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11-28-2008, 02:19 AM
Well my computer is fubar, it comitted seppuku earlier this week.
So no new pictures from me for a while. I'm taking lots of pictures though, just ain't got nothing to load them up to.

Just thought I'd leave that note if people were wondering. Only net time I get is at work (like now :p )

11-28-2008, 02:41 AM
Good luck getting a new computer! Hope to see some pictures from you soon.

11-28-2008, 04:38 AM

Just didn't want people to wonder why I suddently went quiet.

What really is annoying is that I got $400 worth of 25th stuff yesterday... I've already gone nuts with the camera, so I'll probably have enough pictures to post for several months in the future when I get back online at home.

11-28-2008, 11:31 AM
Four hundred! I had to stop buying because I used forty dollar this month!
What did you buy?

11-28-2008, 02:52 PM

Just didn't want people to wonder why I suddently went quiet.

What really is annoying is that I got $400 worth of 25th stuff yesterday... I've already gone nuts with the camera, so I'll probably have enough pictures to post for several months in the future when I get back online at home.[/QUOTE]

WOW i can't wait to see what you have in store. What's exactly wrong with your comp?

12-02-2008, 02:19 AM
[QUOTE=Tracker]WOW i can't wait to see what you have in store. What's exactly wrong with your comp?[/QUOTE]

motherboard is fried.

I think I got just about everything released so far for the 25th, except the ninjapack with snake eyes (green pants) and Cobra Nightwatch pack, and the Rattler and Conquest and best of dvd pack. (+ new releases not known to me)

So wave 10-11, all the vehicles, all the comic packs, condition packs and dvd packs.


12-05-2008, 05:55 AM
Hope you get a new computer soon

12-05-2008, 06:37 AM
[QUOTE=guiltridden]Hope you get a new computer soon[/QUOTE]

Hopefully over this weekend!
Investing in a lot of small new stuff - thank heavens for having a friend who works at the biggest computer store here.

12-08-2008, 02:33 AM
Well this is just fantastic
All the hardware has been replaced - but still no-go. Windows (every version) nor linux wants to be installed...


The BATman
12-08-2008, 11:27 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Windows (every version) nor linux wants to be installed...[/QUOTE]
What, every version ? You even tried Windows 3.1 ? Wow.


12-08-2008, 10:45 PM
[QUOTE=The BATman]What, every version ? You even tried Windows 3.1 ? Wow.


yup even tried that one...
I get a PCI error, even though there is nothing connected... (tried with all the new hardware - motherboard, cpu, memory + new hard drive - still no go...)

12-09-2008, 11:03 AM
Hmm... It sounds like.. Like... something... Like something is wrong!
Hopefully you will get your computer up and online soon. Good luck with it.

12-11-2008, 11:37 PM
Might be the memory (ram) that was faulty from the factory... *sigh*
I'm loosing my memory...

Well might get it fixed today - so if suddently there are 10 000 new pics from me, then you know its up and running again :p
(yes yes 6 picture limit I know... I know...)

12-13-2008, 02:48 PM

it is alive

It was the ram chips that were faulty - got new ones and bam, Computer has been Lazarussed.

Now to get all my programs etc back... * sigh - goes through random backup files*