View Full Version : Trailer is out - Rise of Cobra
01-31-2009, 02:00 PM
Enjoy :)
edited: all kudos to Hisstank who got it first
neapolitan joe
01-31-2009, 02:48 PM
Cool, Man!
Thank You :eek: !
01-31-2009, 02:56 PM
Looks promising. Baroness & Scarlett look hot, but I don't know about the Sigma 6 suits.
01-31-2009, 03:51 PM
Let's face it gang.
We're all going to see it, no matter how it turns out. FINALLY we get our heroes on the big screen and I, for one, am VERY excited about this.
01-31-2009, 04:02 PM
Is this trailer for the X-Men or the Matrix?
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Let's face it gang.
We're all going to see it, no matter how it turns out. FINALLY we get our heroes on the big screen and I, for one, am VERY excited about this.[/QUOTE]
I won't. From what I've seen and read it appears to be the worst adaptation since Starship Troopers.
01-31-2009, 06:15 PM
I'll watch it... then I'll judge it.
01-31-2009, 06:34 PM
looks fine to me , im not sure about the starship troopers suit but there s a ;) lot of action thats nice
01-31-2009, 07:21 PM
If you go thru the movie slowly, in the hangar you can see Dialtone on the right side with his backpack on. Wouldnt that be sweet if they came out with one of those V-TOLs??? Im sooo ready for this movie!!!
01-31-2009, 07:36 PM
I love Starship Troopers!
Black Knight
01-31-2009, 08:01 PM
:eek: :D
01-31-2009, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]If you go thru the movie slowly, in the hangar you can see Dialtone on the right side with his backpack on. Wouldnt that be sweet if they came out with one of those V-TOLs??? Im sooo ready for this movie!!![/QUOTE]
No Dialtone at all...
01-31-2009, 09:49 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I love Starship Troopers![/QUOTE]
Me too!
02-01-2009, 08:10 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]I love Starship Troopers![/QUOTE]
I could go on and on about what’s wrong with the movie but if you like to read I recommend the book.
The biggest disappointment for me was they missed the whole point of the Mobile Infantry: mech armor. With the armor each trooper had the strength and firepower to take on a modern tank battalion. They carried nukes and were dropped from orbit. (Inspiration for TARGATs maybe?) Starship Troopers came out in 1959, I could be wrong but it might be the origin of mechs that have become the staple of anime/manga, yet Hollywood just ignored them. Instead we get helmets falling down over the actors eyes and over-sized assault rifles.
Don’t get me started about the bugs knocking ships out of orbit by defecating on them. Ok, I’m going on and on... :p
Black Knight
02-01-2009, 08:25 AM
Don’t get me started about the bugs knocking ships out of orbit by defecating on them. Ok, I’m going on and on... :p[/QUOTE]
lol... no one ever listens to me when I say this is what happened. I still enjoyed Starship Troopers.
I know I'll love "Rise of Cobra", its just a matter of wether its a GI Joe movie or a Rainbow Six movie with GI Joe names.
02-01-2009, 11:06 AM
Much as I expected, it appears to have very little in common with the GI Joe I know. Looks more like a sci fi movie than anything to do with the military. Typical Hollywood cr@p that I will definitely not waste ninety minutes watching.
02-01-2009, 12:11 PM
In terms of Starship Troopers, it's just a movie based on it. Or adapted from it, it's not supposed to be a straight translation. And the mech armor thing was too costly to produce (as were the concept of drop-pods). How do I know this? Cuz I have the MAKING OF STARSHIP TROOPERS book still!
As for GI Joe.
What if I told you that there were rumors and speculation flying over the netwaves that Hasbro wanted to 'up' GI Joe so the posse would be wearing 'powered suits'. What if I told you THOSE stories were happening a YEAR before anyone had heard of Sigma6?
Then BAM, Sigma6 shows up with these funky suits and well...
Sigma6 ran it's course but it would appear Hasbro STILL wants to do the powersuit thing. I'm not defending them, I'm just saying, Hasbro has a thing with powersuits. Just as they have a thing with ninja.
02-01-2009, 12:28 PM
Are the power suits really that bad an idea?
I mean its been done, but it has a very G.I.Joe feel to it if you ask me. Though it sounds more like something Dr. Mindbender would make then G.I.Joe would utilize.
My main concern over this movie is that they are turning several characters into one, just to get the most out of the movie (or it seems that way thus far).
Hawk/Flint (mainly for looks, but we'll see how that turns out).
Breaker/Mainframe (hacker? c'mon this is mainframe)
Heavy Duty (which should be Roadblock - but if he surfs and plays in a bad then this is Rock & Roll, I wouldn't be surprised if this happened).
There is also the rumor that Cobra Commander/Rex will be "The Doctor", so I'm guessing they are combining Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender into one Character as well.
If we see Scarlett lugging around with Spears we know she is a Lady Jaye combo as well (again I wouldn't be to surprised if it happens).
But even with all of this going on, I'm still hopeful for the movie, as long as it gets the same "feel" as the old comics/cartoons.
I am expecting it to be very campy and over the top - but then again G.I.Joe always has been campy and over the top.
I just answered this on one of my pictures, but I guess it could explain things from my view here as well:
Well you don't go to a jackie chan movie for the great acting and drama
And you don't watch a porn movie for the thrilling plot
I'll take it for what it is, and what its meant to be: popcorn entertainment. It will always have nay sayers and yay sayers, all depending on how they view the franchise. It could never live up to please all of the fans, and with a movie like this of course it will be hyped and have a lot of hopes put on it to "re-live" peoples childhood.
It's just a movie after all, how can you cram 10-15 years of childhood memories into a 2 hours flick? It's impossible, so some people are bound to be disappointed and hate it.
Black Knight
02-01-2009, 02:50 PM
My feeling on the movie stays the same... "Global Intregated Joint Operations Entity" - Rainbow, I mean come on, thats exactly what it is. They were even based out of Brussels. I think the director read the Rainbow Six book and wanted to base GI Joe off of it. If you ask me, its what GI Joe should have been to begin with, a global unit where they don't have to worry about "borders" and governments of other countries... ie NATO or UN with a SOCOM feel.
The movie is supposed to be a james bond type flick with gadgets and gizmos with action like in the matrix. The power suits I can take or leave, as long as they show the Joes atleast one battle without them, I'll be fine. The US is already working on "powersuits" so its not at all far-fetched.
I think as far as Cobra Commander, they need to give him a slightly better background than "used car salesman" I however, don't think he should be a doctor, or atleast not Minderbender.
02-01-2009, 03:04 PM
[QUOTE=Black Knight]My feeling on the movie stays the same... "Global Intregated Joint Operations Entity" - Rainbow, I mean come on, thats exactly what it is. They were even based out of Brussels. I think the director read the Rainbow Six book and wanted to base GI Joe off of it. If you ask me, its what GI Joe should have been to begin with, a global unit where they don't have to worry about "borders" and governments of other countries... ie NATO or UN with a SOCOM feel.[/QUOTE]
Actually because of fans reaction to that they changed it back to All American hero.
Snake Eyes is no longer french either. And they are based in the Pit as you can see from the trailer. (I don't believe that's located in Brussels either)
edited: from IMDB:
The story is set at Brussels-based GIJOE, an acronym for the Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity, and revolves around an international co-ed force of operatives who use high-tech equipment to battle Cobra, an evil org headed by a Scottish arms dealer. --Real Movie News 11/20/07
This has since changed due to overwhelimg negative response from fans and even servicemen.
GiJoe is once again "A real american hero", not an international UN type organization according to Hasbro-
02-01-2009, 04:05 PM
Sorry about the post about dialtone. It was a bad observation. The GIJOE official movie site is up and running!!
