View Full Version : MARAUDERS --- Post Apocalypse Universe Updated (1/29/09)

01-29-2009, 10:07 AM
I became a Mad Max fan about a year ago and had an idea to make a remake of it. So I began customizing toy cars, trucks, cycles, action figures, etc into post apocalyptic stuff; it's my dream to turn this into an animated series but first I gotta finish college and find my career job. nevertheless, in my free time, I am working tirelessly on the story, plot, characters, vehicles, episodes, story arcs, u name it.

here are some pictures for now. I will frequently update so be on the lookout and please feel free to leave comments and constructive criticism. thanks!

TriFire is a Monster Bike the marauders use in road wars. TriFire is its name because of its 3 weapons: the bike is fitted with a dual cannon capable of elevating to hit higher targets and a machine gun mounted on the sidecar (see 2nd pic).

The marauders use Monster Bikes because they are larger than ordinary motorcycles, faster, and much more powerful. The only downside is they suck up gasoline faster. Then again, the marauders are always pillaging and ransacking villages to refuel their vehicles and replenish their sustenance (water especially). It is a world where only the fittest survive.

note: the figures on the motorcycle are not marauders. they are for display purposes only.

only the motorycle has been customized and is a work in progress.

01-29-2009, 10:08 AM
Dead End is another Monster Bike. Unlike TriFire, this version wields a gigantic chainsaw that can be operated by the sidecar passenger. The chainsaw can split open anything whether it be metal, axles, or yes human flesh. Don't be caught in a dead end with this chainsaw cuz there will be no escape!

The figure wielding the chainsaw is also a work in progress.

01-29-2009, 10:10 AM
this was my first time using wire mesh. at home, there was an extra square of wire mesh waiting to be discarded but I salvaged it in time. wire mesh is just as awesome as acrylic paints. only thing I don't like are the bits of string visible all around the thingypit area. I have an idea on how to disguise them.

originally a Street Fighter Crimson Cruiser (repaint of GI JOE Badger); such an awesome vehicle. rocket launcher taken from a Corps tank. purple rotating gun from GI JOE Parasite vehicle.

having trouble visualizing a color scheme for the vehicle. will have to consult with a friend.

the figure here (GI JOE Mirage) is only for display purposes.

01-29-2009, 10:12 AM
The Monster Bike known as Dead End. This was how it looked like back at the start of November. Notice the sidecar wheel and the sidecar passenger's feet on the foot rests.

This is the updated Dead End Monster Bike. I figured since the sidecar was equipped with a gigantic chainsaw, it be fitting that the sidecar require a larger wheel; so I replaced the original wheel with a Cobra Ferret wheel: not easy but worthwhile.

gotta find some way to rebuild or conceal the rear of the sidecar, it looks atrocious. I cut it up cuz the rear was too bulky.

I didn't like the original foot rests for the sidecar passenger. I wanted to give a post apocalyptic feel to the foot rests; make it seem as though the marauders used whatever they could to recreate or simulate foot rests. I took paper clips, cut them into small pieces about the same length, heated them on the stove, and inserted them beside the original sidecar foot rests. I love the end result. now I just gotta remove the original foot rests.


01-29-2009, 10:14 AM
this is a Soldier Force jeep that came packaged with a Chinook helicopter also from Chap Mei. I didn't like the wheels it had so I replaced them with Cobra Ferret wheels. I need 2 more ferret wheels but they're so expensive on ebay; I'll have to wait.

I can't see this vehicle as part of the marauder gang. It looks too plain, simple, inoffensive, harmless, and most of all it looks like the type of vehicle Pappagallo and the Defenders (from Road Warrior movie) would have. so this is a good guy vehicle.

01-29-2009, 10:15 AM
These vehicles are works in progress. I will try to update the pictures occassionally when I have free time.

Wez is the leader of his marauder gang. His vehicle nicknamed Scythe is a Monster Bike. The marauders use Monster Bikes because they are larger than ordinary motorcycles, faster, and much more powerful. The only downside is they suck up gasoline faster. Then again, the marauders can always pillage and ransack villages for refueling their vehicles and replenishing their sustenance. It is a world where only the fittest survive.

Gasket is one of the marauders. His vehicle of choice is a Monster Quad, much larger and fiercer than an ordinary atv. Gasket customized his Monster Quad so he can store his favorite blaster and extra weapons in a rear compartment.

Runamuck is the marauder's largest vehicle as well as its deadliest (for now). The driver was handpicked by Wez because of his maniacal tendency to run over any living things: humans and animals alike.

01-29-2009, 10:17 AM
stage 2: Wez (work in progress)

The new Wez sharpening his left arm gauntlet knife.
I want to replace his mohawk with real hair cuz the plastic mohawk looks too cartoony.

01-29-2009, 10:19 AM
at my local KB store, I spotted this awesome Tonka garbage truck. Its size engrossed me as well as its features:


1) doors open, seats fit 1:18 figures (GI JOE, Chap Mei)

2) it's in scale with other 1:18 vehicles

3) Motorized functions operate the dumpster arm and tilt the dump bed for easy dumping.

Humungus (ruler of the wasteland) uses Punisher (the name of this vehicle) to punish those marauders who fail him. Their hands and feet are bound, they're placed into the dumpster, and hurled into the dump bed where they're grinded and ripped into pieces --- an excruciatingly painful death. Humungus shows no mercy to friend or foe.

01-29-2009, 10:21 AM
haven't been able to take photos of this giant cuz the weather here in NY is terrible and there's hardly any sunlight.

