View Full Version : G.I.JOE Sigma Mech-Warrior/Iron Hammer

Urban Saboteur
12-18-2008, 05:45 PM
Hey Guys,
I need some help with something. GIJOE s6 Had A mechwarrior type vehicle.. a person sits inside and it's like a giant robot.. Iron Hammer I think it was called. (correct me if I am wrong)

Does anyone have one of these Iron Hammer vehicles?

I want some help in finding out how tall they are in inches. If possible with a photograph next to a standard 3 3/4 ARAH Joe figure.

12-18-2008, 05:47 PM
I had a few and no, they were not compatible. The small scale mech was meant for 2.5" figures and the larger was for 8". You could fotoshop it all tho. ;)

12-18-2008, 06:26 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I had a few and no, they were not compatible. The small scale mech was meant for 2.5" figures and the larger was for 8". You could fotoshop it all tho. ;)[/QUOTE]
i bet you could mod the big one to fit smaller figs. I saw some at TRU when they came out, but was not into S6, or anything Joe at all. I have to admit I have not seen one close up. I would love to try to make it work.

Urban Saboteur
12-18-2008, 09:12 PM
Thanks guy,
does anyone reading this post actually know the size of each one, Graham do you mean they taller figures had an actual mech too?
I didnt know this.

Anyone give me the height for them both?

12-18-2008, 09:18 PM

check that, it should give you an idea of how big it is.




Mysterious Stranger
12-18-2008, 09:31 PM

Scroll down towards the bottom for comparison pics of the Iron Hammer Mech and an ARAH figure. The cockpit can be modified to fit 3 3/4" figures but it's still a pretty tight fit.

The 8" Metal Mayhem Mech for the 8" figures is waaaay too big for 3 3/4" figures.

There's also another 2.5" mech that is a smaller version of the VvV Joe Mech but it has a figure permanently attached.

Urban Saboteur
12-18-2008, 10:42 PM
woah.. those are very impressive,
thank you for your help guys! it's very much appreciated!! :cool:

Urban Saboteur
01-01-2009, 06:13 PM
I want a Sigma 6 Iron Hammer mech now :D

does anyone here have one for sale? going loose.. not really interested in the figures, just the actual mech and it's weapons systems :cool:
Please respond to this or pm me if you have one available for sale

01-02-2009, 09:54 AM
Hey Urban,
I'm sorry to say that I sold four of them eight months ago. I can tell you that the Iron Hammer is a real easy to mod for 3-3/4" figs. It does require a bit of dremeling of the cockpit module but the figures will sit pretty well in the vehicle with the canopy closed. PM me and I'll try to dig up some pics. I know I have another couple that need modified so worst case, I'll do a how to, but that will be a while.

The real neat thing about the Iron Hammer and the battle mech is that the arms are interchangable so you can do some really neat customized vehicles with minimal work. In fact, any of the hexagon mounted weapons and accessories for the Rhino and Roc and the other vehicles can be fitted to the Hammer.

Urban Saboteur
01-02-2009, 01:26 PM
Hey Bayer,
Yeah I'll definately PM you, I did a quick search from the other forum link offered before, some member at the other forum called night hawk supposedly done some dremelling work to his cockpit (that doesnt sound good does it ) :o to his iron mechs cockpit and put up pictures, but when i tried their link it was burst.

So yeah if you do manage to get time to do a few shots then that would be awesome, I understand they are for 2.5" figures but customize well for 3 3/4, that will be ideal on the scale i am looking for.

01-02-2009, 05:42 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Hey Bayer,
Yeah I'll definately PM you, I did a quick search from the other forum link offered before, some member at the other forum called night hawk supposedly done some dremelling work to his cockpit (that doesnt sound good does it ) :o to his iron mechs cockpit and put up pictures, but when i tried their link it was burst.[/QUOTE]

The Dragon Hawk. Yeah another really cool Sigma Six vehicle. I think I know the site you're talking about. It was touchy the last time I was out there. I don't have a Dragon Hawk but man I wish I could have bought one when they were still out there.

01-02-2009, 05:47 PM
I actually dremeled out a portion of the cockpit tray (that is what it is when it is removed from the vehicle body) and set it up for a 3-3/4" figure. It keeps the original controls and a portion of the original dash, but loses the seat and another part of sides of the tray. Pictures would be helpful but I'm having trouble finding them. Give a couple days and I'll get them posted. :)

Urban Saboteur
02-24-2009, 09:48 AM
Hey thanks,
I'd like to add a thank you to Bayer as he took the time to send me a pdf of this vehicle with the fully modded cockpit and which parts were dremelled out.

It's a pity as I missed out on one of these sold for under $6 recently mIB on ebay uk.. :(

I'll have to be more rutheless in my persuit to get one of these! btw if anyone has a loose one going please pm me as I'd like to buy it.