Agent Viper
02-01-2009, 04:20 PM
it actually looks cool
02-01-2009, 04:48 PM
cool , what is duke wearing : BDU 3 colors uniform or the MARPAT uniform , any 1 ;)
02-01-2009, 08:17 PM
I liked the trailer. I like the powersuits. GI Joe is over the top to begin with, why shouldnt the movie be the same? Now I like my hard core realism too, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, etc. But there has to be a "hook" or whatever for the movie to revolve around.
As far as Starship Troopers the movie, well, it should be named something else, because that movie defecated all over the excellent, fantastic book. I recommend that book to every literate person out there, its as much as WHY you fight as much as the actual fighting. Eventually, somebody is gonna make a GOOD movie with mechs, powered suits and what not. All the ones so far, like Robot Jox and live action Guyver really sucked.
I think its unfair to knee jerk react and say "this movie will suck." Its not meant to be Shakespeare. Give it a chance before you say it sucks, 25A sucks, sigma sucks and so on. There is more to GI Joe than ARAH.
02-01-2009, 09:00 PM
I caught it tonight during the Superbowl. I think it looks pretty cool. I do like Hawk's line when asked what his organization's name is and he replied "I didn't". I think Dennis Quaid was a good choice for the role.
02-01-2009, 09:03 PM
It's kinda like I'm telling people, this GI Joe is slightly more cutting edge than their 1982 counterparts. What the military is using and experimenting with, powersuits have been in the work for years. But consider that the US uses unmanned drone planes. 20 years ago, would that have really been considered by people?
And let's move back another 20 years or whatever. Star Trek. The BEST example of technology becoming 'real'. The communicators in Kirk's days were wild back then. Now we have cellphones and bluetooth and whatever. Hyposprays? There are versions of that used. Tricorders? It's a device that reads the environment around you. I've read in science magazines that those type of things are in the works.
I don't know what people EXPECT and HOPE for GI Joe but I figure, let them go outside the box and see what happens. We want a more realistic war movie, we can watch Platoon or Full Metal Jacket.
02-01-2009, 09:29 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]Let's face it gang.
We're all going to see it, no matter how it turns out. FINALLY we get our heroes on the big screen and I, for one, am VERY excited about this.[/QUOTE]
agreed but it dose look very promising :D
02-01-2009, 09:54 PM
[QUOTE=nando]cool , what is duke wearing : BDU 3 colors uniform or the MARPAT uniform , any 1 ;)[/QUOTE]
Duke and Rip-Cord are wearing Multicam uniforms :) (just like me ;) ) - Its the same type of uniform they used in Transformers, but with a different chest-rig (from what I could see from the pictures)
I noticed something funny. I saw the transformers Teaser Trailer again in HD and noticed that they have changed their vest from what I have to what Rip-Cord and Duke are wearing.
Will there be a Transformers/G.I.Joe movie? Well it seems so if they keep setting stuff like this up.
(There are other things people have noticed as well, might be just a nod to fans here and there, but knowing money-grabbing hollywood they can't let this one go).
02-01-2009, 10:27 PM
I liked what I saw in the movie trailer for the most part. But then again, trailers can often be better than the actual movie...they are designed to catch attention and this one certainly did with me. What I didn't like about the trailer are the little details.. destro is so short.. not the big huge dude like the figures represent.. felt more like evil robocop corporate ceo. Cobra Commander as The Doctor also seems lame. To me I would've liked it better to keep Cobra Commander's origins a mystery. No used car salesman, no 1000 year old reptilian scientist, just "who was he before cobra?" kinda background. Keep it open ended that way he could be anyone... a politician, a rich billionare, anyone could become cobra commander.
I also didn't care for the design of the vipers. They looked like sand-vipers which I never really cared for. To me, the silver faceplace viper style is a viper. That battle suit can be state-of-the-art even in today's world.
The baroness looked hot, and scarlett too. The new joe uniforms visually looked cool to me, yet because it's so uniformed, it didn't seem Joe to me. Each member in the Joe team is a specialist, and therefore the outfits are all different.. each designed on the need of the specialist. The uniform made them all look cookie-cutter.
