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View Full Version : HISSTank.com bull$h!t.....

General Scarlett
10-26-2008, 01:55 PM
I don't post here in the forum anymore for a few reasons....but this is something that even I can't ignore.

HISSTank.com has become a black mark on the G.I. Joe community at large. I'm not going to type out a big long post, I'll let you all check threads from other Joe Boards:




As is stated in all these threads (and any others that they in turn add to), what HT is doing is this side of reprehensible. It speaks more to assinine bullshit behavior than to being part of a 'larger community'. To that end, I am doing my part as a fellow collector and fan by bringing this evidence to a site, that while some may not like or appreciate me being on, is still a place very dear to me....all of you.

If you choose to continue visiting HISSTank.com that is your right and priviledge, just know that it is not here for the 'fans'.....it's all about the $$$ for them.......and the hell with everybody else.


10-26-2008, 03:55 PM
WOW!!, well this explain what was going on before at hisstank, but never this road, didn't see this coming, but why this, this sucks big time,

10-26-2008, 04:12 PM
well so far cobra Island
Joe sighting.com
the tri-state gijoe
didn't see any thing about this, but they may post this tomorrow,
blood for baron got the email from JoeCanuck.com. this sucks, well im still going to sick around there, what ever new info i get ill just make new post on these site without linking it to hisstank, this is sad,

10-26-2008, 04:46 PM
LoL? And what the hell? LoL LoL LoL.
Well this explains why the Hisstank moderators support the GI Joe movie, they are in it for the money.

Lava Boss
10-26-2008, 07:17 PM
People into GIJOE for money :eek:

What else is new?

But seriously, what is their idea of fandom exactly? People oohing and awing to news stories on their message board?

I mean, really.

10-26-2008, 08:11 PM
I heard about this on JC last night and was outraged. I still am. A free newsletter done by fans for fans being given that treatment is unreal. To pass it off as "Linking ot another site" and "Lowers our board" is just indicitive of what they stand for, themselves.

I have been a member of the Joe community for nearly 7 years, in that time I have also joined Star Wars forums, Indiana Jones Forums, Comic book/Superhero forums and Transformers forums and I have never seen anything like this in any of those other communities.

The different boards might get a bit punchy with one another but thankfully we have never outright shunned each other, and I doubt seriously that members of the community would stand for that.

Still it does get one's ire up when they do.

10-26-2008, 09:26 PM
Ok, I'm gonna cut straight thru the crap and put my foot down on this. As GS said, IF anyone wants to chill at Hisstank they can. They can chill at both places. BUT as of now, the JD is distancing themselves from the HissTank.com. Yes, I am following Fred's (LeoTDragon's) lead on this one.

From the man who I learned mod/administrator stuff from (give or take EagleEyeJoe of the JBL)

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]
Because of this history of behavior from HissTank, JoeBattlelines wishes to distance themselves and separate themselves from that site in as many ways of possible, so from here on out we ask that members not link to their site or their images. They have lived their “life” keeping themselves on an island, so we are simply complying with their wishes and letting them exist in their own corner of the fandom. Hopefully their members realize what is going on behind the scenes and exactly how much a “community” and a “family” is not encouraged there, and how that site is the very antithesis of everything that the online G.I. Joe fandom has been about since the beginning.[/COLOR][/FONT]

Also, I want to keep the JD drama free. Well, in terms of the weird stuff that happens on other boards. So with that mind, PLEASE do not link to anything on HIssTank.com. Please??? PRetty Please???

10-26-2008, 09:51 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, this really bothers me. ive spoken with a few people before about making money from joes, but now i understand it somewhat. but not what they say, thats well it isnt smurfy,lol. it really does bother me as it seemed that many of the people on there saw a lot of things the way i did. they seem to like or at least accept stuff like cobra-la and the cartoon and that made me seem welcome. joe dios is my home but sometimes i feel like im on the outside looking in because i like these things. but even if i liked the way they saw things, i cant be a part of something like that.


10-26-2008, 10:26 PM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]mmm, this really bothers me. ive spoken with a few people before about making money from joes, but now i understand it somewhat. but not what they say, thats well it isnt smurfy,lol. it really does bother me as it seemed that many of the people on there saw a lot of things the way i did. they seem to like or at least accept stuff like cobra-la and the cartoon and that made me seem welcome. joe dios is my home but sometimes i feel like im on the outside looking in because i like these things. but even if i liked the way they saw things, i cant be a part of something like that.

ill tell you this you don't stand alone. from the way this looks hisstank may go under before you know it, and a lot has change,

10-26-2008, 10:36 PM
Not a site I've ever paid much attention to anyway.... :rolleyes: All my Joe needs are met here and at Yojoe.com.

