View Full Version : MAKE your own GI Joe Team!
10-30-2008, 12:37 PM
So... Let's take all the available characters, throw out Hasbro's ideas and make your own team! BUT let me put a parameter or two on this one (cuz I figure some people will use all 100+ members as their team). This is about who your CORE team would be. Anybody else who is brought in would most likely be for their speciality. So therefore, I say that you get to ONLY choose 13 members (just like the original team.
Who would your 13 be? (if you want to use less, that's fine too)
10-30-2008, 01:26 PM
1. Duke
2. Scarlett
3. Snake-Eyes
4. Gung-Ho
5. Stalker
6. Breaker
7. Short-Fuze
8. Zap
9. Rock n' Roll
10. Steeler
11. Clutch
12. Ace
13. Wild Bill
...So basically, the core cast of the MASS Device mini-series. I like many Joes from throughout the decades, but if I'm being honest, my heart lies with the 1982-83 cast more than any others. I love '84 and '85 too, but these Joes to me are "definitive."
10-30-2008, 01:49 PM
I thought I'd let someone answer first and then I'd go. I'd also change the specialities around a bit. I'd have 2 small teams and 1 overall commander. Therefore, it'd look a LOT like this (course, I'm pretty readable so you guys will kjnow who I'll be giving love!) :
General Hawk (v2, of course). Top guy. Hands out the orders, make sure the team is doing what they are supposed to be doing. Etc.
Lt. Falcon. Leads the posse. Acts as communication since he has the pack.
Beach Head. If you break them into 2 squads on the team, Beach Head leads the other members.
Tunnel Rat. Acts as scout, EOD, tunnel guy and basic infantry.
Repeater. Heavy gunner.
Snake Eyes. The fighter, infantry, etc.
Bombstrike. Sniper, computers and infantry.
Flint. Leads the back-up unit BUT acts as primary rescue ops.
Stalker. Leads the 2nd half of the RRTS2. Acts as medic & EOD.
Gung Ho. As seen in Transformations, heavy weapons operator.
Crosshair. Sniper, infantry, etc
Dart. Scout, weapons knowledge, infantry, etc
Scarlet Undercover, fighter, infantry, etc.
Lava Boss
10-30-2008, 02:02 PM
1. Duke
2. Shipwreck
3. Roadblock
4. Covergirl
5. Breaker
6. Lift Ticket
7. Tunnel Rat
8. Lady Jaye
9. Leatherneck
10. Wet-Suit
11. Low-Light
12. Airborne
13. Salvo
I'd throw Grunt in, but I kinda like the idea that he retired. And Doc, but does such a small team need an M.D. in the field?
I'm bored of Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Stalker, Gung-Ho, Beach-Head and Flint. A thirteen man team doesn't need Hawk. Fighter jocks are so mission specific they wouldn't be part of the team.
10-30-2008, 02:44 PM
I chose the team I think represent the best Joes, not the best figures or coolest characters but the team I think represent the best of the best.
There is only one team if one soldier dies then the soldier gets replaced by another GI Joe.
My idea for the team is that it should be firepower heavy. It is also based on fighting Cobra with the full support of the local goverments. This is not a black ops team. The teams only weakness is from air attacks. But I think that they could carry some extra sam's if needed. Salvo would definatly do that.
A fighter Jet would double or triple the teams cost and the pilot would be outnumbered in allmost every dogfight.
Field command.
Duke. Duke wold be in charge, and generally lead from the front. (Good for morale)
Flint. Flint would be second in command, he would also be responsible for sosializing the group. (Also good for morale)
Recon. Theese soldiers would spy on the enemies and deliver information back to the main fire support team. I dont see them fighting the enemy on their own but if they had to Snake Eyes are there.
Jinx. Spying and giving info back to the fire support team.
Snake Eyes. Snake Eyes would be making sure she could do her job withouth getting shot.
Tracker. Making sure the fire support team dont get ambushed.
Fire support and tactical. Its all about firepower and the skill to use it. These guys would be responsible for gunning down all the cobras no matter what.