What's this about Breaker being the hacker/IT guy? Granted communications is a subset of telecommunications and telecommunications is a subset of IT, but I -- a software engineer -- find it hard to accept Breaker being the end-all jack-of-all-trades comm/hack/IT guy.
As for multiple roles, it does make sense that Hasbro is trying to cut cornors by having the movie characters enhanced with traits from other Joe characters. I really think keep the Joe team small for this one movie, like when GI Joe ARAH first came out.. the team was small and made do with what they had. They can always do another movie with newer characters. But keep it tight and simple and true.
Power suits are okay with me, it's supposed to be how we're headed anyway. Just don't make them superman suits. Skin-tight latex body suit makes sense for certain things.. they are excellent for covert/sneaking around in because they are noiseless, but certainly not practical for every mission.
The whole trend to re-imagine a brand seems to be commonplace recently. I was first deeply annoyed when Harmony Gold chosed to re-imagine Robotech (I'm a big time Robotech fan) when there wasn't truly a need to do so. With GI Joe, the story line with ARAH is fantastic, the formula obviously worked. Changing too much and then you have a fork in the story lines.. two camps, the classic and the film. There's enough branching of so many Joe storylines that it's confusing. Classic GI Joe verses the Intruders, GI Joe verses COBRA, Sigma 6, Sunbow cartoon, those other cartoons, Cobra-la, battleforce 2000, etc. Now the film line.
Keep the classic ARAH storyline, a re-telling but true to the original formula.
And it looks like some super weapon that grows/destroys the tower. The underwater arctic battle looks interesting. I really need to post about my Joeverse.. because for me, my Cobra base is in the arctic.
02-01-2009, 11:41 PM
The whole trend to re-imagine a brand seems to be commonplace recently. I was first deeply annoyed when Harmony Gold chosed to re-imagine Robotech (I'm a big time Robotech fan) when there wasn't truly a need to do so. With GI Joe, the story line with ARAH is fantastic, the formula obviously worked. Changing too much and then you have a fork in the story lines.. two camps, the classic and the film. There's enough branching of so many Joe storylines that it's confusing. Classic GI Joe verses the Intruders, GI Joe verses COBRA, Sigma 6, Sunbow cartoon, those other cartoons, Cobra-la, battleforce 2000, etc. Now the film line.
Keep the classic ARAH storyline, a re-telling but true to the original formula. [/QUOTE]
This is the problem I think. To many ideas of what G.I.Joe should be. Everybody has their take on it because there are so many verses, and you can't please everybody. You liked the ARAH storyline - which I think is an amalgem of the sunbow cartoons and the marvel run.
They obviously have taken a footnote from sigma six with the suits probably to capture the newest generation as well as make it easier with the action shots (they can get away with way more with the suits on).
They can't please everybody - as long as they keep the initial theme and feeling there I'll be happy.
02-02-2009, 03:37 AM
[QUOTE=Outrider]Much as I expected, it appears to have very little in common with the GI Joe I know. Looks more like a sci fi movie than anything to do with the military. [/QUOTE]
I agree with you, G.I. Joe in the big screen will be more close to an "Impossible Mission" than a "Rambo" movie.
But I think that the movie will be great anyway!
02-03-2009, 12:35 AM
I'm not liking what I'm seeing with this trailer. I'm getting the same vibes a lot of the members who criticized it are getting. However, I'll wait and see. I will say this, from the look of the trailer, it is too much hollywood and SFX, and not enough soldiers in the field. That, I think is the essence of GI Joe.
I'm gonna liken what I saw to War of the Worlds. Not enough human story, too much reliance on the SFX, and not close enough to the source material. I'll go see it though. If nothing else, I'll treat it like "shoot em up" and view it as mindless entertainment.
