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View Full Version : the new IDW joe comic?

01-27-2009, 09:48 PM
[COLOR=Red]so, who has read it, and what do you think? myself i have mixed feelings. for those who havent and want to know some about it here are a few key points in the first issue. the joe team is already formed by issue 1, i may have missed issue 0, im not sure. the first issue features snake eyes(a little), hawk, duke, beach head, scarlett, dial tone and dusty. 3 things i dont like are,
:dial tone is a women, i love dial tone so this really, REALLY sux for me
:beach head has a lot of character, bad thing is, its not beach head like character
:scarlett outranks duke and it is fully shown.

for thos who have read it i have 2 questions
:is that wraith who kills the guy?
:is it just me or does it seem that duke and scarlett wil be a item and maybe not her and snake eyes? [/COLOR]

01-28-2009, 05:57 AM
First, I have NOT read this particular incarnation of GI Joe. However, I'd like to throw my uninformed opinion in on some of the stuff you called attention to.

1. ":dial tone is a women, i love dial tone so this really, REALLY sux for me" - Give this version of Dial Tone a chance. She might surprise you. I personally love the Breaker character from wwaaaayyyyy back (He was one of my first GI Joe figures). But I think he is now and should always be from Tennessee. The new movie has him as an international character. I'm leaving room for doubt and will view the movie with an open mind.
2. ":beach head has a lot of character, bad thing is, its not beach head like character" And this is a bad thing? Beach-head has always been a little overbearing both in Marvel and Sunbow. His whole "I don't bathe because I'm so tough" attitude wouldn't fly in any of the units I was in while I was in the army and honestly he ain't so tough that a squad of his peers couldn't hold him down and give him a little love with a wire-brush.
3. ":scarlett outranks duke and it is fully shown." It's about time that the chick was shown the respect she deserves. Yeah, I know the many aspects of her back story, but she still has the drive to excell in a male dominated community without becoming anyone's "flavor of the month". Her portrayal in Sunbow always put her in a supporting role to Duke. Let Duke toady to her for once. (Can ya tell I have a thing for red-heads?) In Marvel, the only one who was ever her peer was Snake and he was crushing pretty hard. Besides, he always let her have the dialog.

As far as discussing the specifics of plot and storyline, like I said earlier, I've not followed this version so I don't have a frame of reference. But one thing can be said. These are characters we hold a lot of love for. It is important that we express our opinions about the direction they are taken in or we risk a nightmare like that of the Highlander series when they made Highlander 2 and set the immortals as aliens from Zeist. Uhhh, can you say "Ruined storyline"? Thank god they corrected that mistake!

01-28-2009, 06:16 AM
pictures please , any one ;)

01-28-2009, 06:20 AM
[QUOTE=lehsreh][COLOR=Red]so, who has read it, and what do you think? myself i have mixed feelings. for those who havent and want to know some about it here are a few key points in the first issue. the joe team is already formed by issue 1, i may have missed issue 0, im not sure. the first issue features snake eyes(a little), hawk, duke, beach head, scarlett, dial tone and dusty. 3 things i dont like are,
:dial tone is a women, i love dial tone so this really, REALLY sux for me
:beach head has a lot of character, bad thing is, its not beach head like character
:scarlett outranks duke and it is fully shown.

for thos who have read it i have 2 questions
:is that wraith who kills the guy?
:is it just me or does it seem that duke and scarlett wil be a item and maybe not her and snake eyes? [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Have the two first issues (issue 0 and 1).
Dialtone a woman: not sure if I like or dislike it, dialtone is never a character I cared about. I'm wondering why they changed the sex of the character.

Beachhead seems like beachhead to me, maybe he just needs some time to grow into his skimask.

Scarlett obviously outranks Duke back at the base, but I think when it comes to operational control on a mission that Duke would be the leader.

Answer to your questions:
It is one of three people: Wraith, Major Bludd (look at the armor) or some other Cobra Peon not worthy of a name in some fancysmancy tech suit.
It seems that duke and scarlett have some past history - but did you catch the little communication between Scarlett and Snake Eyes? I do believe they have a thing going (I might be wrong).

01-28-2009, 06:35 AM
If there isn't a REALLY good reason for the gender change, then it was just stupid. Starbuck was changed to give a new take on the Zak death. Here all Dial Tone is doing is serving as a sounding board. It sucks.

The big problem I got with issue one is there's no real Cobra, some lame disappearing act by some Cobra agent, and most of the comic is just Scarlett talking.


01-28-2009, 07:50 AM
[QUOTE=haradrel]Have the two first issues (issue 0 and 1).
Dialtone a woman: not sure if I like or dislike it, dialtone is never a character I cared about. I'm wondering why they changed the sex of the character.[/QUOTE]
Editor Andy Schmidt said Female Dial-Tone was intended to be an all new character. IDW was two issues into production before Hasbro seen the pages. They said the Joe roster was already too large, they didn't want any new people. Schmidt ask who they wanted her to be and they said Dial-Tone. Source (http://www.yojoe.com/magazine/2009/01/21_podcast.shtml)

01-28-2009, 09:00 AM
[QUOTE=troopsofdoom]Editor Andy Schmidt said Female Dial-Tone was intended to be an all new character. IDW was two issues into production before Hasbro seen the pages. They said the Joe roster was already too large, they didn't want any new people. Schmidt ask who they wanted her to be and they said Dial-Tone. Source (http://www.yojoe.com/magazine/2009/01/21_podcast.shtml)[/QUOTE]

lol, so the sex-change was due to them creating a new character and Hasbro going "stfu we have to many already" ?

Black Knight
02-11-2009, 01:53 PM
So, picked up IDW GI Joe #2 today... its a pretty good story so far, I'm really enjoying it. Alot of characters I never even heard of before... "Brainwave" "Buckshot" and so on... and then alot of familiar characters too.

All in all, I like it.

Scuba Steve
02-14-2009, 05:00 AM
I love the direction they are taking with this series. I think this was the opportunity Larry Hama was always looking for with GI Joe. Although Hasbro already had to flex their product control muscle and cause the female Dial Tone incedent (I can live with it) I think IDW has done an exellent job of taking the leash off the team, and letting them show us the Joe they always had invisioned. So far it goes well beyond my expectations.

Anyone want a sneek peak at 6 pages of Origins #1. HERE YOU GO: :)


02-14-2009, 09:06 AM
It's been a while since i bought any comic book.. manga i still buy, but it's been 1990 since i last bought a comic book. Would love to get all the Joe comics reprinted in manga size/dimensions. Would look great in my bookcases.

But .. IDW.. will have to buy.

In terms of Dial Tone, I'll just get into my mind that the original Dial Tone either retired or got killed somewhere. Maybe left the Joes to take advantage of the Dot Com bubble and was involved with some product that made it big and he's got no interest to return to the Joes. I can live with that if... if... IDW did not already make some sort of background linking to the old Dial Tone.

Snake Eyes.. as long as he doesn't talk, i'm okay with it. There was one of those Joe books where the reader is given choices and to turn to certain pages to read the result of those choices. In one of those books.. the author had Snake Eyes talking.. when I read that I stopped buying those books.

I hope the movie doesn't have Snake Eyes talking. I can imagine a writer having a line like someone asking SE to respond over the radio.. "Snake Eyes! Come in! Please respond!"