Da Talent
01-24-2009, 08:01 PM
First off, these does not change my view on the on going war. It was just a gift I made..... :D
Well my mother recently got remarried so finally at 25 I have a younger brother. (my step bro is 12) So like any of you would have done, I gave him a bunch of joes for christmas.
Well a while ago he came over to my home to visit and after playing with him for a bit he asked me if there were any robots on gi joe's team. Why I asked? His answer was priceless...
"because wolverine keeps beating the joes too easy."
After laughing, I figured out what I would do for the little guy. I made him the custom you see here. Pretty easy to make, but the key is that it is completely paintless so he can go at it full force in my little bros hands. Hope you dudes like the cyborg I made.
head: ninja ku
torso/legs: snake eyes
arms: bat
robotic eye: dtc lowlight goggles
vest: ff comic pack
belt: roadblock
Well my mother recently got remarried so finally at 25 I have a younger brother. (my step bro is 12) So like any of you would have done, I gave him a bunch of joes for christmas.
Well a while ago he came over to my home to visit and after playing with him for a bit he asked me if there were any robots on gi joe's team. Why I asked? His answer was priceless...
"because wolverine keeps beating the joes too easy."
After laughing, I figured out what I would do for the little guy. I made him the custom you see here. Pretty easy to make, but the key is that it is completely paintless so he can go at it full force in my little bros hands. Hope you dudes like the cyborg I made.
head: ninja ku
torso/legs: snake eyes
arms: bat
robotic eye: dtc lowlight goggles
vest: ff comic pack
belt: roadblock