10-27-2008, 03:39 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh] it really does bother me as it seemed that many of the people on there saw a lot of things the way i did. they seem to like or at least accept stuff like cobra-la and the cartoon and that made me seem welcome. joe dios is my home but sometimes i feel like im on the outside looking in because i like these things.[/QUOTE]
That is just a feeling with no grounding in reality. Your dios and photos are very popular (with good reason) and there is no anti cobra la agenda here, people do complain about everything from Cobra La to Snake-eyes because here they can state their oppinion to people who will understand what they are talking about , not because they want to convert other people into their thinking.

10-27-2008, 06:53 AM
I have looked at Hiss tank as nothing more than a commercial site where hasbro would announce new product. As for the movie, what I've seen has not impressed. Many characters were miscast . If CC is the the kid from third rock from the sun then I'm buying every toy there is because it won't be worth a damn thing. No Stalker, No Roadblock, show me where the exit is so I can leave early.Better yet, I'll poor soda on the theatre floor. I won't go on Hiss tank cuz that's what Scatlett and Sonny want. AKA Seen the stills and not impressed!!!!

Urban Saboteur
10-27-2008, 08:35 AM
:confused: I don't understand what Hisstank would have to gain from alienating themselves in such a way?
So they are basically saying.. we'll let you promote your sponsors and such, if we can get financial compensation? :confused:
It's a very elitist attitude towards fandom in general.. I guess the people running the site have plenty of financial clout to back this decision up.. well they better do.. :rolleyes:
I'm kind of in the same situ as Outrider.. I just go to Yojoe for my news.. and here for all my dio necessities.. both the sites rock, despite some peoples views on yojoe being overly harsh, i've always felt welcomed there.. and the website itself has a great source of information.

I'd like to also add that Pru, for what it is worth, we never saw eye to eye on lots of things, but we both know that we have the community spirit at heart when we do things.. you were always very into the community building side of GIJOE as much as for the love of enjoying the hobby..
Props to You for posting this up. :)

10-27-2008, 09:08 AM
Heck, This is the ONLY GI Joe site I check everyday. I go to Yo Joe for pics and to read filecards, and JBL from time to time to read Fred's hysterical reviews and pic up some news. Yeah, from what I'm hearing, these guys are what is wrong with the hobby right now....gouging and profiteering. Don't we have enough issues with Hasbro? If anything, the fans need to stick together. That's why I NEVER sell my extra stuff, I'd rather give it away and help the community. Occasionally, I'll trade, but I try to give the other guy the better of the bargain! Yeah, this issue with Hisstank shouldn't effect me much. I only went there when someone on here said they had pics or info on new stuff.

General Scarlett
10-27-2008, 09:34 AM
The list is growing in the community.....



10-27-2008, 11:31 AM
[QUOTE=rds13601]I have looked at Hiss tank as nothing more than a commercial site where hasbro would announce new product.[/QUOTE]

Umm hasbro don't use them to announce new product. STank just has a insider that gets them the pics first. At the Con Hasbro has said that they they don't like HisStank getting all the pictures early. They prefer to do debuts with Master Collector, but Stank always gets leaked pics first. All STank gets is leaked pictures nothing directly from Hasbro. Even Redclaw said once in the JC chat that they had rights to a few pics early and STank posted them first cause of the insider.

General Scarlett
10-27-2008, 12:54 PM
In an attempt to remain 'guardedly neutral', I just got this from 'CrimsonGuardVet76' on 'Tri-State Vipers'......he pulled it from "them":


Hehe, ok, I guess I need to be more clear, since there seems to be some sort of riot going on around the net.

Links to other Joe sites, other news sites, etc IS ALLOWED, if done in the course of normal discussion here on Hisstank.


Thread: USS Flagg variantz!

--I have a Flagg variantz, yay!

--Me too, but my part is black, not gray!

--Hey look at the pic on YoJoe.com -> (Link to Flagg Entry). I guess the regular version is gray!
This is completely fine.

In the course of regular back and forth about a topic already being discussed, a site is linked to for reference, pointing out new/different info, that is 100% fine and allowed.

