View Full Version : Forget army builders, what about armor builders?

11-30-2008, 09:34 PM
We have had a few threads about how many army builders people have, but what about vehicles? whats the most you have of any one vehicle?

11-30-2008, 10:05 PM
[COLOR=Red]army building vehicles!?! not for me. heck, i didnt own any vehicles but the havoc and thunder machine. now i want some, but why do i need more then one? ill just photoshop them in. i mean any shot you do of any vehicle that flys will have to be photoshoped anyway, so why not save money for figures. here are the few i do own.

Trouble bubble 25th
Fang 25th
Claw 25th
Firebat 25th
Air chariot 25th
R.A.M. 25th
A.W.E. striker 25th
Vamp 25th
Armadillo tank 25th
Armadillo tank
Tripple t tank
Vector jet
Polar Battle Bear

Da Talent
11-30-2008, 10:43 PM
fun thread! I'm sure there are some maniacs on here with some killer collections. I don't have anything too massive.
8 of the new 25th hiss
3 of the new rattlers
4 of the DTC hiss
4 wolverines
4 lynx
the rest I just have one of.

12-01-2008, 02:39 AM
I have 5 HISS V1's. I also have about 7-8 of the VvsV silver gliders that Barrel Roll v1 came with.
4 Red hiss (OCS)
1 Red hiss (SMS)
4 DTC Hiss
3 Wolverines
5 Warthogs/Night Rhinos
3 Chap Mei CH47s
3 BBI Blackhawks + 1 PaveHawk
3 Generals (1 complete, one partial and a Third modified to be Destro's Vehicle)
2 APC's
3 Stinger Jeeps
2 PTE Little Birds
Cobra Vehicles, I try to have 2 of each except tanks, I try for a squad of 4.
4 Rattlers (3 blue one Gold)

12-01-2008, 06:55 AM
Cant really say I build armor... but anyway:

1 Desert fox
1 Polar attack vehicle (or whatever it was that came with Windchill)
1 Skyhawk (Air patrol silver version)
2 PTE forest camo humvees (the normal and the canopy truck)
1 chap mei police jeep
+ some other toylines that are compatible with joes

Now that I think about it, I need an AWE striker for my Crank Case badly....

12-01-2008, 09:37 AM
My biggest indulgence is Hiss tanks - 17 of them in all, of various versions. Then there's 10 assorted Flight Pods, and half a dozen Stingers. After that there's quite a few vehicles (mostly Cobra) that I have three or four of. It would be a lot more, but I don't have a lot of storage space left!

12-01-2008, 11:56 PM
Like Frank and Craig, I have no monthly limit as to what I can spend, so I snag what I want when I can. The gf doesn't mind as long as the bills are paid and our family is taken care of first.

For Cobra:

14 Hiss Tanks total
8 Version 1
2 25th (1 Blue, 1 Black)
2 Night Ravens
2 Rattlers (1 V.1, 1 25th)
2 Firebats (1 V.1, 1 25th)
4 Stinger Jeeps
4 Fang Copters (25th)
4 Claw (25th)
4 Trouble Bubbles (25th)


4 AWE Strikers (1 V.1, 2 Green 25th, 1 Tan 25th)
3 MOBATs (2 V.1, 1 1998 TRU Issue)
2 Maulers
2 VAMPS (1 V.1, 1 25th)
5 RAM Cycles (1 V.1, 4 25th)
2 Piranha Attack Boats
3 Sharcs (1 V.1, 2 25th, 1 Gray 1 White)
2 Conquest X-30s (1 V.1, 1 25th)

PTE Vehicles:
2 A-10s
4 F-18s
2 M-1 Abrahms
2 Watchtowers
2 Blackhawks
3 LIttle Birds

12-02-2008, 01:22 AM
You guys are sick! I collect other toys other than Joes too, so room is a factor. Since I only collect 80s Joes, I am still working on getting 1 of every vehicle that I want. I do have 2 HISS, one I customized into a Arctic HISS. I do have a white & a blue SNAKE. I try to collect as mint a vehicle as I can find & afford. After that I would like a few more HISS, Flight Pods, Claws, Fangs, Skyhawks and Rams. I like the smaller vehicles, easy to store & play with, err...I mean photograph. :D

Beast from the east
12-02-2008, 07:34 AM
I have
2 25th VAMP


3 25th HISS
2 V1

12-02-2008, 10:45 AM
At 1 time I had:

3 JvC HISS (extended neck style)

2 Thunderwings
2 NACs

3 VvV Mechs (or was it Spy Troops?)
3 Sigma6 2.5" Mechs

Sometimes, it's not that easy to fotoshop everything in. I wouldn't be able to do a bunch of tanks easily but flying stuff, yeah...

I don't really build vehicles unless I have a reason to for a dio. At this time (and this is what I count):

2 Thunderwings
2 25A Vamps
3 25A HISS

I asked Carlito whether I should buy another VAMP or another Awestriker so I could have a pair to accompany a RHINO or ROCC on the road. He felt that the VAMP was a better choice so I broke down and bought a 2nd one. I admit, I'm staying away from the other vehicle packs. The AirChariot vs RAM and TrubbleBubble vs Armadillo. Oh wait, the Awestriker was the Target exclusive, wasn't it. :o

Mysterious Stranger
12-02-2008, 08:28 PM
I don't have the room to build huge armor columns but I do have a few multiples.

2 25th HISS (black)
1 25th HISS (blue)
1 25th HISS (red)
1 DTC HISS (modified)
4 25th CLAWs
4 25th FANGs
4 25th Flight Pods (white)
1 25th Flight Pod (blue)
3 25th Firebats
1 25th Rattler
1 25th Water Mocassin

1 25th VAMP
1 25th VAMP (customized)
4 25th RAM Cycles
1 25th Armadillo
1 25th AWE Striker (green)
1 25th AWE Striker (tan)
1 25th MOBAT
1 25th Night Spectre
2 25th SHARCs
1 25th Conquest
3 25th Sky Hawks

And I have some custom vehicles as well but these are my G.I. Joe vehicles I've "armor" built.

The BATman
12-03-2008, 12:41 PM
Imagine having a dozen Hiss tanks as a kid... The battles would have been awesome, no doubt, but storing away your toys afterwards, that would have been quite a chore... :(

Anyway, i don't have dozens of any vehicle. Not even quintets. Three of a kind, that's the maximum: three RPV's, three Stingers, three Adders. I have this thing with missile artillery, see. Then some twosomes: two Fang II's, two Ferrets, two Desert Foxes, two Demons. Other than that, only singles.

Black Knight
12-03-2008, 02:08 PM
My armor collection is limited, but only due to pickiness...

3 HISS tanks (version that Fireflyed uses in pic)
2 Night Humvees (customed)
1 HULK Buster Humvee (customed)
8 X-30 Conquests (4 custom, 1 "melted", 3 incomplete)
2 25th VAMPs
1 Hurricane (customed)
4 HAVOCs (2 customed, 2 incomplete)
1 Rolling Thunder
1 Avalanche
1 semi-truck base thingy whom I can't remember its name, but its newer.
many misc non GI Joe vehicles

Lava Boss
12-04-2008, 09:37 AM
I uploaded 2 old photos of my HISS collection in the Collections area.

12 vintage (one is gunless)
2 (plus one mint) HISS 3
3 Septic Tanks

Plus recent (not shown)
3 Crimson Sabotage Hisses
1 Target Hiss
1 25th black Hiss

And 2 complete HISS 2's, 1 incomplete, 2 HISS IV's, and 5 or so DTC HISS's.