02-03-2009, 12:38 AM
[QUOTE=ThinkTank] There is more to GI Joe than ARAH.[/QUOTE]
Liar!! Heretic! Blasphemor!! May you burn in Cobra LaLaLaLaLaLaaaaaaaa......
Just bustin your gajones!
02-03-2009, 12:53 AM
[QUOTE=ender098]I'll go see it though. If nothing else, I'll treat it like "shoot em up" and view it as mindless entertainment.[/QUOTE]
Good man, a nay sayer who will take it for what its probably meant to be, and go see it.
One question though Ender : Did you like transformers?
I'm curious because you have an open mind to this even though you think it will look nothing like G.I.Joe. - Seeing as Transformers did so well even though it was completely different from its cartoon counterpart.
(and FYI I loved transformers - it keept the "feel" of the original show quite well, for a modern time)
02-03-2009, 01:18 AM
Yes, I liked Transformers, but I never liked the cartoon. I bought the first few comics, but lost interest when I saw the figures were crap. More interested in being able to transform than being articulated.
I'm the same way about the GI Joe Cartoon. I never liked it. Too childish. Loved the comics, though. But I quit collecting when it started the battle in the middle east that paralelled the 1991 Gulf war. good thing I wasn't around to see the ninja stuff....blah!
02-03-2009, 11:52 AM
More to GI Joe than ARAH. lol. LIke the original 12"? Or GI Joe EXTREME? :p
02-03-2009, 12:47 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]Yes, I liked Transformers, but I never liked the cartoon.
I'm the same way about the GI Joe Cartoon. I never liked it. Too childish. Loved the comics, though. [/QUOTE]
Will you have my babies? :D
Well I agree with you on these points man.
Urban Saboteur
02-03-2009, 01:12 PM
thumbs down for me, i've already given my two cents at Yojoe.
I wont be watchin this at the cinema, i'll wait for it to hit sale on DVD and buy it then. There has been too many bad decisions already with this film for me to not like it.
To actually spend hours out and going to the cinema would be an insult of my time.
02-03-2009, 01:52 PM
actually, don't most of us go to the movies for the previews? lol!
02-03-2009, 02:09 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]actually, don't most of us go to the movies for the previews? lol![/QUOTE]
que Pablo Fransisco bit ;)
Black Knight
02-03-2009, 03:38 PM
Funny thing is, no matter how bad i want to see a movie, I can't enjoy it if I miss the previews.
I read the artivle in "Toyfair" today and it interviewed some people about the Joe movie... basicly the "power-suits" are only used a couple of times, there will be a contribution to alot of Joes in the scene of the reck-room, ie... Bazzooka's blazer, Mutt's food bowl, and a few others. All around it didn't seem that bad, it seems like they did alot of research to keep the fans happy and to address the whole "modern-era" feel. I am two thumbs and another appendage up for this movie!:D
02-03-2009, 08:20 PM
Here is a link that has the "Doctors" photo and info in it.
Urban Saboteur
02-03-2009, 11:48 PM
"some of his experiments deal with mind control... and other questionable acts"
Sounds like a 7 year old wrote it.. :D like he's not sure himself what those other acts are so he just throws that bit in at the end.
I guess he's the new doctor mindbender then..?
02-04-2009, 07:13 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]
I guess he's the new doctor mindbender then..?[/QUOTE]
No he is not. His name IS Rex.
Urban Saboteur
02-05-2009, 12:57 AM
[QUOTE=Goldbug]No he is not. His name IS Rex.[/QUOTE]
Oh. :o
It's just i'm reading that bio card for 'the doctor' and i remember that dr.mindbender done exactly the same thing for cobra in the past?? aside from their names.. what seperates the two?
Dr.Mindbender - Master of Mind Control.. ran experiments on patients and eventually himself.
THE DOCTOR - "some of his experiments deal with mind control... and other questionable acts"
So those two arent at all alike are they. :)
What I meant to say was that The Doctor is essentially Mindbenders replacement. But wont have Mindbenders codename.
