View Full Version : About the real General Scarlet-Prudence Doty

12-17-2008, 09:03 AM
I recently engaged in a transaction with GS over October Guard figures. I held my end of the bargain by sending old and new Og for a Pte navy seal boat. I had sent her about 130 figures because she was the moderator here and i thought the figs would be good prizes for best picture.

Suddenly she was removed and was sittting on 130 figs. I told her to use them at her discretion so she kept them all. When she wanted OG figures it was fall and kept saying she would fulfill her end of the bargain. She thought i wanted 4 boats and 2 Lavs. This was farther from the truth.

I noticed on the site she was buying figures for herself yet never kept her part of the bargain. When i left a pissy email about how long this was taking she said she would keep all my figs. The point is watch who you do business with. She also stated I was like Sonny, Ender, and Lesreh.

I hear she's a moderator at Joe Battlelines She should not be one You guys were right about her and i was wrong. I have thought about when i stuck up for that person It won't happen again. Another thing is greed seems to play a big part on this website.

I hope you're happy GS. You have a merry christmas with my belongings

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]*hey Russ, I only broke things up a bit. Didn't really change anything else.[/COLOR][/FONT]

Urban Saboteur
12-17-2008, 09:12 AM
Hi Russ,
I'm assuming I remembered your name correctly from our previous discussions? :)

First of all I am sorry to hear about this transaction go pear shaped. When you quoted that Prudence was removed, do you mean as a moderator here or do you mean from the site?
As far as I am understanding GS is still an active participant here (or at least she holds an account).

I've been on the short end of some deals in the past 2 or 3 years and have only ever relied on the other person doing the right thing, I just hope that if what you say is true that G.S realises that if she's not sending her side then it's only fair you call her out.

I would also like to point out that it's only fair for her to defend herself and explain her position/side of the deal too.

Whatever happens I hope things work out for the best (for both of you), can you not contact her directly at Joe Battlelines and post in the bad trader sections to get this resolved? :confused:

12-17-2008, 09:33 AM
[COLOR=Red]odd that she would stiff you like that. you really did stick your neck out for her.[/COLOR]

12-17-2008, 11:19 AM
I've known of this situation for a lil while and I've kept it hush-hush. At this point, I'm not sure what to do here. Airing dirty laundry isn't such a good thing. But at the same time, what RDS is airing here is a situation and if I go by JBL standards, they have a section for "bad traders". (or at least, I think they still do) Russ is simply giving us a warning of what's up.

I'll let this stay up unless I get a lot of complaints OR Hammerfel sez that this post isn't ok.

For the record, RDS and I haven't always seen eye-to-eye on things but some things make sense now. We're pretty cool as things stand so with this situation, I hope it explains a lot to you guys of what's REALLY been going on with stuff.

12-17-2008, 11:23 AM
It sucks to get ripped off, I've had it happen to me a time or two.

12-17-2008, 12:46 PM
Russ, that sucks. Maybe I'm wrong here, but that doesn't sound like Prudence to me. Yeah, she was upset when she went on the cleaning rampage in the forums and had to step down, but as far as I know she never purrposely took anything from anyone.

Then again, what do I know? I tried to talk to her about what happened and you see how she lumps us all together as co-conspirators in her downfall? That's why I NEVER trade. I always ask someone to buy something for me and I'll give them cash. (Like Cory/Fireflyed who got me a PTE buggy, but wouldn't take my $$...Thanks again Corey....he is truely a decent human being!). If I give up something, I never expect anything in return. When I do, I ALWAYS get scammed!

Like JustinM. I sent him a Chap Mei CH-47 and a bunch of PTE guys for a 2001 Locust (Dragonfly Repaint). First time in 5 years I actually tried trading....and see what happened? He's got my Helicopter.....where is mine? That's ok. I still have his address. I have a feeling he's like 12 or 13. When I get home, I'll drop by and let his mom and dad know what he did. Pretty sure they will wanna hear how their son is defrauding people over the internet. I don't even want my stuff back. Serves me right for dealing with a minor and KNOWING I can't take him to court.

That's the price you pay for trading sometimes. Even in Ebay with all their rules, I've been ripped off 3 times. (Which a lot of people tell me is amazing for the amount of stuff I buy off there). I'm sorry this happened to you. When I get home, if you want me to go and look for one of those boats for ya, I'll hook ya up. I may even have an extra you can have.

Take care and don't get too discouraged...this doesn't happen MOST of the time.

Graham, could we get the "Good/Bad Traders" thread made sticky?

12-17-2008, 01:56 PM
Thats too bad, I've personally dealt with several people here, usually I make them cash transactions, and guys like Tracker, GI Tom, and Sonneilon have been fantastic, I've even had a couple of guys fix me up with parts no cost. This is an awesome community, I hope things get worked out between you and GS.

Agent Viper
12-17-2008, 02:00 PM
That sucks Russ!
Hope you get to either kick a mudhole in her or get your crap back.

12-17-2008, 02:08 PM
The Only guy i ever traded with was frank, and it was a good deal.(For him,LOL! ;) ) The Hind and two figs he gave me are sweet, and the hind was fun.
though he kinda got the bigger end of the deal. but, that was the one and only time i ever did any thing. (use that stuff in the big dio collab when you get back!)

12-17-2008, 02:48 PM
I'm gonna stand up for the 'minors'. Here I believe that if anyone traded with Agent Viper, he'll stand up to his word. And MOrbius, I know you are 18 now, but a few years ago, I'd stand up and say that you'd do a fair trade too (I know you exampled Frank, just saying if you did more trades...).

12-17-2008, 03:10 PM
Hopefully it all get ironed out and all will be well

BTW thank for the props silentdusty you too are awesome to deal with.

12-17-2008, 04:10 PM
The first time I traded something I payed 140 dollars for 15 25th viper figures..
And I got ripped off! LoL. Just for the record it was on Amazon and not with anyone who posts here. Amazon dealt with the matter and gave me a refund though so its all good. After that experience I will be trusting but carefull and not trade for large quantities at once. I hope things will work out for you and General Scarlett.

12-17-2008, 04:28 PM
That is just horrible I've had nothing but positive experiences trading/selling here Flatline (Marcos) Fireflyed (Cory) and Ender098 (Frank) just to name a few are awesome to deal with.

12-17-2008, 05:31 PM
thanks Dustin You Jason And A Number Of Others Have All Been Great To Deal With. Things Just Happen Hope You Two Can Work Something Out Rds.

12-17-2008, 08:21 PM
Ok... Here's the situation. GS is no longer a mod on the JBL. I will NOT discuss that any further. All you guys need to know is that the crap she was pulling, it's not unseen and doesn't go without a reaction. Every action has a reaction.

With that said, I'm locking this thread. New readers can read it. Take it for what it's worth. Consider RDS's post a warning to all. NOT a warning against him, just that, you REALLY gotta know and trust those you trade and do deals with. That's the bottom line.