02-03-2009, 01:21 PM
Ok, I thought it over. Let's see what the posse here really thinks of the new characters. I am going to put in a lot of different aspects on the YAY or NAY side so while there may be positives, there will most likely be negatives too. It's a mix of subjective and objective aspect.
We start with Major Barrage.
New character.
New construction with the injection molded shoulders & elbows, ballneck joint for head.
New sculpt.
Great sculpting.
Proper fitting vest.
2 shotguns.
O-ring. Considered BUFF in all standards (JvC Roadblock was close but Barrage stepped it up).
Boring to look at as MOC, awesome figure when opened (Hasbro has that problem w/ their production shots looking oft pathetic.)
Eyesballs are painting looking up.
Swivel Wrists.
Fairly boring design.
Functional as a figure.
Not much in the way of accessories (albeit, 25A has really upped that aspect)
"Just how does he pump 2 shotguns at once?"
*image from*
We start with Major Barrage.
New character.
New construction with the injection molded shoulders & elbows, ballneck joint for head.
New sculpt.
Great sculpting.
Proper fitting vest.
2 shotguns.
O-ring. Considered BUFF in all standards (JvC Roadblock was close but Barrage stepped it up).
Boring to look at as MOC, awesome figure when opened (Hasbro has that problem w/ their production shots looking oft pathetic.)
Eyesballs are painting looking up.
Swivel Wrists.
Fairly boring design.
Functional as a figure.
Not much in the way of accessories (albeit, 25A has really upped that aspect)
"Just how does he pump 2 shotguns at once?"
*image from*