View Full Version : rumor 2009 joe con set

01-17-2009, 08:12 PM
OK this is just a rumor i got, so it may not be true,
the them for the upcoming set maybe Red Shadows, this came down from my friend, remember its just a rumor,this info came from my friend who as a friend that is a vendor,

01-17-2009, 10:09 PM
Are the red shadows in the movie? I can't help but think the con set will have something to do with the movie myself. Or maybe not since we ARE getting movie figures. I dunno. I'll shut up. Red Shadows doesn't sound overly exciting. MAYBE a FULL PLAGUE team would work wonders tho!

01-18-2009, 07:12 AM
Anything in ARAH molds would be cool. I'm plenty confident in what they can do with con sets. Just judge for what we had in the next 3 or 4 years. So, being Red Shadows or not, they certanly will rock :).

01-18-2009, 10:38 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Are the red shadows in the movie? I can't help but think the con set will have something to do with the movie myself. Or maybe not since we ARE getting movie figures. I dunno. I'll shut up. Red Shadows doesn't sound overly exciting. MAYBE a FULL PLAGUE team would work wonders tho![/QUOTE]
:confused: im not even going to ask :confused:

01-18-2009, 10:51 AM
Hmmm, I was hoping for something better than the Red Shadows, so hopefully the rumour is incorrect. The con sets have been the shining light for us o-ring diehards, and even though last year's set was a bit of a let down, I'm hoping this year's set will be as awesome as usual.

01-18-2009, 11:08 AM
the Shadows??? Like From The Devils Due Comic......huh Well In Any Case I Will Happy To Be Getting Some O'ring Figures What Ever Thay Are.

01-18-2009, 11:15 AM
[QUOTE=Flatline]the Shadows??? Like From The Devils Due Comic......huh Well In Any Case I Will Happy To Be Getting Some O'ring Figures What Ever Thay Are.[/QUOTE]


01-18-2009, 12:15 PM
wow , a dream come true , red shadows rules , im a big ARAH fan :D
im not into 25 th so im so happy about the con set

01-18-2009, 03:21 PM
Excited about o-ring figures not excited about the $ they'll cost

01-18-2009, 04:39 PM
Sounds interesting. There is a lot of potental. I was hoping for air commandos though.

01-18-2009, 07:05 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]Sounds interesting. There is a lot of potental. I was hoping for air commandos though.[/QUOTE]
that would have been some thing to see,

01-18-2009, 07:17 PM
I have never even heard of them until now. And I have been a fan for 25 years. But that is all the buzz that the set will be Red Shadows. I personally havent bought much club stuff the Moth stuff and the Tiger Force stuff they did. I would love to get my hands on the Iron Grenadiers set they did but I just cant afford it. I hate the 25th line they ruind it with all the re-paints. Still short of them comming out with a Python Patrol, Slaughters Marauders, Night Force, Tiger Force or Sky Patrol I probably wont spend $300 plus bucks on it.

01-18-2009, 07:27 PM
[QUOTE=Scarrviper]I was hoping for air commandos though.[/QUOTE]

Now that sounds awesome! :eek:

01-18-2009, 08:29 PM
I was trying to convey, THE RED SHADOWS SUCK!!!

The movie comes out this year. It'd make more sense to me to do a set based on the movie. BUT as we are already getting movie toys, then there's not much point cuz the con sets are supposed to be pretty 'special'. I'd rather see DD's Plague get made. Or maybe even something the fans really want. I'd find a DECENTLY DESIGNED Greenshirt vs Cobra Trooper set cool.

Urban Saboteur
01-19-2009, 04:44 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I was trying to convey, THE RED SHADOWS SUCK!!!

ahem.. the red shadows don't suck.. :D

01-19-2009, 09:49 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I was trying to convey, THE RED SHADOWS SUCK!!!

The movie comes out this year. It'd make more sense to me to do a set based on the movie. BUT as we are already getting movie toys, then there's not much point cuz the con sets are supposed to be pretty 'special'. I'd rather see DD's Plague get made. Or maybe even something the fans really want. I'd find a DECENTLY DESIGNED Greenshirt vs Cobra Trooper set cool.[/QUOTE]
dude red shadows don't suck, and i don't think they'll do anything with the movie, 2 different things, & don't think people will pay a high price just for greenshirts & cobra troopers. dude sorry i dont see this happening. if this rumor is true about this set, its going to make some series news

01-19-2009, 03:32 PM
I just couldn't get into the Red Shadows. I found the storyline boring when DD played with it. They were just a rebooted excuse to kill Lady Jaye and try to make some cash in a crapy comic economy. And it didn't work.

I didn't think a crappy designed Dreadnok set would sell and it did. :p

01-19-2009, 03:38 PM
In the last run of the Image comics, those Red Shadows were teh shizz. Their designs rawked, I'd dig to see actual figs of em. I'm excited.

01-19-2009, 03:46 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I just couldn't get into the Red Shadows. I found the storyline boring when DD played with it. They were just a rebooted excuse to kill Lady Jaye and try to make some cash in a crapy comic economy. And it didn't work.

I didn't think a crappy designed Dreadnok set would sell and it did. :p[/QUOTE]
i find that the red shadows are more interesting then cobra, even there leader is like 10 times more ruthless then CC, maybe if you read the action force comics it will bring you up to speed, as for the DD comics, they used it as to closed one door too open another, i think they did a good job on them, i was happy to see more international Joe's in the American comics.

01-19-2009, 03:59 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]They were just a rebooted excuse to kill Lady Jaye and try to make some cash in a crapy comic economy. And it didn't work.[/QUOTE]

I think you missed a few issues or something. The reason they started killing off everybody was to get a smaller and more manageable team to focus the stories on, and not get trapped into to much characters like the old comics did.
Killing off Jaye made Flint a different man - and to those who thought he didn't have an identity but was rather a Duke clone, this made him much more his own person.

They did spend to long getting there, but I liked what they did with the team, making it smaller and more focused.

01-19-2009, 07:16 PM
You guys are funny. It's already been stated by the old writers at DD that the killing of Lady Jaye was just a way to make fast cash.

And you know how 1st impressions are. Vance Wingnut didn't do anything for me in the original Marvel series. ANd he did nothing for me when he made his 'comeback'. Shane explained to me that most of the Red Shadows come from the UK. Maybe they're ok. I just don't like how they were handled. But then, I didn't like the DD run and realize that I see the toys and my Joeverse as I see fit.

You guys wanna come up with your own customs of 'em AND do a dio where you go all out, go for it. Maybe I'll like them from someone else's perspective. Until then, the Red Shadows suck in my book.

I did read some of the AE comics. I found them boring. HOWEVER, by then I was doing my own stories and the comic was just a distraction.

Da Talent
01-19-2009, 10:14 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]You guys are funny. [/QUOTE]

What was funny? I missed something.

01-26-2009, 07:17 PM
Ok. I'd propose sets like these.

MASK. Couple a Joe or two with the MASK team, bring in Miles Mayhem with a few generic troops and a Cobra character and there we go!

NINJA. I don't seem to recall a proper Arashikage set. Shoot, do the Blood Ninja or whatever they were called (you guys remember... Sei'ten, Budo, SNake Eyes takes over, funky vulcan spirit transfers). I'd take EITHER of those over the REd Shadows.

01-26-2009, 07:25 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Ok. I'd propose sets like these.

MASK. Couple a Joe or two with the MASK team, bring in Miles Mayhem with a few generic troops and a Cobra character and there we go!

NINJA. I don't seem to recall a proper Arashikage set. Shoot, do the Blood Ninja or whatever they were called (you guys remember... Sei'ten, Budo, SNake Eyes takes over, funky vulcan spirit transfers). I'd take EITHER of those over the REd Shadows.[/QUOTE]

Black Knight
01-26-2009, 07:37 PM
I personally would love to see more MASK figures and even some vehicles.

