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View Full Version : Crimson Guard..?

01-07-2009, 11:10 AM
Ok, time for another bitch, whine, cry session from yours truly! The Crimson Guard. I'm pretty sure we all read the comic and get the idea. But the NAME?? Crimson? So far they have made a Crimson version, a Black Version (Shadow Guard) a brown version (Extreme Conditions) and a python patrol version.

By Changing the color, does anyone but me think they "screwed the pooch"? I Love the Shadow guard, but they were marketed as "The Crimson Shadow Guard". Ugnh? I never say a BIT of Crimson one any of the ones I got! At least the desert one (from the pics I've seen) and the Python one have a color that can be passed off as crimson!

Don't get me wrong! I LOVE the Shadow Guard, but to me, that's what they are...the "Shadow" Guard....no Crimson!! I use them as secret police for Cobra....but what about the other versions? good ideas? Or not? Does changing the color negate the Idea? I think so! Anyone else.....?

01-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Good point Frank. Like you, I usually just refer to the Shadow Guard as just that - no reference to crimson at all. I like the original CG's and always have, but let's face it, they are not really dressed for battle which limits their uses, whilst the Shadow Guard are battle ready. What I would really like to see is the CG sculpt done in Cobra blue. That would be awesome.

Lava Boss
01-07-2009, 12:47 PM
Doesn't bother me.

The desert guard would be neat if it were *cough*actually33/4thinch*cough*

Now, them including 2 desert Siegies in the Extreme set was dumb. Cuz I can see one on a mission for "political" reasons, but not two.

I just use the Shadow Guard as the package says, night troopers. To me the Siegies already were Cobra's self-policing entity and/or commissars, as hinted at on Python Patrol Crimson Guard's file card.

BTW, Shadow Guard should've been Crimson Guard Immortal's, or the set should've included some. We wuz robbed! (The CAT 2 CGI was awesome.)

And actually, cobra only needed on night six pack. 1 Shadow Guard, 1 Night Watch Leader, 2 Troopers and 2 Night Vipers. But who needs navy personnel, jungle troops, desert troops and winter troopers. Cobra does all its attacking at night or in urban areas, then celebrates with metallic fuschia processions. :rolleyes:

01-07-2009, 02:20 PM
I agree with Outrider and one of you guys with the painting skills should really make a cg in cobra blue I'll bet it would look awesome

01-10-2009, 06:47 PM
I look at it like this .... That crimson doesn't describe what they wear , but what they do.... meaning that they are dedicated to Cobra and will "Bleed" until every last ounce of "Blood" is gone .... and meaning that they will kill with no mercy and draw first "Blood" ... you know what i mean ?

I mean was the Submarine in the movie "Crimson" Tide colored red ?

sometimes some words are used metaphorically especially in alot of GI Joe characters and vehicles names ....

Black Knight
01-10-2009, 06:49 PM
oooo... good point, never thought of it that way.

01-10-2009, 07:39 PM
[QUOTE=Soundwave]I look at it like this .... That crimson doesn't describe what they wear , but what they do.... meaning that they are dedicated to Cobra and will "Bleed" until every last ounce of "Blood" is gone .... and meaning that they will kill with no mercy and draw first "Blood" ... you know what i mean ?

I mean was the Submarine in the movie "Crimson" Tide colored red ?

sometimes some words are used metaphorically especially in alot of GI Joe characters and vehicles names ....[/QUOTE]

Deep thought here, I can use some of it.

01-10-2009, 07:57 PM
[COLOR=Red]i said that a long, long time ago. in my mind they should have stopped after the first. now its now somthing big being a CG because there are better CG's[/COLOR]

01-10-2009, 08:14 PM
[QUOTE=Soundwave]I mean was the Submarine in the movie "Crimson" Tide colored red ? [/QUOTE]
It was named Crimson Tide because the sub was the USS Alabama
As long as we are deep in thought here, what is Crimson Tide? In Florida we get Red Tide - that is where all the fish die and the beach stinks. Is it similar? What does the Elephant have to do with it? Off topic, but something that keeps me awake at night wondering. j/k

01-10-2009, 08:32 PM
[QUOTE=Soundwave]I look at it like this .... That crimson doesn't describe what they wear , but what they do.... meaning that they are dedicated to Cobra and will "Bleed" until every last ounce of "Blood" is gone .... and meaning that they will kill with no mercy and draw first "Blood" ... you know what i mean ?

I mean was the Submarine in the movie "Crimson" Tide colored red ?

sometimes some words are used metaphorically especially in alot of GI Joe characters and vehicles names ....[/QUOTE]

I like this idea, but I also have to kind of agree with Ender and Outrider. Good points all around though.