This has always been the case here. You can see examples here:

Links to YoJoe.com
Possible Upcoming Wave!!
Wave 9 Card Back
Ninja-Ku(Black Storm Shadow) Army builder or one person?
2003 Spy Troops Venom Cycle Tread Fire repaints
25th Anniversary Skystriker (Tiger Force)

Links to ToyNewsI.com
Upcoming Target battle pack Stalker
Updated Wave 7 (Hasbro Wave 3 2008) Images
New He-Man line

Links to JoeCanuck.com
Joe Meet in Hamilton, Ontario. Some Hasbro news.
Some Light Humor: Unlikey GI Joes
Canadian JoeMeet "Snowbank" figure has filecard by Larry Hama!
1986 Viper / TRU Viper Army Building...

Links to Multiple other websites
Hasbro's G.I. JOE Q&A Round One 2008 ANSWERS

You just can't start threads specificly to "PIMP YOUR/ANYONES ISH". Some people may not know the difference, that's fine, that's what mods are for.

Regarding news type posts. If YoJoe, JoeCanuck, CobraIsland, TNI, etc get news, that is not posted here on Hisstank, such as new images, interviews with industry folks, etc, then linking to them is allowed. We may even do so on our front page, and link to them for it. If it's news, and excluisve to them, then all links are on so to speak.

If we at Hisstank have the same news posted on our front page, since it was not "exclusive" to another site, whether it be before or after the other site's posting, we will redirect people to view the news at our site, and discuss at our site. That's part of site building, some or all other sites listed here do exactly the same thing.

TNI isn't going link to us for images Hasbro also sent them - just because we were 10 minutes first. And vice versa. Part of the game, completely fine. And both sites, of course, want their community to discuss this info at their site, to build their community. Also completely understandable.

What is disallowed, is the starting of a thread for the sole purpose of promoting another website, whether it be something like "Yay, look at this site" or "Yay, this site updated with non-news content". If a fan who doesn't know the difference does it - no harm no foul - mods will address the issue on a case by case basis. That's what they are for.

So to wrap up, links to these other sites, any of them or others not mentioned, ARE ALLOWED, HAVE BEEN ALLOWED, and will continue to be within these guidelines.


Regardless of their treatment of our site within their own communities.

I will try to clarify if there are still issues. Just be patient.

Now before anyone jumps in to defend, remember what I'm about to say.....

I'm going to cry bullsh** on this....they are now realizing that they've inserted the barrel into their mouths and taunted everyone to pull the trigger-which the community did.

Now they know that they're f**** because they attempted to dictate the G.I. Joe fountain of knowledge and camraderie and it backfired, big time......

10-27-2008, 01:07 PM
I think my brain is still in AutoCAD mode. What on earth did HTank just post?

You can link to pics on their site but you can't say, "Hey, Hisstank has new pics up of (fill in the blank)". Oh nutz, never mind. You guys can discuss this. Save the drama for someone else's momma. Or something like that.

10-27-2008, 01:34 PM
Man, I go to work for 3 days strait and all heck breaks loose...

This has been interresting to try and catch up on. I only go to Hisstank for the sightings, customs and other postings of interrest. I am a bit piterbed that they combind the 3 regional california sightings into one HUGE one.

Oh well. we shall see... good to be informed.

10-27-2008, 02:01 PM
Scarlett i was going to say the same thing, Bull$h$t, the guys at hisstank aren't buying in to this, no is,

10-27-2008, 05:32 PM
I have had numerous incidents with Mods over links being deleted. I thought we were a community sharing information? I've grown tired of the elite attitude they have taken. A few of the new mods (and existing) really behave like they have a chip on their shoulder. I've said many of times this attitude would come back to bite them too. And it has.

Urban Saboteur
10-28-2008, 04:01 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]In an attempt to remain 'guardedly neutral', I just got this from 'CrimsonGuardVet76' on 'Tri-State Vipers'......he pulled it from "them":

Now before anyone jumps in to defend, remember what I'm about to say.....

I'm going to cry bullsh** on this....they are now realizing that they've inserted the barrel into their mouths and taunted everyone to pull the trigger-which the community did.

Now they know that they're f**** because they attempted to dictate the G.I. Joe fountain of knowledge and camraderie and it backfired, big time......[/QUOTE]

Valid point G.S
You know what else.. If this was their stance from the beginning.. why not just come out and say it? For me this alone proves their original idea backfired.. and now they dont like the size of the gun-barrel.. they are trying to be flexable to save themselves.
I'll say it once and i'll say it again.. communities need to stick together and build up their community, but they do need to share this information and their links, sure they will probably share more than 1000 plus members.. but isn't that the members choice to go where they please? :o

10-28-2008, 04:16 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Valid point G.S
You know what else.. If this was their stance from the beginning.. why not just come out and say it? For me this alone proves their original idea backfired.. and now they dont like the size of the gun-barrel.. they are trying to be flexable to save themselves.
I'll say it once and i'll say it again.. communities need to stick together and build up their community, but they do need to share this information and their links, sure they will probably share more than 1000 plus members.. but isn't that the members choice to go where they please? :o[/QUOTE]

Thank you. Well said. That is what it is about. Glad to see some get it.

