View Full Version : The Rating System
10-13-2006, 10:38 PM
You guys DO know that there is a rating system, right???
Let's cut to the chase. If you've posted a pic, I believe you can rate anybody's pictures. It's on a scale of 1-5. Now, one person who votes can give a 5, the stars will be 5. But if another person comes in and votes a 3, the stars will change to 4. It might seem lame to rate a picture but I think a lot of people rely on it. I mean, not all pics are critiqued and by doing a rating, you can stay silent but still give your 2 cents. Surely, nobody wants a 1 or 2 star. But if you get them, something is going wrong, right?
I admit it, I don't respond to every picture. I don't RATE every picture. But if a point needs to be made, I'll rate a shot. I try to be fare and I rarely give 1 or 2 stars cuz honestly, I feel it's mean. I'd rather work with the person to make things better!
So please, if you are in the mood, please rate pictures. It can help the photographer figure out if something is amiss. Think of it as a tool to help one get better.
Btw, there's been talk in the past about this place NOT being a competition. We post pics for the fun of it. But in my view, there needs to be competition. Part of the way we get better at our photography skills is to compare ourselves to someone who is better. It's not a contest in terms of who is better. I myself, look at pics and I will sit there and go, "Crap, his shot is sooooooo tight. I wish I could do that." Guess what, I strive towards it. It's inspiration. Think of it as inspiration. We all have things to learn from each other and that's what makes this place great. We are all photographers. Some people have high standards. Some have low. But we all want to produce the best product possible Please think of competition as something between YOU and someone else. Think of it as a way to improve. To say, "I gotta do better than THAT shot." I'm far from perfect or even good. I see pics and I try to beter myself.
Just food for thought.
10-14-2006, 02:26 PM
The rating system is cool if people use it properly, but it's too easy for smart alecs to abuse the system. There are people out there who use the cover of anonimity to give one star ratings to decent pictures, which makes the ratings meaningless. That's why I won't use the ratings any more; If I like a picture I'll make a comment. If you deem a picture to be worth only one star, then have the guts to put your name to a comment and explain your reasons for the judgement. :mad:
10-14-2006, 06:01 PM
I have the same opinion that Outrider has. It's too easy to abuse a rating system. If there is any issue between members, it would easily be a way to hurt a member's status.
10-14-2006, 08:05 PM
Hmmmmm, interesting. I guess I was thinking of a more positive vibe where people were truthful about stuff. Honestly, the way I look at it is if the shot is ultra fuzzy/out of focus, I'll most likely give it a 1 star, y'know? I don't feel I NEED to say anything because the photographer should be able to look at it and see the problems. On the other hand, if you give an excellent pic a 1 star, then yeah, comment would be nice. But we've read most of the comments here. "Cool" "Great shot" etc. That helps about as much as "This sucks". lol. Anyway, I was just letting people know that it's available if they wish to use it.
I usually PM the people whose shots aren't all that great. Don't necessarily want to air it for the public to see.
Plus, I'm not gonna comment on every pic. Often times, it's faster to just rate 'em and be on with the next. That's probably just me and I don't rate each and every one of 'em.
10-18-2006, 10:08 PM
Personally I'm not a big fan of the rating system, and I would agree with the anonimity statement. My only problem is I wish I had time to comment on every picture I see because there is a lot of great shots taken and I get tons of great ideas from you guys. I don't look at it as a competition but more of a learning experience. I've learned a lot so far. So thank you all for the great inspirational photos.
12-23-2006, 10:02 PM
I agree with you guys. I have only been a member for a little while, and already I have noticed some moron likes to give one star ratings to good pictures. It should be that you have to put your name to a rating so that we know who gives all these good pics a 1 star rating. :mad:
12-23-2006, 10:54 PM
I went and looked through my photos just for the heck of it after seeing this topic. I got a couple of twos and frankly, they are head scratchers. My Zarana pic where she's in black and white, save her pink hair. I thought it was pretty cool effect. And my jealousy pic of the Joe girls giving Bombstrike the evil eye. It was good for a chuckle.
Ho hum. Don't know who rated them so low, but there isn't anything to improve on. They were decent pics, so whatever.