I can't wait to customize the Tonka garbage truck (it's one HUGE truck!) The pic (below) is a vehicle from Twisted Metal 4. I wanna give it a similar paintjob and definitely add spikes around the cabin area.

I believe this pic is from a boardgame. anyway, I love the wire mesh over the windshield and those long spikes.

now imagine this vehicle with a rusty paintjob, barred windows, a gigantic spiked battering ram, and spikes all around its body, and let's not forget spikes protruding from each hubcap.

01-29-2009, 10:22 AM
well, it's been an awesome winter break; picked up tons of new action figures, vehicles, etc. most of all, I've improved my customs and have kitbasked stuff I thought was impossible. but you know what they say, every triumph only makes you stronger and it has done that for me. too bad school resumes tomorrow, things were getting so exciting...

nevertheless, I will update this thread monthly. for now, enjoy the new pictures I took today.

this was Runamuck last year. not much to see but A LOT has changed. for those of you non-GI JOE fans, this custom was based on a Gi Joe Mudbuster. It has been heavily customized and altered and the result is very post apocalyptic (see next pic).

01-29-2009, 10:24 AM
first off, there have been a lot of vehicle name changes. Runamuck is now known as RAGE. this is the new and improved Rage:

if you've seen The Road Warrior (aka Mad Max II) starring Mel Gibson (or if you haven't seen it, go see it), the villain marauders strapped prisoners to their vehicles. the prisoners were either male or female and some were alive; others dead and rotting; I was very inspired to try this; my mother doesn't like it and has asked me to remove them, lol to no avail.

the marauders tend to carve the names of their vehicles for all to see and fear.

01-29-2009, 10:25 AM
as you can see in this picture and the rest, Rage has a very beat up look, it reeks and screams Post Apocalyptic Vehicle. I wanted to make it look as if it's been through hell; maybe I overdid it but I still love it. btw, that is a removable black machine gun that is held in place by two vertical paper clips.

Rage is a monster pickup truck so it was necessary to add a ladder in the rear so the gunner could climb inside easily. the ladder was made with paperclips; it's amazing how things we take for granted can be so useful for customs. that's my favorite aspect of customizing.

Rage is 90% complete. the vehicle in which this custom was based on (the Gi Joe Mudbuster) didn't have a steering wheel and that didn't look right to me so I took a Gi Joe Brawler steering wheel and voila!
there are a couple more things to do such as erasing that Gi Joe emblem on the surface of truck bed.

01-29-2009, 10:27 AM
Rage means many things to Wez and his gang of ruthless, merciless, sadistic marauders. most of all Rage represents power since it is their most powerful vehicle equipped with a huge gun that can blast anything in its path. the gun was taken from a Gi Joe Brawler (humvee not the 90's tank). the gun was heavily altered, truncated cuz it was too long and handlebars were added from an extra Cobra Venom Cycle sidecar.

these wheels are perfect. they look so post apocalyptic; when I first got this vehicle (the Mudbuster) I wondered what the wheels were supposed to be made of; they didn't seem rubberish; they looked to be made of metal; if you've seen Waterworld, these wheels are reminiscent of the beat up rusty car one of the villains drives inside the Valdez oil ship.

the marauders have a sadistic passion for strapping and chaining their prisoners in torturous positions.

the marauders under leadership of Wez take prisoners (men and especially women) and use them for countless acts some of which cannot be mentioned here; marauders use prisoners to barter with other marauders for items such as weapons, gasoline (aka juice), vehicle upgrades, etc.

01-29-2009, 10:29 AM
Enforcer upgrade!

01-29-2009, 10:31 AM
Enforcer has been heavily modified. the rocket launcher, rockets, and purple gun were removed for many reasons:
1) too many weapons
2) Enforcer is not as powerful as Rage in terms of weaponry
3) most of all, weapons are scarce in the post apocalyptic world

Wez and his gang of marauders sadistically enjoy chaining prisoners to their vehicles in very torturous and excruciating positions. One prisoner is strapped to the front bumper; another captive is tied to the rear.

the hardest custom part I've made to date was Enforcer's thingypit area; it was very difficult and challenging; the first time I did it was good but the strings holding the individual wire mesh pieces were too visible and the wire mesh pieces stuck out too much.

the second time around was a complete success. painting the wire mesh as well as the thingypit bars helped to conceal the bits of string; the wire mesh pieces were truncated so they could fit more easily into their corresponding areas.

Enforcer is based on the Street Fighter Crimson Cruiser (a repaint of the Gi Joe Badger). if you have either version, you'll know that the thingypit area opens up by raising upwards; I wanted to change this to make it seem more manual instead of technologically sophisticated. in the post apocalyptic world, technology is scarce; vehicles have a somewhat primitive look; very few vehicles such as Juggernaut have sophisticated advanced weaponry.

as you can see, the roof section of the thingypit folds out and the driver can climb inside. the roof section was rebuilt using thin orange plastic sticks and pins to connect them. this was layered with net material from my bookbag pocket.

01-29-2009, 10:33 AM
I had a spare Bad Guyz monster truck front bumper so I chopped it up and fused it to the rear to simulate a rear bumper. I like the look; it makes a for a tough heavy duty appearance and that is just what Enforcer needed.

the marauders take pleasure in making their prisoners suffer. one prisoner was chained to the front bumper and suffered a horrific death. he was instantly decapitated when the Enforcer driver drove through a pile of debris.

in the post apocalyptic world, all vehicles must be equipped with extra gasoline even the most powerful vehicles. The Crimson Cruiser aka Gi Joe Badger has foot pegs on either side meant to hold extra figures. the foot pegs work fine, it's just that the figures can't hold on to anything and only one foot is secure while the other foot dangles in the air. I never liked this so I made a gasoline storage out of it. again, I sabotaged my bookbag pockets for more net material and voila! it holds up very nicely.

the gasoline can is removable. just like Rage, Enforcer is nearly complete; I don't like the wheels cuz they look too toy-ish so they will be replaced (just gotta find the right size).

as you can see in this overhead, there is a hole on the hood section. this hole was made to hold a Gi Joe Cobra Parasite machine gun in place; the gun was removed. as for the hole, it has yet to be fixed.

01-29-2009, 10:34 AM



Wez is the leader of his gang of marauders. he is the most sadistic and cruelest and punishes those who fail him with annihilation. his weapons are many:
1) a knife gauntlet on his left arm; knife is removable.
2) on his right hand, he wields a metal glove with upside down nails that can kill with one punch or severely disfigure.
3) his right shoulder has razor sharp spikes

01-29-2009, 10:36 AM

looks like Rage requires a major upgrade. the problem with Rage is the gunner section; the cannon has limited movability and those cylinder-like tubes in the rear hinder the cannon from rotating past a certain point. not to mention the base that holds the cannon in place. it must be relocated and that will be the most challenging modification. this is what the new gunner section upgrade will resemble:


that is a picture from Rambo 4 which I have yet to see. as most of you have probably seen the trailer, that machine gun can rotate almost 360 degrees. Rage's cannon cannot do that so that must be fixed.

01-29-2009, 10:38 AM
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Today, I lost. I was retooling Wez's Monster Bike (based on a GI JOE Cobra Venom Cycle) to allow the front wheel to turn but I screwed up BIG TIME. I ended up discarding the whole motorcycle. I am sad but at the same time greatly relieved. here's why:

As I stated before, Wez's Monster Bike was based on a GI JOE Cobra Venom Cycle. I chose this specific motorcycle cuz of its seemingly post apocalyptic characteristics: large offroad wheels, cool looking mudguard, bad@$$ windshield, intimidating appearance, etc. Unfortunately, the motorcycle is extremely oversized; GI JOE figures look like children riding on it. So I set out to reduce its bulkiness but at the same time conserve certain areas to maintain that Monster Bike theme. Sadly, I came to realize this wasn't gonna happen. I was working on 2 other Monster Bikes (Dead End and TriFire) and kept running into the same problem: the drivers were dwarved by the sizes of their motorcycles.

So the Monster Bike idea has been abandoned; it will be saved for another storyline. Wez's Monster Bike is awaiting disposal (cuz it's beyond repair) but luckily I still have the Dead End and TriFire Monster Bikes (with their respective sidecars). I'll keep those.

On a brighter note, I have found replacements for the Monster Bike ideas; of course they will no longer be Monster Bikes, just plain old regular motorcycles. I will be using the GI JOE re-issues of the RAM cycles and then some. I will update when I get a hold of one.

01-29-2009, 10:39 AM
nowadays, I take pics of my projects so if accidents occur, at least I can use them as a reminder of what they used to look like. it's some form of consolation and it works.

and now for a taste of things to come:

The Motormasters aren't the only marauder threat in Post Apocalyptic Earth...

Monster Quads!

01-29-2009, 10:41 AM
Wez’s gang was going to include Monster Bikes. I had selected the GIJOE Cobra Venom Cycle to base this idea upon. I began downsizing the cycle and sidecar by removing as much bulky plastic as possible without compromising the Monster Bike theme. The idea was ultimately cancelled because no matter how much extra plastic I trimmed, the cycle remained oversized in comparison to the driver. Nevertheless, I’m glad things turned out this way since it allowed me to explore a wider variety of 1:18 motorcycles and dirt bikes.

Each dirtbike with the exception of the Blue Bike features a removable weapon.


[size=16][color=Orange]Orange Bike[/color][/size]

[size=16][color=Blue]Blue Bike[/color][/size]

[size=16][color=Lime]Green Bike[/color][/size]

[size=16][color=Yellow]Yellow Bike[/color][/size]

01-29-2009, 10:43 AM
Here are three 10-second videos demonstrating the removable weapons from each bike. yep, that's me.

[size=16][color=Orange]Orange Bike with removable club-like weapon.[/color][/size]
http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o239/Classio/Post%20Apocalyptic%20Vehicles/th_131_3109.jpg (http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o239/Classio/Post%20Apocalyptic%20Vehicles/?action=view&current=131_3109.flv)

[size=16][color=Lime]Green Bike with removable machete.[/color][/size]
http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o239/Classio/Post%20Apocalyptic%20Vehicles/th_131_3117.jpg (http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o239/Classio/Post%20Apocalyptic%20Vehicles/?action=view&current=131_3117.flv)

[size=16][color=Yellow]Yellow Bike with removable spear.[/color][/size]
http://i121.photobucket.com/albums/o239/Classio/Post%20Apocalyptic%20Vehicles/th_131_3115.jpg (http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o239/Classio/Post%20Apocalyptic%20Vehicles/?action=view&current=131_3115.flv)

01-29-2009, 10:45 AM
Dezaira is Wez’s right hand. She's extremely beautiful but is one of the deadliest marauders and absolutely loyal to Wez. She sees him as a paternal figure. Her weapons of choice are the machete and chainsaw. Dezaira wears a mask made from her victims' skins.

Dezaira is still a work in progress. The inspiration for her is derived from femme fatales and the most recent Vypra from the movie, Doomsday. Also, I gave Wez (right side of pic) a new knife for his knife gauntlet.

I really love how the mask came out. It looks very creepy and even scares me at times.

01-29-2009, 10:47 AM
Gasket’s Monster Quad
90% near completion
Features a knife sheath (with removable knife) attached to the windshield. The inspiration for this idea was Waterworld, one of my favorite films.

When customizing post-apocalyptic vehicles, I strive to make the vehicle look less like its original mold/appearance through heavy modification. For example, the tires read “Cobra ATV”; the lettering from the tire on the left side has been carefully removed via a razor.

Shown in this pic are Gasket and Dezaira. Gasket features an axe sheath on his back and razor sharp spikes running down his right shoulder.

01-29-2009, 10:50 AM
The flora and fauna of today no longer resemble that of the post apocalyptic Earth. There are regions completely devoid of plant and animal life. In a world where survival reigns supreme among man and beast, certain species have evolved. Rats and thingyroaches thrive in the billions and their body size has significantly doubled. Canines have endured but the dog once known as man’s best friend has re-evolved into one of man’s deadliest enemies. Stray dogs are everywhere, all of them gone wild, and most beyond taming.

I thought it would be interesting if upon their arrival into post apocalyptic Manhattan, Wez and his marauder gang obtained caged dogs and wolves to enslave for manual labor and other purposes.


Dog/Wolf Cage. This took one day's work. I’m really proud of it because it’s exactly as I visualized it. What remains is to construct a working lock mechanism. Another identical cage is in progress; Unfortunately, production has been halted because I’m unable to find the correct type of copperwire to finish strapping the wooden bars together.

I wanted to capture the essence of this cage as a prison for these dogs/wolves. The spikes and wire mesh pieces were intended to make it more savage and brutal.

Materials used:
-Shish kebab sticks
-Wooden toothpicks
-Window wire mesh
-Brown string
-Copper wire
-Earth Red acrylic

01-29-2009, 10:51 AM
Dog/Wolf Cage (Wheeled Cage aka Mobile Cage)
Sometimes that piece you are missing for a custom is staring at you in the face for literally months and by some stroke of luck, you stumble upon it again and finally purchase it. This happened in the case of the Wheeled Cage.

Spectre’s posting about a massive Toysrus clearance encouraged me to visit my local TRU. I didn’t find the $1 Golden Compass figures but I found some “POTC: At World’s End” sets on sale; I scooped up two sets. Strangely enough, I had encountered these sets months ago at Kmart but never considered them useful. Big Mistake. Fortunately, Spectre’s posting gave me a second chance. Thanks Spectre. Thanks to Keenan for the 2 spare Timber wolves. Having them motivated me to make the dog cages. Two more reasons to love this website.

And so, the idea for a dog cage on wheels suddenly popped into my mind about a week later. The previous dog cage lacked a means of transportation. Sure marauders could find some way to hoist it but a mobile cage was more practical and ultimately cooler. So began the process of turning this idea into reality. And here it is:


I gotta say I’ve never had so much fun making a custom. I’m really proud of this one. It’s so small yet so detailed and so awesome. It features a real working lock mechanism. I’ve scooped up two more sets in order to make more.

01-29-2009, 10:53 AM
This next idea may or may not be scrapped. For months now, I’ve been considering a vehicle for transporting the dog/wolf cages. This vehicle’s name is The Pit.


I want to base it on the GIJOE Eliminator but I’m having second thoughts since the toy’s ground clearance is too high. I had an idea for a vehicle with cages that are actually part of its body frame. Also, the initial idea was to have a vehicle in Wez’s gang that would not only transport dogs and wolves but also prisoners but now I’m opting to have only animals.

01-29-2009, 10:54 AM
The original Rage:

I wanted the gunner's machine gun to rotate 360 degrees like in the movie, Rambo.

01-29-2009, 10:56 AM
The new Rage:


I came across the following passage in a class textbook:
“…based not on further sacrifice of the villages in favor of the cities and of smokestack industries…” (good thing I studied, lol)

An idea was instantly born. I thought about the post apocalypse. Marauders ransacking and burning villages, their vehicles polluting the air with clouds of smoke emanating from their smokestacks, villages being replaced by smokestack industries, technology replacing/annihilating nature.

This is what Rage was missing all along: SMOKESTACKS.

The smokestacks you see are temporary. They’re McDonalds straws, lol. I’ll be hunting for metal smokestacks at my local hobby stores or will order from an RC store. The problem with the smokestacks is that they hinder the gunner’s machine gun from rotating the full 360 degrees.

Rage marks the first time I will be dying plastic. The battering ram will be dyed black as well as the supplementary panels in the flatbed section.


01-29-2009, 10:58 AM
Every time I get an idea for a post-apocalyptic vehicle, I sketch it as closely as possible. I’m no artist but that doesn’t impede me. To my satisfaction, the finished product resembles the sketch very closely, often 100%, and occasionally exceeds its original design.

This was the sketch for the Enforcer.

The original Enforcer:

01-29-2009, 11:02 AM
My weaknesses as a customizer are impatience & impulsivity. When I get an idea, I immediately pursue it even if I lack the necessary parts to accomplish it. I find a substitute and sometimes end up ruining a beloved toy. I also don’t review the idea enough times in my head to ensure that all potential problems, obstacles, & miscalculations are resolved. I learned from these mistakes while remaking Enforcer.

I was very intent on replacing Enforcer’s plastic wheels with rubber wheels. At KB, I found an RC car with similar sized wheels. My instinct told me the wheels weren’t 100% suitable; they were slightly larger. However, I was overzealous on upgrading Enforcer’s wheels so I made the purchase. The entire project failed miserably; it was doomed from the start. I should have listened to my instinct. I felt heartbroken not because of the $20 wasted but because my favorite custom lay in pieces beyond repair. Now it only existed in my memory and in the pictures previously posted in this forum.

Fortunately, I had an unopened Street Fighter Crimson Cruiser. I doubted my ability to make a new Enforcer. But I had to prove it to myself that I could do it again. I had to prove to myself that the first Enforcer wasn’t out of luck but skill.

The rollcage section and net material which holds the gasoline canister are the only parts I didn't remake. They were taken from the original Enforcer.

And with my confidence restored, here is the new and improved Enforcer:

Gasoline storage allows gas canister to fit 100% secure

Gaps on both sides were concealed via plastic fusion, thus vehicle looks more realistic

Cardboard basket holds supplementary supplies such as food and clothing. Metal basket will replace temporary cardboard basket.

Rear wheel suspension is new and thus no longer clashes with custom rear bumper

The rollcage section has been the most challenging and difficult custom piece.

01-29-2009, 11:04 AM


Crowbar storage (made from paperclips)



Many of the upgrades the new Enforcer has were made using pieces from the original.

There are still lots of pending upgrades:
-All-terrain rubber wheels (this time around they’ll be the right circumference, size & fit)
-Rear or side exhaust pipe(s)
-Rear antenna(e)
-Electronic headlights & possible roof lights

01-29-2009, 11:07 AM
Sketches of Breaker:


Breaker is based on the GIJOE Cobra Scorpion vehicle:

Breaker’s purpose is that of a troop/weaponry carrier. Unlike Rage and Enforcer, Breaker’s headlights are non-functional. Nevertheless, the marauders made use of it by driving carving out wooden spears and driving them through the broken headlights.




01-29-2009, 11:08 AM





01-29-2009, 11:11 AM



Breaker has a super long list of pending modifications/upgrades/rectifications:
-Floor panels for driver
-Plastic box will replace cardboard chainsaw storage box
-Rubber wheels will replace plastic wheels
-Paint seat and gunner’s gun
-Add new gasoline canister
-Add makeshift gasoline storage
-Smaller steering wheel; position of steering wheel may slightly change
-More battle damage
-Reduce green areas and brown stripes on hood will be painted over

Like Rage, Breaker also marks the first time I’ll be dyeing plastic. The steering wheel, hood, front bumper, & handheld weapons (stored in the back) will all be dyed.

01-29-2009, 11:14 AM
Some people see their toys as no more than objects; I respect that. For me, toys mean something more especially these post apocalyptic customs. They’re a dream in progress. Let me explain.

1) I’ve written stories based on my ideas but I have always wished being able to draw my ideas on paper. Sure I can take drawing classes but when they are expensive. I can visualize my ideas but unfortunately cannot draw them as they appear in my mind. Customizing has allowed me in some way to manifest those ideas physically.

2) These post apocalyptic vehicles are part of a spin-off stop motion animation series based on The Road Warrior. I want to complete this series within the next 6 years. That will require taking night classes in Photoshop, special effects, stop motion animation, editing, etc. Of course, this won’t be a one-man task.

In the meantime, I am developing as much of the storyline, characters, vehicles, and storyboards as possible. Immense progress is achieved daily. My next step is to master the art of sewing 1:18 scale clothes; my mother will pass her knowledge of sewing to me in the coming weeks.

neapolitan joe
01-29-2009, 11:24 AM
Great work, my friend: in Mad Max style!

01-29-2009, 11:51 AM
Good stuff. Would like to see your stop-motion project.

01-29-2009, 02:03 PM
Thank you for posting all these in a post as opposed to using up space in the Fotos section. I know, it's a pain, but this way, you can shoot all your angles and we can really see what's up.

They ARE great customs. No doubt. Very nice. I like your Marauders. Seems kinda like how I see the Dreadnoks.

01-29-2009, 03:09 PM
What I love about making post apocalyptic customs is the artistic freedom. Vehicles don’t have to look perfect. They can have all sorts of mistakes, deformities, battle damage, etc. After all, these vehicles should not look as if they rolled off the assembly line shiny and intact. Drivers and/or passengers are constantly modifying, repairing, rectifying, improving, and altering their vehicles weaponwise.

For example, after fusing the motorcycle windshield to Breaker, I realized it was a very crooked. I had to fix it. In doing so, I literally sabotaged the winshield section making a huge mess of it and like a surgeon found some clever way to “sew” it all back together. Although the finished product looks messy, the important thing is that the windshield now sits straight.

One thing I’ve realized from the progress I’ve made is that each custom requires more and more work and is more challenging and time-consuming than the previous. Nevertheless, I love this form of art. When I’m customizing, I am at peace with the world, I am able to realize my dreams, thoughts, and ideas. I am in my element and nothing can stop me.

01-29-2009, 03:11 PM




01-29-2009, 03:12 PM
Group Pic. From left to right: Enforcer, Rage, Breaker.



01-29-2009, 03:14 PM
This is an idea I got about a week ago. It's a post apocalyptic wheelchair. Instead of traditional wheels, it has dirtbike wheels for all-terrain purposes. I need to get my hands on some spare Corps motorcycle wheels & a sheet of leather for the seat and back cushions. I want the framework to be made of real metal but doubt I'll learn Welding 101 anytime soon, lol. So I guess for now, plastic/shish-kebab sticks will suffice.


