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View Full Version : New sell list.

10-18-2006, 11:26 AM
I知 cleaning again. This round, I知 selling a bunch of vehicles. I値l ship to wherever and we値l discuss shipping costs. The vehicles are barely used and most likely, incomplete. I have a bunch of extra knick nacks and doodads that I値l include with the order. They range from those Cobra vests, Alley Viper coffins, NAC Chainguns, etc. What is included will be random.

Email me at SunCe4@gmail.com if interested. Thanks.

3x Missile Storm Copters - $2/ea.

1x Desert Storm Copter - $2.

1x FLAK - $5.

1x Green Missile Launcher (originally came w/ Big Brawler) - $2.

1x Brown Missile Launcher (came w/ Dart) - $2.

3x Red Ninja Creepers - $2/ea.

1x Blue battle mask CC (Spy Troops) - $2.

1x Blue Baroness (Spy Troops) - $2.

1x Blue Ninja (from Spy Troops) - $2.

Luke Ellison
10-18-2006, 11:31 AM
G, would you be interested in TRADING for your new RHINO?

Here's my current list: CLICKY HERE! (http://forums.joebattlelines.com/viewtopic.php?t=8318)