General Scarlett
10-28-2008, 04:50 AM
Annnnnd we have a 'winnna'......the latest 'declaration' from the ' `BS` Tank'.....

*once again, props to 'CrimsonGuardVet76' over @ 'Tri-State Vipers'*

In fact, to further clarify our non-desire to restrict anything, and just make sure this community is strong, and threads are useful and relevant, I am going to do 2 things right now.

1. A "PIMP YOUR STUFF" thread. You can link to any site, related to G.I. Joe's, for any reason. Their non-news updates, their non-news content, their saying that they think the color red is awesome. Whatever you want.

Again, news and new-content based info, reviews by personal fans, are allowed to be referenced in their own threads already.

The Non-Hisstank website update and resources thread.

2. A Deals and Coupons thread, for stores other than sponsors. Sponsors are needed to keep larger websites running, look at any of the others and you will see that. But to counter act any "OMG they are restricting my freedomz!" type feelings, you can use that thread to find and discuss any deal from any store on the internet.

The Official G.I. Joe Deals and Coupons Thread

That keeps those things contained, so that there aren't 100 pimp my stuff threads clogging up the forum list, and regular Hisstankers, or lurkers, can have that resource.

If that doesn't quell any of this communist accusation BS, I dunno what will.

It's really that last line that's the *most* special, inn't it? :rolleyes:

General Scarlett
10-28-2008, 05:20 AM
'Kay, so I just went 'there' to see what's what....and this is the 'header post' of the 'new sub-forum'....

The Non-Hisstank website update and resources thread.


If you run, or visit, another G.I. Joe based website, or website with G.I. Joe content, and you would like to alert the community to something there, feel free to use this thread to do so.

This is for non "Ground Breaking" topics, such as their content updates, site redesigns, newsletters, archive udpates, etc.

If what you are posting is "News", aka, something the fandom hasn't seen before, or it is "additional info" for an already ongoing topic here, you can still post new threads and/or respond to threads with external links.

This is for pimping, or referencing non-super-new content.

Why are we doing this? Because we don't want threads popping up every time another site updates with content either already here at Hisstank, or elsewhere in the fandom, just because that particular site decided to put it up. It clogs up the forum thread listing, and generally does nothing to build the community here. But, as a resource to the fans, you can scan this thread for something you may have missed, and see that other sites exist.

Apparently clogging the hell outta the 'non- Tank' related threads is perfectly acceptable.... :confused:

10-28-2008, 10:18 AM
[QUOTE=General Scarlett]'Kay, so I just went 'there' to see what's what....and this is the 'header post' of the 'new sub-forum'....

Apparently clogging the hell outta the 'non- Tank' related threads is perfectly acceptable.... :confused:[/QUOTE]

That is such a load. They know people aren't going to "sift" through one continous thread looking for things. Way to try and save face there, but I think you FAILED!

10-28-2008, 11:32 AM
But if they had went about it that way to begin with we would never have known their intention, but now we know what their intentions are. They are to curb information about GI Joe sites and to bee seen as the one and only Joe site.
I hope Hasbro gets real website with news and info.

10-28-2008, 02:22 PM
I have been keeping my eyes on this thread the past few days and sat down today to catch up with what was going on. WOW!!! They really messed up over there at HISS tank. Everything everyone has said in this thread about communities sticking together is the way I feel too. I am proud of being a part of communities such as Joedios and the other joe sites I visit. But this is the only site I really post at because of the community. Through our art (yes I said art), I've felt I have grown to know many of you through our many different styles of picture taking. This is what really sets Joedios apart from other sites. Our community is not as big as HISSTANK, but we are more intimate with one another because of it. By them releasing statements like the ones General Scarlett has brought to our attention they come off as a big corporation who got greedy and tried to take advantage of the people who help make them a success to begin with. Now the big Corporation of the online Joe community got their PR guys running damage control. Me personally, I'll stick with the personal attention that a mom-and-pop site like Joe-dios offers. Maybe HissTank should consider changing their name to "ExtensiveEnterprises.com". :D

10-28-2008, 04:20 PM
Maybe I just look at it differently.