01-29-2009, 03:15 PM
Like I said before, sometimes that piece your custom is missing is staring at you point-blank and by some stroke of luck you realize it and VOILA!

This is a work in progress idea for Marauders 3 Japan. All the customs I've presented so far (up to this post) belong to the first installment aka Marauders.

So naturally for the third installment, I wanted to create samurai-like robes since the setting is in post-apocalyptic Japan. I used leather from an old wallet (guys and gals, don't discard those old wallets; they can come in handy when you least expect it).

Anyway, I was pondering on what I could use for shoulder pads and VOILA! I noticed that Ra's Al Ghul's shoulder armor pads were perfect. And well the rest is history. Still needs a lot of work though.




01-29-2009, 03:17 PM
Wez with spiked club.

A very simple custom. My favorite post apocalyptic weapon to date.

Added hair to Dezaira aka Wez's right hand.

01-29-2009, 03:19 PM
The new Monster Quad:

I never liked the Cobra Ferret handlebars so I replaced them with handlebars from Chap Mei motorcycles.


No that's not a velociraptor scratch mark, lol.


Monster Quads:


01-29-2009, 03:21 PM
Good guy vehicle #1. Work in progress.

Made from a Soldier Force jeep. Wheels are from the Cobra Ferret.

Gotta add hubcaps.

Decided to add a canopy-tent. Still needs a lot of work.

Closeup on canopy-tent.

01-29-2009, 03:22 PM


01-29-2009, 03:25 PM
Most of my Marauders Trilogy Post Apocalyptic Customs on display in my room. Lots of new stuff!




01-29-2009, 03:27 PM


01-29-2009, 03:30 PM
[color=Red]MONSTER QUADS[/color]

Surprisingly, monster quads do exist! Of course they’re not called monster quads but heck these alternate atv’s are MASSIVE! Take a look:




01-29-2009, 03:32 PM
[color=Red]Dog Cage Transport[/color]

Initially, the Pit was a vehicle in Wez’s gang, which would transport prisoners and caged canines. The GIJOE Eliminator was set to be the basis for the vehicle but after much consideration I concluded that the Eliminator looked too futuristic in comparison with Rage, Carnage, Breaker, and Raze. Next, I decided that the Pit would simply be a transport for dog cages. Finally, the name “The Pit” was transferred for a set of vehicles in Marauders II Africa.






01-29-2009, 03:34 PM



The dog cage transport is a work in progress. The final version will have dissimilar cages with each cage opening up differently.

01-29-2009, 03:35 PM

I removed the motorcycle windshield from Breaker because it wasn’t working for me. It just felt silly.

Humungus rewards his son, Wez with vehicle upgrades among other things. Breaker is upgraded with a rapid-fire machine gun able to take down hordes of fleeing villagers in seconds.

Breaker gunner wielding blaster

Breaker gunner wielding rapid-fire machine gun

Added a gatling gun to the mouth of the skull. In the future, I'd like to create a mechanism by which the rotating gun could slide in and out; I also want to add light up eyes for the skull and give the skull a more demonic paintjob.

The hood/headlight section I feel will be most challenging to perfect.

Not completely satisfied with the paintjob.

Still tons of pending modifications. Can't wait till this monster jeep is completed. I am most looking forward to replacing the wheels with offroad rubber tires.

Added "fur" to the driver's seat for 2 reasons:
1) To cover plastic fusion
2) Makes Breaker appear more savage and primitive

01-29-2009, 03:37 PM

Juggernaut is the most powerful vehicle in Humungus' Motormaster marauder empire!


I love the battering ram so much but I want to retool it. Of course for that, I will need to upgrade my customizing skills. The way the battering ram appears it's perfect for ripping through obstructions such as walls. But I want the battering ram to reconfigure in such a way that it would split in half and the halves would move to the sides to allow the Juggernaut to run over people. Kind of like how Transformers Energon Landmine's battering ram reconfigures.

The missile launcher is from the GI JOE Headquarters. The lights atop the gunner's seat are from the Cobra Scorpion. Those lights will eventually be replaced with real working electronic lights. I also want to replace the gunner's handlebars with ball-jointed joysticks.

After seeing pics from Death Race, I want to add bars to the entire windshield to protect not only the driver but passenger too. There may not even be a passenger. I'm still undecided. But one thing's for sure, that black machine gun is being pulled out.

Juggernaut requires massive amounts of retooling, modifications, etc. It'll probably be finished in 2 years. One of the most important upgrades is real rubber monster truck tires but they must have the right size, tread design, and hubcaps.

01-29-2009, 03:39 PM
[color=Red]THE MARAUDER HUNTER: MAX[/color]

[color=Red]Final update coming![/color]


01-29-2009, 03:51 PM
[color=Red]Pyrophiliac's Marauders[/color]

I'm gonna keep this short. A little backstory to Marauders II Africa. It's a sequel to Marauders but it takes place in another part of the post-apocalyptic Earth --- Africa and the Middle East --- and involves new characters and vehicles. The hero is Apex and the main villain is Pyrophiliac. I'm still developing the story, plot, and characters; it's coming together gradually.

The very 1st time I began customizing, I wanted to create monster bikes but that idea failed miserably because the motorcycles I used were absurdly oversized. Then came the 25th anniversary GIJOE RAM --- thank you Hasbro. So my main objective was to create a new type of motorcycle and sidecar; something revolutionary. It took more months than I planned, but was worth it 100% not only because I learned a plethora of stuff (i.e. working for the 1st time with jewelry) but the Chaser customs (Dead End & Screamer) have set the bar mighty high for me. Enjoy!

[color=Red]DEAD END (Chaser #1)[/color]


The figures are works in progress. The monster bike is virtually complete.




01-29-2009, 03:54 PM
This custom mace took less than 5 minutes to make but it's so cool!

In the future, I may add a functional headlight.


01-29-2009, 03:56 PM
[color=Red]Pyrophiliac's Marauders[/color]

[color=Red]SCREAMER (Chaser #2)[/color]



I thought it be cool to have spikes jutting out of the rearlights (see also Dead End). It's characteristic of a marauder vehicle.

Wez and Dezaira are not part of Marauders II Africa but due to my tiny selection of custom marauder figures, I had no choice.


01-29-2009, 03:57 PM

A functional headlight and a little more paint will complete this monster bike.

Chainsaw storage. The oversized Cobra Venom cycles were useful after all.

01-29-2009, 04:00 PM

Taking out the big guns! But seriously, guns like these don't appear in Marauders II Africa.

Screamer was harder and more time-consuming than Dead End. Sometimes when I look at it, I wonder just how the heck I was able to finish it especially the sidecar harness area, which stressed me out for many months.

01-29-2009, 04:02 PM
Comparison pics of Chasers and then some:

My 3 favorite customs: Dead End, Screamer, and Carnage.

Dead End and Carnage.

Screamer and Carnage.

Screamer and Dead End.

01-29-2009, 04:03 PM
Sketches of the Chasers. More Chasers to come in the future!





01-29-2009, 04:05 PM



01-29-2009, 04:07 PM
[color=Red]Pyrophiliac's Marauders[/color]


The Pit was originally the name for a vehicle in Wez’s gang but after much thought, the name came to represent a new vehicle in Marauders II Africa.

Marauders pour their cruelty and sadism into their vehicles. Pits essentially are mobile flatbeds filled with dozens of upright spikes both metal and wooden, upright chainsaws, nails, spears, drills, swords, knives, arrows, buzz saws, shards of metal and wood, sharp materials, etc. All these materials have one intent --- to impale their victims to certain death.

Pits are hauled by separate vehicles or in some cases, Pits are part of a vehicle.

During vehicle pursuits, marauders fighting aboard vehicles hurl their opponents onto Pits where they are instantaneously impaled to death.

The idea for the Pits vehicles was partially inspired by the pit arena from Mortal Kombat (both movie and videogame).

I would have taken gory pictures of impaled victims but I’ve run out of time.

01-29-2009, 04:10 PM
[color=Red]Pyrophiliac's Marauders[/color]

[color=Red]BACKLASH (Chaser #3)[/color]

Spikes are a common trend in Marauders II Africa marauder vehicles (i.e. pits, Dead End, Screamer).

Monster Quads were already in my mind when coming up with marauder vehicles.

Backlash is the first of these Monster Quads in Marauders II Africa. Backlash is equipped with a flip-down steel bar covered in razor sharp nails and spikes. Rather than running over their victims (i.e. fleeing villagers), marauder quad drivers prefer to kill their victims in a more brutal way --- clubbing them in the back as they flee for their lives!






Backlash is currently a work in progress. It would have been finished but my 2nd Cobra Ferret broke so I had to use the Raze monster quad from Marauders. If Hasbro ever releases a 25th anniversary of the Cobra Ferret, I hope they strengthen the plastic in the rear wheel axle plastic because it snaps off easily.

01-29-2009, 04:12 PM
[color=Gray]Dune Lords aka Sand Masters[/color]

Like the Defenders led by Pappagallo in Marauders, the Dune Lords aka Sand Masters dwell in the deserts of the Middle East. Their leader Zeidi has sacrificed so much for his people and they too for each other. The Sand Masters are one of the last tribes that continue battling against Pyrophiliac's empire of sadistic and merciless warauders. Pyrophiliac offered them the chance to join him but Zeidi and his followers are humans, not monsters.

Sand Fighters (Desert Warfare Vehicles):

I barely started modifying this GIJOE Sand Razor. Among the Dune Lords' modes of transportation are dune buggies, dirt bikes, camels, and horses.

01-29-2009, 04:14 PM
The Wall of Interrogation and Torture

I came up with this idea while I was in a pissed off mood. When I get moody, I try to convert the negative energy into something positive and this is the result --- a cool idea. Of course I also enhance my creativity, ideas, and imagination by listening to music (mostly Japanese), watching awesome movies like Punisher: War Zone, Waterworld, and The Road Warrior, and googling other people's customs for inspiration.

Anyway, rather than taking the traditional approach of using plastic and spare parts, I chose to use cardboard (for budgetary reasons also) and I'm really content with the end result. This Wall of Interrogation and Torture allows marauders like Wez to interrogate prisoners, enemies, villagers, etc and force information out of them otherwise, they get their limbs hacked to pieces and that's not a pretty sight.

Of course, I characterize marauders as the most deceitful in the post apocalyptic Earth so even cooperative prisoners meet their doom --- chainsaw style.

In the future, I'd like to perfect this particular piece and allowing it to rotate such that a prisoner would suddenly find himself or herself upside-down. The Wall could be rotated to any degree at the desire of the marauder.


01-29-2009, 04:17 PM
[color=Red]VEHICLES IN WEZ'S GANG[/color]

From left to right: Raze, Breaker, Rage, Dog Cage Transport, and Carnage.


Vehicle not shown are Wez’s bike, marauder scout bikes, and Schleich truck.

The vehicles in Wez's Gang are virtually finalized. Took about a year but sure learned a lot! Now it's time for Wez's brother's gang --- Toecutter!

01-29-2009, 04:19 PM


Juggernaut is the second largest Motormaster vehicle. The largest is Humungus' personal vehicle --- [color=Red]HELLRAISER[/color]

Juggernaut size comparison with Raze and Carnage.

01-29-2009, 04:21 PM
[color=Red]JUGGERNAUT FORCE[/color]

Humungus entrusts his son, Wez to guard the Juggernaut on all its road war missions.

From left to right: Raze, Breaker, Juggernaut, Rage, and Carnage.

01-29-2009, 04:23 PM

Spiked Clubs. Only the physically strongest can wield them such as Humungus' personal bodyguards: Krusher and Clubber.

Makeshift spears, spears, crossbows, shoulder armor, spiked gauntlets.

Machetes, firefighter axes, clubs, shovels, knives, medieval axes (single-sided & double-sided), swords.

Spiked clubs, cinder block hammers, maces, chainsaws.

01-29-2009, 04:25 PM


01-29-2009, 07:10 PM
Awesome work!!!

Are you going to make Humungus and Master Blaster?


01-31-2009, 03:31 PM
[QUOTE=Rambo]Awesome work!!!

Are you going to make Humungus and Master Blaster?


yes, eventually. thanks for the links!

01-31-2009, 03:33 PM
[color=Red]Final Update[/color]

[color=Red]Dog Cages (no wheels)[/color]




01-31-2009, 03:34 PM
[color=Red]Final Update[/color]

[color=Red]Dog Cages (no wheels)[/color]

Dog cages are fun to make but very time-consuming! I can already imagine a scene where marauders are engaging in canine trafficking and barter.



01-31-2009, 03:35 PM
[color=Red]Final Update[/color]

[color=Red]Dog Cages (no wheels)[/color]

Comparison pictures.



01-31-2009, 03:36 PM
[color=Red]Final Update[/color]

[color=Red]Dog Cages (wheels)[/color]



Two more wheeled dog cages in progress.

01-31-2009, 03:36 PM
[color=Red]Final Update[/color]

[color=Red]Wez (Son of Humungus)[/color]

Only 25 years old, Wez has claimed more lives than any Motormaster. He commands his own gang into foreign lands to spread the Hand of Humungus. Wez seeks to return victoriously and win the title as second in command but he has four other gang lords to compete against, one of them being his own brother, Toecutter. Wez has no weaknesses. He attaches himself to no one, not even to his father, Humungus, or his brother, Toecutter. Wez is the perfect marauder.



01-31-2009, 03:38 PM
[color=Red]Final Update[/color]

[color=Red]Mad Max (The Marauder Hunter) Work in Progress[/color]

Having lost his family and friends at the hands of Wez and his sadistic marauder gang, Max the farmer becomes Mad Max a.k.a. The Marauder Hunter. He embarks on a quest for vengeance, hunting, stalking, and killing marauders one by one. His main target is --- Wez!

Max's makeshift knife sheath.

Venturing into unknown territories of the Post Apocalyptic Earth, Mad Max a.k.a. The Marauder Hunter encounters hordes of danger in the form of marauders and beasts. Along the way, he creates for himself countless vehicles and weapons including a chainsaw bandolier which he can rip out at will and use as a melee weapon.

His humanity destroyed, his heart shattered to pieces, and his hope gone, Max becomes faceless, a man without a face and without an identity --- a lone wolf and a lonely wolf. Unable to look at a reflection of himself, he masks his face forever.

01-31-2009, 03:39 PM
Guys, I’ve reached a point in my life that requires my full concentration so I need to put aside all hobbies. I am graduating from college this spring, starting an internship this February, applying to graduate school, and hopefully can get into the grad school of my choice and start classes in the summer. By summertime (but definitely the fall), I plan on working in my profession. With the economy in disarray and job loss greater than ever, I am skeptical but keeping optimistic about my future. That said, I won’t return here until December 2009. Take care everyone.

[color=Red]CUSTOMS FOR JANUARY 2010[/color]

[color=Orange]Marauders a.k.a. Mad Max Returns[/color]
New Wez
The Three: Krusher, Clubber, & Beast
Jason a.k.a. The Marauder With A Heart
Bear Claw
Post Apocalypse all-terrain wheelchair
Post Apocalypse child’s toy wagon
All current vehicles revised (Rage, Carnage, Breaker, Raze, villager jeep, etc)
Juggernaut revised
Max’s V-1 aka Vengeance-1
Humungus’ Master Vehicle: Hellraiser
Humungus’ Pit of Doom
Vehicles in Wez’s Gang: Wez’s Bike, marauder scout bikes
Vehicles in Toecutter’s Gang

[color=Orange]Marauders II Africa[/color]
Doomsday bike
Chasers: Deluge, Impaler, Ripper, Venom
Young Apex
Pits x5
Dog Cages (no wheels) x20
Dog Cages (wheels) x5
Post Apocalypse scavenger’s wagon x5
Post Apocalypse infant mobile crib

[color=Orange]Marauders 3 Japan[/color]
Immortal Vehicles: Sledges
Dex’s Master Vehicle
TriFire (Masterforce version)
TriFire (Immortal version)

[color=Orange]Waterworld II Slavers[/color]
Marine Predators
Slavers fleet convoy (sea, land, air)