12-24-2006, 10:25 AM
I've thought about talking to Fel about changing the system so we'd get rid of poor and bad stars. Cuz frankly, nobody wants a 1 or 2 stars. But at the same time, I figure most people here are on the honor system and will rate 'em appropriately. Some of the guys who have been banned still lurk and like to mess things up, jsut fyi. I've learned to ignore the 1 and 2s.
01-23-2007, 04:19 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I've been thinking.. I think if there is any change that needs to be made to this its simply the comment on a picture bit needs to change.
Basically I think if your gonna help an online friend or fellow photographer out.. at least have the honour to post and rate the photograph.
I'd like to see the comment section imbedded with the rating system.. I know this then means that you can't just rate it and those that get busy would like to leave a rating without comments but I do feel it would be best having them together. I have to agree with you sonn.. I believe we have to have a little bit of competition here whilst still maintaining it fun. At the end of the day we should all be working towards H.I.C
1. Honesty.
2. Inspiration.
3. Competition.
I feel this is important because it certainly helps with shots. I have enough ideas not to look at others and think .. "I should try one of those" but when I've spent a couple of hours out in the cold. I'd like to think my efforts will be noticed.
I try and comment on every picture myself I see on Joe Dios and I feel priveleged to be a member. Just my thoughts on it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
01-24-2007, 02:05 PM
[QUOTE=NemesisEnforcerFan][FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]I've been thinking.. I think if there is any change that needs to be made to this its simply the comment on a picture bit needs to change.
Basically I think if your gonna help an online friend or fellow photographer out.. at least have the honour to post and rate the photograph.
I'd like to see the comment section imbedded with the rating system.. I know this then means that you can't just rate it and those that get busy would like to leave a rating without comments but I do feel it would be best having them together. I have to agree with you sonn.. I believe we have to have a little bit of competition here whilst still maintaining it fun. At the end of the day we should all be working towards H.I.C
1. Honesty.
2. Inspiration.
3. Competition.
I feel this is important because it certainly helps with shots. I have enough ideas not to look at others and think .. "I should try one of those" but when I've spent a couple of hours out in the cold. I'd like to think my efforts will be noticed.
I try and comment on every picture myself I see on Joe Dios and I feel priveleged to be a member. Just my thoughts on it.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]
It is a very good idea Rich. It would make those leaving the ratings known, so people abusing the system could be found and dealt with. It has been known to happen to some members, this simply isn't fair considering the time and effort people put in to their work.
I'm all for it. Implimenting such a thing, however, might be difficult...
However do we really need to be in competition with eachother? I'm only here to share in and enjoy other peoples Joe Photography, to be inspired and hopefully inspire others.
01-24-2007, 02:46 PM
I don't give a F%$# to the rate system. I just come and read the coments. There is where real people can help if things are a shit or even tell me the high points of a picture. The rate system is a easy way to be a "smart guy" and trow shit on good jobs.
So people who are always letting some opinion on my pictures thanks, for the one (ones) rating paople's work low, come on show your face and do a better job if you can.
01-25-2007, 05:16 AM
I don't give a F%$# to the rate system
Me neither
I've never rated any picture except to give it a five star rating. The comment
section is where the rating really takes place.
01-31-2007, 08:04 PM
[FONT=Lucida Console][COLOR=Indigo]Ok, Again.. with dave's earlier "I'm confused" post.. I can't help but thinking this flaw is blindingly obvious...
Anyone else care to comment on the ratings system?[/COLOR][/FONT]
01-31-2007, 08:26 PM
All I can recommend is that everyone PM Hammerfel to see if he can ditch it.
02-02-2007, 12:18 PM
Before I get spammed, let me tell you what I did. :)
I made a new user group called Veterans. They can rate photos and Dios, while regular members cannot. There are only 52 Veterans on this forum right now, and 342 Regular members. The criteria for becoming a Veteran will be secret for now.
I wish I could make it so you can only rate when you comment, but that would take some programmer work and a few hundred dollars, so I'm going to pass on that for now, unless we want to pass the hat and get a collection going. ;)
Let's see how Veterans rate pics and dios, and see how it goes.
Are you sure you did that right? I'm a "Veteran" now but if I try to access anything other than my CP or the board, I get this message:
Jay, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
02-02-2007, 12:27 PM
Hmmm... let me check.
02-02-2007, 12:33 PM
How about now?
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]How about now?[/QUOTE]
No, sorry... I still get the same message. :(
02-02-2007, 12:37 PM
Dang. Try logging out and back in.
[QUOTE=Hammerfel]Dang. Try logging out and back in.[/QUOTE]
Haven't did the log-out-log-in, but right now I can access every section of the site except the main page, which still gives me the same message.
02-02-2007, 12:47 PM
I think I just fixed that. Please LMK.
Everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks :)
02-02-2007, 12:55 PM
SWEET! Thanks for helping me troubleshoot, Jay.
02-02-2007, 02:08 PM
[COLOR=Red]mmm, i really dont see what the big deal is. i mean the rating thing is asking what we think of a pic, right? it doesnt mean how well the pic was taken. i have given a lot of 5 stars, but i have given some low ones too. its not only to do with the pic quality but also whats in the pic. that will change what the rating is for each person. say if a pic is taken well and has say sci fi in it. well for me that may be a 5 star pic since i love sci fi. however if someone hated sci fi beyond all understanding, then that pic wouldnt be so marvelous. i mean the pic may be well, but he would'nt really like it enough for 5 starts since he wouldnt like it because of the character. so really the pic thing is no big deal. i mean i only posted 1, it doesnt have 5 starts, it just means that someone didnt like the background, the characters or maybe it was a lil fuzzy, or all 3. actually, it is a lil fuzzy, but ive saw a lot worse get 5 starts, that just leaves the other two, i understand this. i know it wasnt worth 5 stars. i mean look at the pics speir has posted. no way in the world do i have the poto taken abilities he does. his is like a pro compared to mine. but what do i think, i like mine better just because i hate the fact that sigma 6 has taken over my 3 3/4 line. so if i had to put a sorta fuzzy pic with my fav 3 3/4 characters against his superb photo quality, id still give the former the best rating.[/COLOR]
Urban Saboteur
09-10-2007, 08:09 PM
Ok, I've been through the threads/posts on the forum, as to not start a new flame war or anything.
It seems we still have a trouble with the ratings system. However. Since Hammerfel actually changed status to 52 active members (months ago) as veterans. That meant you have to be logged in to rate the picture. No non members could rate pics.
So my question is this, is it possible for mods/admins site owner to find out whos been downrating pictures?
I aint trying to stir crappola. I just believe in the H.I.C
Most of my pictures that were 5's have dropped to 3's.. with no significant post accompanying them to state why .. I could ignore it.. but i'd rather be told this is the site norm.. (I'm hoping it's not).
Almost everyone here is striving for a better forum a better experience and better photo's.. so why can't we use the ratings system fairly?
Example.. my picture here:
This got 3* This needs work, I already know this.. because i really didnt think the picture turned out so great, I just wanted to show Red Jackal meeting up with the bad guys.. no harm.. but then I get this:
Action Force stalker isn't an easy figure to take a picture of.. I did try with this one and for the most part I think I nailed it.. yet this only got a 3* and at one point it had a 5*. :rolleyes:
If we are to "Just ignore it" what really is the point in it being there at all? Almost every rating i've ever handed out has been my a summary of my overal thought. Accompanied usually by a post with my thoughts.
Now i appreciate not everyone has the time to sit there and rate as well as post comments accompanying each one.. that's granted.. but again.. I can't stress this enough... last time i checked alot of the veteran members had given up the ratings system.. primarily because of the "A$$ clowns" and "Down-Graders"
so if this is the case again.. if we have to take a vote on it.. lets get G.S to setup a thread and poll.
Don't ignore this post, at 52 active members.. that's a fairly small community.. and this is nothing we can't sort out.. this low rating thing has to stop.. and we can and do have the means to stop it.
What are peoples thoughts on it? I know it supposed to have been sorted but I don't think we've reached a solution to it.. am I deluded into thinking we are all capable of honest ratings?
Post your thoughts here..
Thanks for reading and responding.
Eh, some people are just jerks. I often get low ratings on pics that get good comments from other people. I stopped paying attention to those ratings and just focus on the picture itself, and leave a comment if I have something to say beyond just "good pic!" or "needs work".
Were it up to me, honestly, the ratings would be removed altogether.
Just ignore it.
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