I do think if you post on a message board, it shouldn't just be for pimping some other site.... not that anyone does that. I also think, at times, I've seen a lack of uniqueness in different Joe forums. Sometimes, redundant conversations, advertising, etc. In any case, fandom can be pretty silly. I'm not finding myself very worked up over this. Maybe it was a ahole move, but people have the right to run their sites the way they want.

Ho hum ho hum. :)

10-28-2008, 04:42 PM
[QUOTE=Lowjacked]Through our art (yes I said art),
Offcourse it is an art.

10-28-2008, 06:28 PM
Actually, I have seen posts like that before. "Check out Hisstank.com for (fill in the blank)" It gets REAL old because all the person does is try and point us in the direction of that site. Now, I don't know if my regular sites do that. I don't make a post with the title of "Check out the JBL for...". But I will do posts on occasion that report a new vehicle or whatever and in the post, will link to JBL or HTS or wherever. But I'm not doing it to convince people to join up over there or whatever.

Or maybe I'm off the point of what HissTank is doing?

General Scarlett
10-28-2008, 07:36 PM
As if any more proof were needed, I give you a post made just this evening by JBL member 'Carnage717'

Well after Tony's never ending backpedaling yesterday it looks like they cant even keep their word for one day. Early this morning I was checking their Forums and I noticed someone posted a link to ToyNewsI.com that showed that In Package pics to the Ghost Hawk and Cobra Stinger. He even posted the link to ToyNewsI.com in his post. Now before this Hisstank has not had any In package pics which means that since ToyNewsI.com got them first then the link should have been allowed to remain since they got scooped on the pics. So I figured I would bookmark the thread just to see what happens. I noticed that Hisstank now has 2 threads on their front page talking about the in package pics and the threads posted were created almost 6 hours after the one with the ToyNewsI.com link was posted. So now I go back to check the bookmark to thread with the ToyNewsI.com link in it and it has now been completely changed. The link to the to ToyNewsI.com has been erased and replaced with a link to the Hisstank Front Page and the in-package pics that were originally posted on ToyNewsI.com have been uploaded to their server and are posted in that thread. Just goes to show you that you cant trust anything that comes out of their mouth.

10-28-2008, 09:42 PM
I agree that everyone has the right to run their site the way they see fit and the need to try to avoid redundant threads. Even on this site members are expected to follow certain guidelines. It's not personal or to make a profit, but for the greater good of the community. As I said, anyone can run a website the way they want. But when you start alienating people, don't be shocked when people stop clicking on your sponsors links. If I start seeing all of Joe community going towards a trend like that, I'd quit now.

Major Bludd
10-29-2008, 08:24 AM
[QUOTE=Swindle] I'm not finding myself very worked up over this. Maybe it was a ahole move, but people have the right to run their sites the way they want.

Ho hum ho hum. :)[/QUOTE]

I have to agree, I'm not seeing what the big deal is. If you don't like the way they run their site don't go there and move on. In other words get over it.

10-29-2008, 10:06 AM
[QUOTE=Major Bludd]I have to agree, I'm not seeing what the big deal is. If you don't like the way they run their site don't go there and move on. In other words get over it.[/QUOTE]

It's not just a matter of how they run their site, it's a matter of them being hypocritical. DESTRO has posted numerous times on other sites with links saying "check this out" pointing back to HissTank. So it's okay for him/them to do that, yet when another Joe fan site wants to let people know their latest newsletter is available it's not okay? Or a member wants to post links to information to share with other Joe fans, it gets deleted? This situation has been boiling to the point of where it is at now for quite some time. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Don't hold a double standard.

10-29-2008, 01:12 PM
[QUOTE=WildWeasel]It's not just a matter of how they run their site, it's a matter of them being hypocritical. DESTRO has posted numerous times on other sites with links saying "check this out" pointing back to HissTank. So it's okay for him/them to do that, yet when another Joe fan site wants to let people know their latest newsletter is available it's not okay? Or a member wants to post links to information to share with other Joe fans, it gets deleted? This situation has been boiling to the point of where it is at now for quite some time. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Don't hold a double standard.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, they have spammed every joe board for months and then throw a fit when someone links a newsletter to thier site because its "fan generated."

Even members of thier own site pointed this out.

10-29-2008, 09:01 PM
[QUOTE=zedhatch]Agreed, they have spammed every joe board for months and then throw a fit when someone links a newsletter to thier site because its "fan generated."

Even members of thier own site pointed this out.[/QUOTE]
i can name a few on that one, :eek: