View Full Version : How much $$ do you spend buying Joe's a Month?

11-28-2008, 10:16 PM
I was just wondering what some of you other Collectors spend per Month on our Joe Hobby?The reason i'm wondering is the last couple Months i've been on a Joe buying Binge,and I wanted to see how my spending matches up to others in our Hobby.I don't think i'm on the top spending level,I think i'm probably right in the Middle.

General Jones
11-29-2008, 08:30 AM
My wife used to have me on a $15 a month budget. That was when I was trying to complete my collection of all of the original figure. (You can imagine how hard it was to get a Viper Glider Pilot and a V1 Payload :D ). Now It is on an as needed basis. If I see a good deal on ebay, I will throw in a bid. But Now I am trying to fix up some of the vehicles and am just waiting for the right parts to present themselves. Along with the occasional 25th figure. so probably 30 to 40 dollars a month.

Beast from the east
11-29-2008, 08:49 AM
I spend about $100-$200/month depending on what is availible locally and if I really want something to pay ebay prices(which I do a lot of)

11-29-2008, 11:41 AM
I don't have a limit. How much I spend depends on what's available. If there is something I want, I buy it. My wife doesn't mind because I don't spend a lot on other stuff, so Joes are my indulgence. Life is too short to be a tightwad! ;)

11-29-2008, 12:07 PM
I probably buy two figs every 2 weeks. Now, sometimes, I'll get star wars figs if I don't see anything worth buying, so not everything I spend goes into GIJoe. I try to only buy at retail because shipping online for new figs is generally a ripoff, but sometimes, I have no choice.

11-29-2008, 01:33 PM
Im prob at the 100 or more a month. Im on unemployment, so I kinda have to watch what I spend. Its just so hard when you know if you find something, you had better get it cuz you dont know if you will find it again!! Im trying to sell some reproduction security cameras that i made and some walkways, But i dont know how to market them. So if anyones interested let me know...

Lava Boss
11-29-2008, 03:29 PM
Not much these days. Back in 2003-2004 was when I was spending like $100+ a month sometimes.

I've spent more on Star Wars this year than I've spent on GI JOE in the past two years, since I'm not into 25th figures (I have picked up a few vehicles.) And if Star Wars hadn't increased overall articulation a few years ago...I wouldn't have much interest in them at all.

11-29-2008, 03:50 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]I don't have a limit. How much I spend depends on what's available. If there is something I want, I buy it. My wife doesn't mind because I don't spend a lot on other stuff, so Joes are my indulgence. Life is too short to be a tightwad! ;)[/QUOTE]

11-29-2008, 10:07 PM
Well now that I see i'm not crazy for spending what I do,it makes me feel alot better. :D I'm usually around $100 or so a Month,but the last couple i've been Army Building like crazy & buying the new Vehicles so i've doubled my usual amount.And like Outrider & Flatline alot of my spending depends on what I want at the time,and when a good deal rolls around.I'm glad i'm not into the new 25th Figures because if I had to get those plus all the older Figures I like,i'd definitely be BROKE! :eek:

11-29-2008, 11:52 PM
I don't try to make a number out of it, but the past month I have been over (what its like 4 waves in 5 weeks now?) any sencible amount. My wife doesn't mind until it eats into the "Life" budget and she is really quick to point it out. :)

This month I got a chewing, next month should be better. LOL

11-30-2008, 01:22 AM
I'm in the same boat with Outrider. I spend on what I want. If I can't afford it, I don't buy it, but then again, Since unlike some collectors here, I don't also collect Star Wars, Transformers, etc., That leaves me with a lot of cash to devote to Joes. I spend between $100 a month and $600 a month on Joes (usually the $600 is when they have Con sets or I catch a deal on something I have been searching a long time for. (Like that Bailey Bridge! Best $600 I ever Spent!) Also, like Outrider, since I'm not a fan of the 25th and don't buy Many of them, I have more money to spend on expensive and rare items these days. Used to be I would spend $300 and get about 40 action figures, 5-6 Vehicles and a Playset or two. Now, I'm looking at spending $400 and getting the 2007 Con Grand Slam and Starduster. LOL!

Now, when we talk about spending on Joes, are we also talking about spending on Dio Supplies? Probably 1/3 to 1/2 of what I spend a month is on dio Supplies (Lights, hobby wood, Aquarium pieces, doll furniture, other playsets such as MASH, Police Academy, Lil Brats, etc). I put a LOT into my hobby, but then again, I don't play Xbox, Playstation, Wii, I don't collect other toy lines, I gave up Martial Arts (too old and it hurts too much now!) and I'm not into Motorbikes or Cars (Except My Dodge Magnum, Lola. but I'm not into buying million dollar stereo systems, Rims, lights etc.) So, basically, after food, gas and bills the rest I can use for Joes.....

11-30-2008, 09:08 AM
[COLOR=Red]not much here since we havent had anything new in awhile. this month it was about 21$ as i only found 3 i wanted. last month i got the two extreme sets around 45$ 3 figs at the $ store 9$, and a few odds and ends. all together it was around 85$ or so. i cant indulge myself so much as i feel better spending my money on other people in my life and the 8 cats, 2 ferrets.[/COLOR]

12-01-2008, 04:35 AM
I spent a lot each month on Joes sometimes up to fifty dollars!
Now adays I hunt for good deals it makes Joe collecting more fun.

12-05-2008, 06:33 AM
Unless I go to a show probably about $30 a month sometimes more but sometimes I don't spend any. I read too many comics a month trying to trim down. With joes if i don't take pics of them, I sell them, if i don't think i will take pics i don't buy them.`My only other indulgence is pez dispensers since they're a dollar each my wife never complains about the pez. All this may change in a few months with the baby.

12-05-2008, 11:40 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Since unlike some collectors here, I don't also collect Star Wars, Transformers, etc., That leaves me with a lot of cash to devote to Joes.[/QUOTE]

Same here Frank. My only other weakness is Nascar diecast cars, but Joes always take priority! :)

12-05-2008, 04:08 PM
It varies. Like if I want to army build or not. This being the Holiday Season and all, I spent a little more than usual as I bought some for my Mom's coworker's grandson.

12-07-2008, 07:25 PM
[QUOTE=GoCards]I spent a little more than usual as I bought some for my Mom's coworker's grandson.[/QUOTE]
That's Great,we need the Younger Kid's to get into Joe's like all of us Did.I helped out a Lady in the Toy Department a few Day's ago that was looking for a Christmas Gift for Her Nephew,at first she was looking at Cars.And then she noticed I was looking at Joe's so she said,"I wonder if my Nephew would like a G.I Joe Figure",and of course I said,"Yes".So she looked over the Joe's,and picked up a 12" Dusty Figure.I told her he would really like that as a Christmas Gift,and so she bought it for him.So maybe I helped plant the Joe Seed in another little Fellow..