01-26-2009, 09:10 PM
MASK figures? I HATE crossovers, so forget that. Ninjas? I'll save my cash. Red Shadows? Meh, take 'em or leave 'em. Give me a Cobra SEAL set comprising airborne troops, Eels, and Cobra Marines, and I'll buy two sets. :)

Black Knight
01-26-2009, 10:11 PM
[QUOTE=Outrider]MASK figures? I HATE crossovers, so forget that.[/QUOTE]

Why do you hate crossovers so much? I thought everyone liked crossovers.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-27-2009, 10:30 AM
Action Force could possibly be a good set, the only thing I could see being a problem is that they'll screw it up somehow. If they do do AF they should do it like the 2007 :)

01-27-2009, 11:09 AM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]Why do you hate crossovers so much? I thought everyone liked crossovers.[/QUOTE]

Not me, man. They just seem stupid to me. Joes and Transformers? Puh-leeze! I like my Joes pure. Besides, it's just a cynical way for comic publishers and toy manufacturers to try and sell more product.

The BATman
01-27-2009, 11:22 AM
I for one hope it won't be Red Shadows.

Because if it were Red Shadows, i would have to buy them !! Red Shadows would simply be too cool not to buy. And con sets are expensive. So me and my wallet are hoping it won't be Red Shadows. :D

01-27-2009, 11:50 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Not me, man. They just seem stupid to me. Joes and Transformers? Puh-leeze! I like my Joes pure. Besides, it's just a cynical way for comic publishers and toy manufacturers to try and sell more product.[/QUOTE]
Gotta agree, GI Joe should keep to itself. I thought it was stupid when Transformers appeared in the comics, it just didn't work.

A good idea for a convention set could be unreleased characters. Dr. Burkhart, CIA agent Anderson, Shooter, Billy (though I'm not a fan), Dr. Venom, CG Appel, Generals Ryan, Hollingsworth, Austin, Flagg & Admiral Dyson. That's just getting started, there's plenty that can be done without resorting to other toy lines.

01-27-2009, 12:53 PM
I would say MASK is quite a crossover because under Hasbro's thinking, MASK is a part of GI Joe (then again, so was STreetfighter). It was said somewhere that the ROCC and RHINO are considered part of the MASK technology (the concept of 2-1 vehicles). The whole Transformers thing, I never got into even if was considered a HIT by the comic fans.

I would find an unreleased figure set interesting but con sets always have some sort of story behind them, right? I already posted my thoughts on a PLAGUE set (that would be 2 thumbs up).

Do we know if the con set will be ARAH or Bastard Era sculpts? I think there's more possibilities if they used the JvC-DTC era molds.

And would someone please answer me this. How many con sets were made last year and what was their price?

Black Knight
01-27-2009, 01:03 PM
Oh... what about a "Jugglers" set (I hope i got the name right). I think that would be cool.

01-27-2009, 02:12 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]You guys are funny. It's already been stated by the old writers at DD that the killing of Lady Jaye was just a way to make fast cash.

Where was this stated? And by old writers? you mean marvel writers that had nothing to do with DD? Makes sense they would make light of the other company when they take over the story no?

I don't see how they make fast cash by killing off a character - that means less merchandise in the end, if they really were that cash oriented wouldn't they bring in more main characters instead of making the team smaller? (Like Hasbro/Marvel did in the good ol' days).

Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-27-2009, 02:48 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Where was this stated? And by old writers? you mean marvel writers that had nothing to do with DD? Makes sense they would make light of the other company when they take over the story no?

I don't see how they make fast cash by killing off a character - that means less merchandise in the end, if they really were that cash oriented wouldn't they bring in more main characters instead of making the team smaller? (Like Hasbro/Marvel did in the good ol' days).[/QUOTE]

I think he means former Devils Due writers. They make fast cash by killing off a character because people buy it too see how they die. Marvel advertised the death of Battle Force 2000 on the cover of the issue they got blown up in.

01-27-2009, 03:18 PM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I think he means former Devils Due writers. They make fast cash by killing off a character because people buy it too see how they die. Marvel advertised the death of Battle Force 2000 on the cover of the issue they got blown up in.[/QUOTE]

Still, doesn't seem to me like a smart strategy to earn money.
And truth be told, I didn't even know about the death of Battle Force 2000 so it seems even more far fetched.

If you follow the entire DD series you will see that they tried to cut the team down from the first issue. And not just by killing characters off. Something just feels wrong about that statement.
Oh well. Until I get a confirmation from the writer of the issue where Lady Jaye was killed (via an interview in a magazine or similar) then I probably won't believe them trying to make money off killing off characters which could potentially rack in more money in merchandise. It just seems to counter productive especially for a franchise such as Gijoe which relies on toy sales as well as the comics.

01-27-2009, 03:53 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]I don't see how they make fast cash by killing off a character - that means less merchandise in the end, if they really were that cash oriented wouldn't they bring in more main characters instead of making the team smaller? (Like Hasbro/Marvel did in the good ol' days).[/QUOTE]
Killing a character in the comics doesn't affect the toy line. Hasbro has released new Lady Jaye figures since her DD death.

I remember reading the letters pages in the Marvel comics when they started killing characters and some readers complaining that their figures were no good anymore since they were killed off. Never understood that.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-27-2009, 04:44 PM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Still, doesn't seem to me like a smart strategy to earn money.
And truth be told, I didn't even know about the death of Battle Force 2000 so it seems even more far fetched.

If you follow the entire DD series you will see that they tried to cut the team down from the first issue. And not just by killing characters off. Something just feels wrong about that statement.
Oh well. Until I get a confirmation from the writer of the issue where Lady Jaye was killed (via an interview in a magazine or similar) then I probably won't believe them trying to make money off killing off characters which could potentially rack in more money in merchandise. It just seems to counter productive especially for a franchise such as Gijoe which relies on toy sales as well as the comics.[/QUOTE]


In the box it asks "THE DEATH OF BATTLEFORCE 2000?" they put that there too draw attention too the customer so they go "Whoa Battle Force 2000 might die? I gotta see this"

It's not like killing a character prevents a new toy being made. In fact they've made a Doc, 3 Breakers, 3 Flashes among other characters who were killed off in the comics.

01-27-2009, 05:33 PM
Haradrel, Brandon Jerwa revealed a LOT of information. THings keep on changing at Hasbro.

WHEN Chuckles and Lady Jaye were killed, the comic fans were pretty ticked. Jerwa was shocked. HE pitched the Special Missions Chuckles story and that's how he pretty much got on board. Next thing he knew, he was killing Chuckles off in that Cobra War2 storyline. Jerwa was VERY upset by that whole thing.

Then the concept of the "Hasbro has a list of characters that could be killed." THis was the infamous BLACK LIST that only the writers and Josh Blaylock knew about.

THIS LIST was later squashed by, irrc, Brandon Jerwa. There was NO list BUT because Hasbro checked the scripts of comic, they would/could decide who could/should/would be killed. There was a time, as you all might remember, that if a character was killed in the comic, then Hasbro would follow suit and NOT make a toy for them. (It was suggested that if they do Lady Jaye, they could do it as a flashback story. Just like Mainframe, Flash, Chuckles, etc.)

It is NO secret that the death of Lady Jaye was just a ploy to sell more GI Joe comics. That is ALL it was. It had nothing to do with making Flint a different man. (That was just an end result.)

Now, the concept of making a smaller team (ie; America's Elite) came from the fact that the current book was failing in EVERY aspect. From the writer(s) to the art to the direction it was going to even, ahem, Blaylock's handling of the franchise. America's Elite, just like, Reloaded was a way to try and relaunch the GI Joe title. Blaylock came out and said, years ago, part of the reason for making a smaller team was to make it more like a video game. So many FPS games were based on just a few characters. The writers just wrote it as Congress not giving the Joes enough money, they needed to be smaller, etc.

All this information was told on the JBL. Years ago, the JBL actually had 'guest star' chats. From Josh Blaylock to Brandon Jerwa to even a few bigger stars. No, they couldn't get Sgt. Slaughter, but they tried VERY hard.

THIS is why I say you guys are funny. If you understood the politics and whatnot BEHIND why things were in the Joe comic, you might not favor the Red Shadows. But from what I read on the JBL, the WW3 was what GI Joe needed to get it back on track but that had more to do with making things end and getting it out of the boring routine it was going thru.

01-27-2009, 05:35 PM
AND, I believe the 'killing of' concept is something the Big 2 did ALL the time to draw readers in. I can't speak on if it works. BUT some of us might remember when Jason Todd died in Batman. DC had the whole reader call-in and etc. Superman died. Batman got his back broken. Who KNOWS what happened in the X-Men to get people jiggy with them.

Battleforce2000 was killed in 1 very fast swoop and was NOT very graphic. Seeing as how it was Hama writing, he prolly hated them as much as hated Serpentor. BUT yet, Hama went ninja happy due to Hasbro's insistence.

For the record, notice which company has the GI Joe license now. If only you guys knew the fights behind THAT one. ;)

01-27-2009, 09:50 PM
I'm still not convinced, this sounds more like someone trying to drag something down because they were failing and creating more of a ruckus then, then by actually writing a good story.
You have to realize that in all the other examples that you showed, it was series with a limited amount of characters - not like gijoe which has a character for every taste, flavor and season. It really doesn't have that impact to the general public as say killing off Superman. And as the money grabbing, bucks oriented company we all know Hasbro to be, I just can't see this as a good solution to make more bucks. I mean wasn't that the whole reasoning of bringing back Serpentor?

As I said: I'll be more convinced when I see an interview in a magazine or somesuch, for now I'll agree to disagree ;)

back on topic.
Me being a 25th fan I'd love to see a 25th con set (Complete Dreadnok set or something - or Zarana, Zartan, Zandar and maybe Zanya?)- but highly doubt that will happen.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-27-2009, 10:59 PM
You have to realize that in all the other examples that you showed, it was series with a limited amount of characters - not like gijoe which has a character for every taste, flavor and season. It really doesn't have that impact to the general public as say killing off Superman.[/QUOTE] They weren't trying to get the comic buying public to buy it, they were trying too get Joe fans to buy it. The DD comics sold terribly for a long time.

And as the money grabbing, bucks oriented company we all know Hasbro to be, I just can't see this as a good solution to make more bucks. I mean wasn't that the whole reasoning of bringing back Serpentor?

Hasbro didn't care if the comic made money, they got their money through licensing fees. Devils Due was the one who worried about sales.

01-28-2009, 09:42 AM
Like I said, you had to be on the JBL years ago when Jerwa and Blaylock released all this information in their chats. :D

01-28-2009, 10:45 AM
Therein lies the problems with the franchise. In order to have GOOD new characters, you need to develop them. As a cash cow, Hasbro doesn't want to give up Old characters. (that's why we have more versions of breaker, Flash, Lady Jaye, etc coming out). They have a core of Old figures they stick to as "tried and true" that's why every wave has at least ONE version of Duke, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, etc. As the Toy Company owns the rights and dictates what can and can't be written, I think Joe has gone as far as it can go in the Comics Arena.

I still say the best way to get rid of old characters and keep new ones rolling in is to set the code names up as billets and as Joes die, retire, etc., they get a new guy to take the code name and fill the billet. For Example, Stalker dies and they get a new Stalker (but it's NOT Lonzo R Wilkinson). But that's me. A Real Military unit expects casualties in high risk operations and the team is trained to multi task and when you lose a team member, he is replaced.

As for the Con set, I think the GIJCC has found a selling formula that works.....3 figures, 12 Army builders (all Cobra) and a bonus set of 3 joes. The sets that sold the worst were ones who had the most "named" figures (2004 Dreadnok set and the 2007 Tanks set!) the ones that sell best are basically Cobra Army Builders. (2002 Crimson set, 2003 Anaconda set, 2005 IG set, 2006 Mercs set and the 2008 Headhunters set).

If they do Red Shadows, they should do the 3 bosses, Van, Lila and the other guy (I forget their names) and make 12 Red Shadows Troopers. Then make a bonus set of Flint in Dark Attire, Lady Jaye and Duke. That would sell!

I really have NO IDEA where they can go from here with the Con set. I'd like to see ParaVipers and Air Troopers in ARAH Molds...

Roland da Thompson Gunner
01-28-2009, 11:42 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]Therein lies the problems with the franchise. In order to have GOOD new characters, you need to develop them. As a cash cow, Hasbro doesn't want to give up Old characters. (that's why we have more versions of breaker, Flash, Lady Jaye, etc coming out). They have a core of Old figures they stick to as "tried and true" that's why every wave has at least ONE version of Duke, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, etc. As the Toy Company owns the rights and dictates what can and can't be written, I think Joe has gone as far as it can go in the Comics Arena.

I still say the best way to get rid of old characters and keep new ones rolling in is to set the code names up as billets and as Joes die, retire, etc., they get a new guy to take the code name and fill the billet. For Example, Stalker dies and they get a new Stalker (but it's NOT Lonzo R Wilkinson). But that's me. A Real Military unit expects casualties in high risk operations and the team is trained to multi task and when you lose a team member, he is replaced.

As for the Con set, I think the GIJCC has found a selling formula that works.....3 figures, 12 Army builders (all Cobra) and a bonus set of 3 joes. The sets that sold the worst were ones who had the most "named" figures (2004 Dreadnok set and the 2007 Tanks set!) the ones that sell best are basically Cobra Army Builders. (2002 Crimson set, 2003 Anaconda set, 2005 IG set, 2006 Mercs set and the 2008 Headhunters set).

If they do Red Shadows, they should do the 3 bosses, Van, Lila and the other guy (I forget their names) and make 12 Red Shadows Troopers. Then make a bonus set of Flint in Dark Attire, Lady Jaye and Duke. That would sell!

I really have NO IDEA where they can go from here with the Con set. I'd like to see ParaVipers and Air Troopers in ARAH Molds...[/QUOTE]

I don't think the Mercs set sold very well because they were selling loose figures from it at the last convention at low prices IIRC. Hell you can still get that one and Iron Grenadiers sets bagged, you can't with the 2007 set. In fact I think the only con set that sold out in the first year was the Crimson set. I'd love too know where you got your sales figures, because what your saying doesn't match with the Club's store.

Also if they do Red Shadows and use the DD characters I don't think it'll go over very well because I think more people care about the Action Force Red Shadows than some black chick and Bam Bam Bigelow

01-28-2009, 12:04 PM

Lava Boss
01-29-2009, 12:30 PM
The Mercs set Cobra figures aren't all that popular on the aftermarket, except Mortal and that's because of hype...from what I understand the figure itself is so fragile as to be useless for anything beyond display (making it an exercise in pointlessness IMHO).

From a "universe" standpoint, the Mercs set smacked of wasted potential. Cobra recruits the world's baddest mercenaries...which amounts to Bludd and some Cobra-trooper looking goons who all have the same hair color, Overlord (a merc?) and green TARGATS sans helmets, and a recolored Snake-Eyes. Imagine if it had been 15 different characters, many of them new.

Dreadnok set had bright colors for the Joes and Noks that made for ugly figures. It was mostly a waste of the molds it used, sadly some of which will probably never see a retail release again.

I think a mix of new and underappreciated characters/troopers is appealling. The 2007 set had a mix of both.

You can repaint Destro, Cobra Commander, Bludd and put 12 Crimson Guard in blue and someone will like it, but for the $$$ they're asking? Not appealling. The Crimson Viper set was the first of its kind, to just do that again would meet with a collective "meh."

Look at last year's offerings. What does it add to the mythos? A Headhunter....DRIVER! They have no vehicles (due to bad planning). The mixed-up BATS are big whoop. The Joes looked fairly decent, especially Long Arm. But for a real addition to the GI JOE universe one had to get the BAT MECH with Hotwire.

01-29-2009, 02:01 PM
Perhaps I shall ask this.

What are the purposes of the con sets?

Is it for the fans to relive the ARAH days?

Is it profitable for the club (or do they break even)?

Sonneilon sez, if the consets don't need to be ARAH-oriented, then why not just use 25A molds? Make new characters off that. Certainly, it'd be cheaper to use recent existing molds than the old ones?

01-29-2009, 02:19 PM
Sonneilon sez, if the consets don't need to be ARAH-oriented, then why not just use 25A molds? Make new characters off that. Certainly, it'd be cheaper to use recent existing molds than the old ones?[/QUOTE]

This should be like "simon says", so that it would be done :D

With all the repaints of the 25th it still has a vast selection of parts to chose from now, to make said characters.
I would love to see some 25ths for the con set - but this will definitely be a hate/love thing with the people on this board (and collectors everywhere).
I'm expecting the "I won't buy them" spamming if it turns out to be 25th that is released.

