View Full Version : Weekend Warriors - January

Black Knight
01-06-2009, 09:23 PM
Hey guys, I'm pleased to say that I've got control of the Weekend Warriors for awile... I know January is halfway over, but lets see some after Christmas creativity.

01-17-09 Special Weapons (donated by Haradrel) Lets see some of this "Advanced Warfare" stuff GI Joe and Cobra are supposed to be using.

01-24-09 Training & Selection (donated by Ned Drok) "Be all you can be!" What's it take to join the GI Joe team or Cobra? How intense is the training for the various specialties?

I can still use more ideas... keep the imaginations flowing!

01-06-2009, 10:18 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Hey guys, I'm pleased to say that I've got control of the Weekend Warriors for awile... I know January is halfway over, but lets see some after Christmas creativity.

01-17-09 Special Weapons (donated by Haradrel) Lets see some of this "Advanced Warfare" stuff GI Joe and Cobra are supposed to be using.

01-24-09 Training & Selection (donated by Ned Drok) "Be all you can be!" What's it take to join the GI Joe team or Cobra? How intense is the training for the various specialties?

I can still use more ideas... keep the imaginations flowing![/QUOTE]

I've been un-inspirated as of late, so hopefully this will kick me back into gear (especially since the first suggestion was mine :) )

C-GDSM 2487
01-10-2009, 07:51 AM
Sounds good to me better make a start :rolleyes:

01-11-2009, 06:12 PM
Sounds interesting. I may have to give this a shot!!

01-14-2009, 03:46 PM
I would like a weekend behind the scenes almost a shot where some of you guys pull back so we see the actual shot and then see some of the set up or how little the set actually is.

01-14-2009, 07:35 PM
[QUOTE=guiltridden]I would like a weekend behind the scenes almost a shot where some of you guys pull back so we see the actual shot and then see some of the set up or how little the set actually is.[/QUOTE]

I would love to know how this one was made....

http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/files/1/2/0/ahawkrain.JPG (http://www.joedios.com/dioramas/files/1/2/0/ahawkrain.JPG)

Black Knight
01-14-2009, 07:44 PM
I actually think thats a great idea and it'll be one weekend in Feb.

01-17-2009, 10:42 PM
Don't know if I'll be able to make it, but I will try. There's several weapon systems I've been doing.. mods of vamps, etc.. but I'm running a week late.