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View Full Version : Recipe - Covergirl

02-03-2009, 10:42 PM
Covergirl's recipe has been requested. Here it is.

(hrm, the PDF was too large to post.. so here it is in text.)

02-03-2009, 10:47 PM

Main Figure:
Head - Star Wars: Juno Eclipse
Torso - 25th Lady Jaye
Arms - Indiana Jones KOTCS
Thighs - 25th General Hawk
Legs - 25th Clutch

Hat - Indiana Jones KOTCS
Gun Belt - 25th General Hawk

Hair - Testers Model Masters Chrome Yellow
Skin - Testers Model Masters Skin Tone Warm Tint 1/2 (acryl)
Skin - Testers Model Masters Skin Tone Base (acryl)
Belts - Testers Model Masters Olive Drab
Boots - Testers Model Masters Gunship Gray
Boot Highlights - Testers Model Masters Olive Drab
Torso - Testers Model Masters Sand (acryl)
Thighs - Testers Model Masters Sand (acryl)
Legs - Testers Model Masters Sand (acryl)
Leg Holster - Polly S: Ogre Brown & Testers Model Masters Sand (acryl)

All paints are Testers Model Masters Enamel, except for skin tone and sand which are acryl water based, and the Polly S brand ogre brown.

02-03-2009, 10:48 PM

Pry apart the 25th Lady Jaye torso carefully. The area around the neck does not separate easily.

Take apart an Indiana Jones figure. Separate the jacket and the arms. The arms are difficult to remove and may require a lot of effort cutting to nearly the center of the figure.

Attach the arms to the opened Lady Jaye torso. Some adjustment to the arms may be required to make a tight fit into the torso’s arm sockets. Heat gun glue is useful for this.

Reassemble the figure’s torso, arms, and waist.

A 25th General Hawk upper legs and gun belt is needed. Combine the upper legs with the lower legs from a 25th Clutch.

The original recipe by Tunnel Rat at JoeCustoms made use of the Star Wars Juno Eclipse gloved hands. However the original Indiana Jones KOTCS hands were kept for my version of the recipe since the Juno Eclipse hands are smaller and would fit too loose, unless the heat gun method is used to secure the hands. However I felt in this case there would be maintenance issues with the hands over time.

The Juno Eclipse head is used. Some adjustment to the neck/head area will be needed to secure the head to the neck peg.

File down the gold wings on the Lady Jaye torso.

02-03-2009, 10:50 PM

Hair: Chrome Yellow.

Skin: Combine the skin base with the skin tone warm tint. I used a small amount of skin tone warm and more of the skin base to match the tone of the face. The face is not painted.

Torso and legs: Sand.

Boots: Gunship Gray with olive drab for the highlights. The original Covergirl boots had green highlights on gray boots.

Leg gun holster: Ogre brown mixed with sand is used, but a soft brown to resemble leather would be good.

Special Thanks to Tunnel Rat for developing a fantastic recipe that inspired this one. http://www.joecustoms.com/customs/customs_specific_item.php?kind=figure&alpha=C&page=7&id=8030

02-03-2009, 10:57 PM
Some images.

02-03-2009, 11:01 PM
very nice. lets see her in some heavy machinery

02-03-2009, 11:27 PM
Hrm, don't have any Joe heavy machinery yet, except for a vintage MOBAT. I guess I can get some 25th stuff other than the 25th MOBAT. Unless.... Covergirl swipes a HISS tank.... ;-)

02-04-2009, 07:14 AM
Thanks for the recipe and the how-to on the figure. Your custom and the one on the link are great. :)

Urban Saboteur
02-05-2009, 01:16 AM
Nice custom Cover Girl and kudos on the how to and links/pictures :D