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View Full Version : Collections!

12-11-2008, 12:52 PM

When was the LAST TIME you guys visted the COLLECTIONS section. I know, I know, there's no button for it up top to get there easily. I always say, BOOKMARK it and check it every now and then. NeopolitanJoe is pretty much the master of that section and I like to throw down in there every now and then. Check it out. Enjoy it! Best way to show off your collection AND you can pretty much flood the page (well, to a degree) with your stuff!

AND since this is a FOTO TOY SITE, you can show off whatever you want! Star Wars. TF. Spores, molds and fungus if you must!

12-11-2008, 03:56 PM
I check it out almost daily. I like the section. The pics are simple and to-the-point. Haven't posted there, yet. And, yes, bow to Neapolitan Joe, the King of Collections!

Urban Saboteur
12-12-2008, 02:52 AM
I'm only speaking my own opinion here, but I think that it doesnt have it's own section and not many people go to it because of it's limited appeal.

The site is predominantly aimed at story dio based pictures.. the way I see it a shot someone took ages to do creating the perfect shot capturing a story moment with the figure in action will always be favoured over some propped up figures by the windowsill.

Maybe everyone else has a different opinion of it. It is impressive when you see a collection picture of 100 + figures together all stood up, but once the initial novelty wears off the photo holds no appeal.

I can look at a shot of Outriders, Lehsrehs, Stormers, GIJOCKS or any of the other many talented people on this board that do Story based shots one week and go back the week after and it will still hold my interest and attention theres more to look at and more to think about.

The fact you've posted up a thread to tell people not to forget about the collections section speaks volumes :p

12-12-2008, 03:23 AM
Collections have their place because they are a part of the gi joe hobby too. And the reason he put up a thread is because there is no button for the collection section so its hard to find. People can be proud of their collections and have original ways of displaying them.

12-12-2008, 07:39 AM
I try to visit a minimum of once a week. I actually very much enjoy peoples collection pictures so that end of the site I like very much.

I have found that Dioists have the most interesting collections too. I think the collections sections is a very natural part of the site myself.

neapolitan joe
12-13-2008, 04:55 AM
Thank You bros, but I am not the king or master of the collections section.
I like Your collections, but I really never understood why this section is not on the main page ogf Joedios.com.
Just a strange secret... :mad: