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12-27-2008, 05:12 PM
i was reading on this and heard about it before here's the latest update , legend rumored to have possibly fatal health issues this week was the long-suffering Michael Jackson. Such rumors began when Jacko biographer Ian Halperin claimed that the King Of Pop is supposedly suffering from alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency, emphysema, and chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. Ian told British paper The Sun: "He needs a lung transplant, but may be too weak to go through with it. He also has emphysema and chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, which his doctors have had a lot of trouble stopping. It's the bleeding that's the most problematic part. It could kill him. He can barely speak. The vision in his left eye is 95 percent gone." Michael's brother Jermaine was cryptically quoted in the same article as saying: "He's not doing so well right now. This isn't a good time."
While this was quite depressing news considering how vivacious and vital Michael was in his Thriller prime, Jacko rep Dr. Tohme Tohme (yes, that's his actual name) quickly denied the author's story, issuing a statement Monday that the "wild allegations concerning Mr. Jackson's health are a total fabrication. Concerning this author's allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorized 'biography.'"
Michael's doctor further insisted that his client is in fact so robust that he's prepping for a career comeback, not major life-saving surgery: "Mr. Jackson is in fine health, and finalizing negotiations with a major entertainment company and television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances." But considering that earlier, Jermaine-circulated rumors of a Jackson 5 reunion with Michael turned out to be untrue, we're not sure if we believe this last part of some oddly named doctor's story.

he was to come out with a new album this year but it was push back do to all the legal shit he went throw,

12-27-2008, 05:25 PM
Does anyone really care about this jagoff anymore?

12-27-2008, 06:11 PM
I like the music, but him as a person, guh. gah. gruh.

12-27-2008, 06:26 PM
Agree with Graham. Nice music and excellent dancer. As a person he sucks...

BUT... as we do like MUSIC... enjoy this...


you wont regret. :)

12-28-2008, 01:17 AM
Dr Thome Thome is obviously an evil scientist working on remaking Michal Jackson into an imortal pop-zombie, soon the harvest will begin! :eek:

12-28-2008, 01:52 AM
I honestly don't know how to feel about this. I heard he was abused as a child, which would explain his love of all things childish like toys and amusement parks. (I think we can relate to loving our toys), but the rest of his behavior is bizarre. I'd like to know what pushed him to the extremes and I blame the family around him for letting it go on and not getting him help. I don't know whether to be angry and disgusted at him or feel sorry for him. A lot of his music is great, but honestly, I don't know what to think of the man!

12-28-2008, 11:27 AM
Hey Frank, you're pretty much in his neighborhood. You could drop a few bombs over there... :p

12-28-2008, 12:01 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Does anyone really care about this jagoff anymore?[/QUOTE]

I couldn't care less if I never heard of him or his music again. Never been a fan. :rolleyes:

12-30-2008, 07:57 AM
Thriller still has some great songs and that video scared the crap out of me as a kid, as for his current state I don't worry about him too much.

12-30-2008, 11:49 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]I couldn't care less if I never heard of him or his music again. Never been a fan. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Ditto brother!

12-30-2008, 05:42 PM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Ditto brother![/QUOTE]
come on guys i know you guys like his music, old or new,
im a fan, always was, i got just about all his albums,

12-30-2008, 05:53 PM
I'm not trying to sound offensive here, but the last 2 decades or so, he just hasn't been all there, his actions are less than stellar, and methinks it's time for that old dog to be taken out behind the wood shed and Old Yeller'ed.

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong

12-30-2008, 06:09 PM
[QUOTE=bravo]come on guys i know you guys like his music, old or new,
im a fan, always was, i got just about all his albums,[/QUOTE]
Sorry, never a fan, not even a little. Back in the day a true Rock n Roller would not be caught dead listening to his crap!

Agent Viper
12-30-2008, 06:17 PM
Well Truthfully, I always thought his music was good but like others his personality is definitley pushed to the edge. Alas, like Frank I blame the parental figures and his family.

12-31-2008, 06:55 AM
Jackson's biggest problem was that he grew up in the limelight as the youngest member of the Jackson Five and didn't have the right kind of support structure to direct his development as he grew up. He is a talented artist, but then so was Adolph Hitler (painter). I'm not putting Jackson in Hitler's particular corner of demented and sick behavior, he's never exhibited that twisted darkness that Hitler did. I'd put Jackson more in the Howard Hughes area...very quirky, very troubled and obviously needing a great deal of supervision. As to his health...well I don't personally wish illness on anyone. Too much bad karma. I'm not a huge fan. He's had his share of toe-tappers and having grown up in his era, I'll still catch myself humming a tune that he performed twenty or more years ago.

I personally was a heavy-metal/rock country fan in my day. I've mellowed big time over the years. I can't stand the music I used to think I enjoyed. Getting old ain't easy!

Agent Viper
12-31-2008, 07:33 AM
Me, I am into Heavy metal then most music. But I do in fact like Jackson's music, and he just needed the proper rearing as a child but I dn't think he got that, now did he?

12-31-2008, 11:12 AM
[QUOTE=vader9900]Sorry, never a fan, not even a little. Back in the day a true Rock n Roller would not be caught dead listening to his crap![/QUOTE]

Exactly. I'm not knocking anyone who is a fan, everyone has different tastes. His music/dancing just ain't my thing.

12-31-2008, 02:22 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Exactly. I'm not knocking anyone who is a fan, everyone has different tastes. His music/dancing just ain't my thing.[/QUOTE]

This is what I feel about Justin Timberlake, Back street boys, Snoop Dog and so...

BTW, here you could read something about MJ.

12-31-2008, 05:43 PM
I kinda grew up on him. My parents had Thriller, y'know? That was back when he was remotely normal. But hey, Latoya is prolly crazier and Janet doesn't seem to be all there in the head either. I've always dug MJ's dancing and most of the MTV singles (the ones that move, not the slow stuff). I'm sure Chris Tucker helped a bit making him popular again AND Weird Al in his own way. How could you not love Weird Al's FAT and not just laugh at the source material (Bad)?

01-01-2009, 05:45 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I'm sure Chris Tucker helped a bit making him popular again AND Weird Al in his own way. How could you not love Weird Al's FAT and not just laugh at the source material (Bad)?[/QUOTE]

Too true!!! Rush Hour was a perfect place to parody MJ - which Chris Tucker did Ohhh soooo Well!!! Weird Al is just a genius and his other MJ parodys are dead perfect!