01-29-2009, 04:17 PM
It's all good to make a 25th Con set. As for the contstant bashing :confused: there are (some) of us who just wont buy the thing and let that be. The Con set should be for those of us who DO want that old school mold that reminds us of our childhoods. Seeing as that is the only way to get those types of figures. Plus that way the Club can charge an arm and a leg to make theirs and the big H's money. :D

01-29-2009, 04:56 PM
Time & time again it has been said that the 25th style sculpts will not be used by the Club & by Hasbro.
The Club will only use the older molds. I feel like a broken record reminding people about this. :p

01-29-2009, 05:34 PM
[QUOTE=Goldbug]Time & time again it has been said that the 25th style sculpts will not be used by the Club & by Hasbro.
The Club will only use the older molds. I feel like a broken record reminding people about this. :p[/QUOTE]

I hope you're right, us old o-ring fans need some new stuff every now and then! ;)

01-29-2009, 06:00 PM
Goldbug, things can always change.

The Collector Club has to pay Hasbro to get them to make a limited run of figures. I can only assume that they figure out costs based on how many figures are made. I'm just saying, using the 25th molds have to be easier by now with all the interchangable parts (well, Hasbro can change them up easier than the buyer) and it'd have to be cheaper. Or at least, I'd think it'd be cheaper.

As for a decrease in buyership, that's another matter. It kinda comes down to the WHYS of doing Con Sets which nobody has answered. When I first heard about the Crimson Viper set way back when, I thought the main purpose for them were incentives to go. I'm guessing that's not the case anymore. And I suppose a 25A body style wouldn't scream COLLECTOR IF the Con Sets are seen as Collector Items.

01-29-2009, 08:53 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]As for a decrease in buyership, that's another matter. It kinda comes down to the WHYS of doing Con Sets which nobody has answered. When I first heard about the Crimson Viper set way back when, I thought the main purpose for them were incentives to go. I'm guessing that's not the case anymore. And I suppose a 25A body style wouldn't scream COLLECTOR IF the Con Sets are seen as Collector Items.[/QUOTE]

For someone like myself, the con sets are a chance to pick up some new and (mostly) cool figures. But then again, I've never been a Joe collector per se, but more a Joe fan. I never leave anything in the package, I buy toys to use. And I'll happily modify the rarest figure if I think it needs it, because the resale value means nothing to me because I'll never sell my Joes. I don't automatically buy the con sets just because of what they are - if they don't appeal to me, then I don't bother with 'em. All I know for sure is that if they ever went to 25th style, it wouldn't matter how cool the concept was, I'd pass on them.

01-29-2009, 09:23 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Goldbug, things can always change.

The Collector Club has to pay Hasbro to get them to make a limited run of figures. I can only assume that they figure out costs based on how many figures are made. I'm just saying, using the 25th molds have to be easier by now with all the interchangable parts (well, Hasbro can change them up easier than the buyer) and it'd have to be cheaper. Or at least, I'd think it'd be cheaper.

As for a decrease in buyership, that's another matter. It kinda comes down to the WHYS of doing Con Sets which nobody has answered. When I first heard about the Crimson Viper set way back when, I thought the main purpose for them were incentives to go. I'm guessing that's not the case anymore. And I suppose a 25A body style wouldn't scream COLLECTOR IF the Con Sets are seen as Collector Items.[/QUOTE]

True but for now Hasbro is keeping the 25th molds to themselves.
As far as I know the Club has to ask Hasbro for permission to use any molds. Hasbro has told them they can have access to all the old o-ring ones.
Also the Transformer Con exclusives are usually older molds too. Ones that Hasbro isn't currently using etc.

01-29-2009, 09:53 PM
[QUOTE=Goldbug]Time & time again it has been said that the 25th style sculpts will not be used by the Club & by Hasbro.
The Club will only use the older molds. I feel like a broken record reminding people about this. :p[/QUOTE]

Well there we go. I thought I had read something like this as well, but I wasn't 100% sure. :)

01-30-2009, 02:45 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner]I don't think the Mercs set sold very well because they were selling loose figures from it at the last convention at low prices IIRC. Hell you can still get that one and Iron Grenadiers sets bagged, you can't with the 2007 set. In fact I think the only con set that sold out in the first year was the Crimson set. I'd love too know where you got your sales figures, because what your saying doesn't match with the Club's store.