02-05-2009, 01:57 AM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Oh. :o
It's just i'm reading that bio card for 'the doctor' and i remember that dr.mindbender done exactly the same thing for cobra in the past?? aside from their names.. what seperates the two?
Dr.Mindbender - Master of Mind Control.. ran experiments on patients and eventually himself.
THE DOCTOR - "some of his experiments deal with mind control... and other questionable acts"
So those two arent at all alike are they. :)
What I meant to say was that The Doctor is essentially Mindbenders replacement. But wont have Mindbenders codename.[/QUOTE]
but mindbender has a camo or short role in this movie - so he won't be mindbender, but I guess to some extent take his role, or at least que from that character.
02-05-2009, 09:39 PM
Heh should I really tell you? The spoiler is just a hint. It would ruin the outcome of the movie if I did.
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]Oh. :o
It's just i'm reading that bio card for 'the doctor' and i remember that dr.mindbender done exactly the same thing for cobra in the past?? aside from their names.. what seperates the two?
Dr.Mindbender - Master of Mind Control.. ran experiments on patients and eventually himself.
THE DOCTOR - "some of his experiments deal with mind control... and other questionable acts"
So those two arent at all alike are they. :)
What I meant to say was that The Doctor is essentially Mindbenders replacement. But wont have Mindbenders codename.[/QUOTE]
02-10-2009, 09:28 AM
Hisstank has new toy images including the nightraven!!
02-10-2009, 12:03 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Hisstank has new toy images including the nightraven!![/QUOTE]
Has anyone had a look at these? What a joke! The Night Raven looks like it's about half the size of the original and has been totally "sci-fied", the Rockslide must be a joke, The Ice Sabre is light and dark blue (great colours for an arctic vehicle), and the new cobra "humvee" looks like a news van. At least I wont have to worry about chasing these up!
neapolitan joe
02-10-2009, 12:14 PM
Oh! Mamma mia!
The Night Raven is goos for the little sigma 6 figures... :(
02-10-2009, 12:31 PM
I told Carlos what happens in the movie.
See, Duke and Scar hook up. The Joes are fighting Cobra on US soil and it's a huge war. Joes use the Sigma6-like Mechs and battle away the wave after wave of Cobra planes and flying BATs.
Deciding that only Duke can defeat Destro (he is, afterall, the main problem) so he takes a Thunderwing (w/ Scarlet). On the way there, there's a huge explosion and Duke goes blind. Scarlet has to fly the Thunderwing into the heart of Destro's base. They dodge bullets, plasma rounds, etc. The plane takes a gnarly hit and they go crashing down. Scarlet ends up with a large piece of metal thru her chest and Duke manages to tell her that he loves her before she dies.
Duke makes his way out into the warzone. He's blind and helpless.
Deciding he can't do much more, he activates the nukes that are both on the plane AND on himself.
The nukes destroy the comptuers used to control the flying BATs and air force. They fall to the ground, exploding in a very huge way. Slipstream and Ace are seen walking away from the helicarrier with cigars in their mouths. Their women come running up as well as the president and Ace's dad. Ace picks up his kid and says, "See, daddy told you there'd be fireworks..."
The very last scene has General Hawk sitting on a bench in a ruined New York City. Cobra Commander comes walking up behind and says, "How do we know this will work? Can you people really rebuild the world and let us co-exist? I'll release the world..."
And then the screen turns dark and funky green writing scrolls on the screen...
:p :p :p :p :p
(yes, I'm taking a break from working on GIS at school)
neapolitan joe
02-10-2009, 12:33 PM
It is not the Raven, it's the Firebat! :confused:
02-10-2009, 06:16 PM
[QUOTE=vespapilot79]Here is a link that has the "Doctors" photo and info in it.[/QUOTE]
That's Bendminder? Geez, looks more like an early version of Overkill!!!
02-11-2009, 05:41 AM
LoL Sonnilon you had me going for a while with your movie recap.
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