online exclusive bats (v2 repaint)

4 headhunter guards

I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of.

10-25-2008, 05:27 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Let's see (off the top of my head)
2 v1 headhunter stormtroopers[/QUOTE]

10-25-2008, 08:19 PM
Well, as a keen army builder, with my Cobra Legion nearing 1,100 figures, you might think I have enormous numbers of some troops, but the most I have of any single figure is 24, which is shared by v1 Vipers, Night Vipers, Night Watch Troopers and TRU Blueshirts. Then it would be 18 Shadow CG's and 16 Techno Vipers and 16 Skull Squad Troopers. But if you're talking type of troop, it would be the 120+ of various Viper versions, and 60+ of various BATs and 50+ of various CG's. Hmmm...now I know where all my money went... :rolleyes: :o

10-25-2008, 10:03 PM
My joes are packed it totes in no real order from my old ones to the new ones. I know I have excessive amounts of several figures, the new blueshirts and crimson guard but thanks to toywiz having marked down the red ninjas I now have a total of 50. Ninja ku I so far have 16. I have a plethora of all the Storm Shadows guess I could just use them as white ninjas.

10-26-2008, 04:41 PM
I have 3 Destros now. 2 too many. :rolleyes:

10-26-2008, 10:29 PM

I see builders of guys being of the same make despite hair color and skin color. Mixing the ARAH Vipers with the... the... whatever came out... no. OR blueshirts for that matter. The 6-pack Blueshirts, they are a builder in their own right. The original blueshirts too.

It's like... a few gray neoVipers, a few yellow/black NVs and a few blue NVs don't make an army. BUT 20 Grays, 20 Yellows and 20 Blues DO! Maybe not together, but in terms of their own color scheme.

In Warhammer40k terms, you have an army of similiar colored troops. But you don't throw an green/black guy into an army of blue/gold soldiers. If you do 1 green/black guy, he better be a character OR the premise for an army. That's just how I see it.