Flash . Lazer trooper would snipe and blind the enemies, also would be going for enemy planes if any.
Roadblock. Very usefull since he can carry lots of ammo and heavy weaponry without much trouble. And as a chef he would be great for morale.
Salvo. Blowing stuff up.
Shortfuse. Since he is so good at calculating without machines he would work well with Salvo.
Lowlight. A fire support team need a good sniper he could also be night guard if it was needed.
Special skills
Airtight. Just in case.. You never know right?
Tripwire. Allthough the recon team would have little trouble with finding and removing standard mines, sometimes Cobra uses more elaborate explosives.
Doc. I choose Doc because he is a real doctor only the best for my team. (atleast until he get shot)
10-31-2008, 04:16 AM
[COLOR=Red]beach head, team leader
dusty, desert operations
quick kick, silent weapons and martial artist
sci-fi, sniper
outback, tracker
dial tone, communications
gung ho, heavy weapons
shipwreck, navel expert
lady jaye, covert operations
wild bill, pilot
cross country, vehicle driver
bazooka, explosives
crazy legs, halo jumper
most of my picks were dont because of the way they were in the cartoon or the figure itself, none was picked because of the comic. also, i didnt pick any winter experts and these are my favorite type of troops. thats because i dont like any of the joe winter characters.[/COLOR]
11-05-2008, 08:35 PM
Falcon - Team leader
Beachhead - Second in command
Tunnel Rat - demolitions
Rock N Roll - Machine Gunner
Lowlight - Sniper
Cross Country - Vehicle driver
Salvo - Anti Armor
Recondo - Jungle Warfare Expert
Shockwave - Urban operations
Daina (from October Guard)- Helicopter pilot/sniper
Mutt - dog handler/security
Recoil - Recon/communications
Hit & Run - infantry/mountain operations
11-05-2008, 09:15 PM
Most of the joes have retired having fulfilled years of fighting Cobra, and have left the task to those who are younger and not as badly battle-worn.
1. Commander- Duke: Getting up in age he finally took that desk job he had been avoiding for so long.
2. Field Leader- Lt. Falcon: Replaced his brother as G.I. Joes leader in the field
3. Heavy Gunner- Heavy Duty: took his cousin Roadblocks's spot as the #1 support fire specialist.
Commando/Ninja-Kamakura: Ole Snakes trained him in his special fighting style of mixed sword/gun play.
4. Laser Weapons Specialist- Redspot: works with Hi-Tech on keeping the Joes with the latest in cutting edge technology.
5. Pilot/Sniper/Special Ops- Barrell Roll: too many talents to not have him.
6. Air Support Specialist- Bombstrike: great female to have on the team and she can hold her own.
7. Technical specialist- Hi Tech: this is the mad scientist of the outfit.
8. Artillary/Heavy Assualt commander- Major Barrage: Big, intimidating, mean, the modern day Sgt. Slaughter.
9. E.O.D. specialist/Demolitionist- Tunnel Rat: You need a guy who knows his way around explosives.
10. Infantry Specialist/intelligence- Hit 'n' Run: A guy who can stay in the field without contact for days and bring back an hour-by-hour log of the enemies activities.
11. Driver/Mechanic- Roll Bar: full of enthusiasm and magical with a torque wrench.
12. Tracking specialist- Dart: Trained by Spirit on techniques he himself developed.
13. Combat Medic- Stretcher: unlike Doc and Lifeline, Stretcher will not give killing another a man a second thought if it means esuring the survival of him or a squadmates.
Black Knight
11-25-2008, 07:46 AM
1.) Falcon - Leader
2.) Snake Eyes - CQB/Covert
3.) Lifeline - Medic
4.) Tripwire - Demo
5.) Mainframe - Tech. Specialist
6.) Low-Light - Sniper/Scout
7.) Wet-Suit - Aquatic Specialist
8.) Slip-Stream - Pilot/Fixed
9.) Lift-Ticket - Pilot/Rotary
10.) Clutch - Mechanic/Driver
11.) Air-Tight - Bio Specialist
12.) Dusty - Arid Specialist
13.) Cold-Front - Arctic Operations
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