View Full Version : Target Range Feb

02-02-2009, 03:33 PM
The 'Target Range' is a member's project where the scheduled member chooses 1 bad guy and 1 good guy, posts them on their requested specific date. Then the other members take turns commenting (good/bad/otherwise) on posted characters.

'Target Range' now runs on Tuesdays only, as Haradrel has came up with a great new idea that will now be on Thursdays.

For easy finding, label pics with 'TR Characters' in the appropriate space when uploading.

Sorry I'm late, again. I had been working 16 1/2 shifts until i got the bad news from work. However, that will no longer be the case, so if everyone still wants a Targer Range let me know and pick your days.

[COLOR=DarkRed]3rd: I'll take this sine i was once again late in getting it up.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]5th: Black Knight[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Green]10th: Flatline[/COLOR]

Black Knight
02-02-2009, 04:12 PM
I can take the 5th and any other empty spots you need filled.

02-02-2009, 04:58 PM
Give me the 10th por favor ;)

02-05-2009, 04:29 AM
Could I take 17th please? :)

02-05-2009, 08:12 AM
I'll take the 24th please.