Also if they do Red Shadows and use the DD characters I don't think it'll go over very well because I think more people care about the Action Force Red Shadows than some black chick and Bam Bam Bigelow[/QUOTE]

Good point about sales. My question is, if you can't purchase a bagged set until you order a boxed set, one would assume roughly a 1 to 1 ratio. I wanna know how they sell out bagged sets BEFORE the boxed sets? Do they allow you to buy multiple bagged sets AFTER you get a boxed set?

The reason I think they haven't sold out the 2007 set is because no one wants to pay for 15 figures when they only want 7. Honestly, how many sets do you think they would have sold if they made 12 Night Stalkers, Lt Clay Moore Rip it and the Night Stalker Commander instead of rehasing a bunch of the original 12 and adding sparks and Female Doc? I know that the 2005 and 2006 sets didn't sell that well, but I bought 2 of those, but not 2 of the 2007 set for that reason. Everyone talks about how they want some nightstalkers, but don't wanna dish out $268 for them. Ok, maybe this paragraph is more about me than the public at large. But notice how fast Army builders tend to sell? Well, if the Idea is good! (Can you say Cobra Bazooka Trooper = Peg Warmer? )

I know, most people won't pay that for the con sets, anyway. The Price does make it out of reach for a lot of people. The good thing is like Outrider says, it gives "The Fellowship of the O Ring" something new and cool to buy. I've started to buy troop builders in 25th mold, but I'm not gonna buy joes. If they switch back to ARAH (which they're not!, I know!) I'll start buying again...but they will flood every set with te same figures like they do with the 25th....I think I'm just gonna selectively collect. Buy what I want and screw the rest. I quit being a Completionist in 1991.

The DD Red Shadows were different than the Action Force Red Shadows? I mean I know they were different, but are they THAT different? School me.....

01-30-2009, 01:59 PM
Frank, I was getting the idea from earlier posts that the UK Red Shadows coming from Action Man are quite different than the US version, whatever that means. But being US-Centric, what Joes are called in other countries aren't really GI Joe to me.

01-30-2009, 03:34 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Buy what I want and screw the rest. I quit being a Completionist in 1991.[/QUOTE]

Same here Frank. Once Hasbro discovered neon colours I became very selective. :rolleyes:

Lava Boss
02-02-2009, 08:34 AM
The thing about wanting the con set to be 25th style.

So you want to pay $300 for 15 repaints? Aren't fans complaining about those now at regular retail prices?

I mean, I'm out of touch and well, cheap. But I don't want to pay a lot for figures, especially repaints.

I never wanted to collect collectibles. Collectibles are useless objects pushed as having value based on hype. I just want cool action figures.

02-02-2009, 11:37 AM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]The thing about wanting the con set to be 25th style.

So you want to pay $300 for 15 repaints? Aren't fans complaining about those now at regular retail prices?

I mean, I'm out of touch and well, cheap. But I don't want to pay a lot for figures, especially repaints.

I never wanted to collect collectibles. Collectibles are useless objects pushed as having value based on hype. I just want cool action figures.[/QUOTE]

Some of the figures we are getting (repaints) are cool figures ;)
I would pay if it was well done.

Black Knight
02-02-2009, 12:58 PM
I agree, prices go up no matter what. Even if the 25th figures were the original molds, do you really believe they still be 2.99 or 3.99 like they were in the 80's?

Thats foolish thinking, nothing is the same price it was back then, not even fast-food. I would gladly purchase the Con-set if it were 25th style, no matter the price. However if they make the con-set from the O-ring molds, which they are most likely to do, I will not be purchasing them... I can not fathom the idea of spending more than $2 on ANY o-ring figure, no matter how cool he is. All the o-ring guys I buy are from my local 2nd hand GI Joe store and the most I pay for a figure is 3.00 and it has to be a damn good figure.

02-02-2009, 04:43 PM
[QUOTE=Lava Boss]The thing about wanting the con set to be 25th style.

So you want to pay $300 for 15 repaints? Aren't fans complaining about those now at regular retail prices?[/QUOTE]

Ok. You GOT me on that one, absolutely. Good call.