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02-16-2009, 04:22 AM
[COLOR=Red]i dont even entertain the idea of buying 2 of every figure. 1 to open and one to keep mint. so, how do you handle the filecard issue? do yo cut the filecard out, keep the whole cardback or keep the bubble and all? at first i was keeping the whole thing, bubble and all, just in case i need to pay for my kids to go to college in 20 years. then i saw how much space it was taking up, so now im just keeping the cardback. it went from taking up the space of a closet, to a small box.

i know the figures are worth more if they have the bubble and everything, but im thinking in 20 years that it will only amount to a small sum. i dont know if i could sell them anyway, im sure any kids i may have wont need college that much,lol.[/COLOR]

02-16-2009, 06:44 AM
I cut out the file card and keep it in a nice file box--one of those you can lock with a key. Two boxes for now, one unique card in each. If a figure comes out multiple times, each with it's file card slightly different, it goes in the box too. Vehicles are in the same box for now, but those will have to move to their own separate boxes.

I usually buy more than 1 of the same figure. Not so much the joes, but Cobra -- army building. I am trying to keep the card board backing, helps with inventory of what I have. I do have a database too, trying to keep it up-to-date. Helps to query how many figures I have of specific types.

I don't keep any unopened. No space for that, and I do customs, so there's other incentives to buy more than one.

Scuba Steve
02-16-2009, 09:34 AM
I keep the card and trash the bubble. If I need money later in life thats what my investments are for. Joes are a poor investment choice! (little R.O.I. and no dividends) ;)

02-16-2009, 09:35 AM
I rip open the packages and throw that stuff away. I keep filecards that are already seperated, like the ones that come with some vehicles and the 5 packs. Usually I dont give a crap about filecards. Honestly, I dont think you can sell a piece of cardboard with no figures on it in 20 years, and almost certainly not enough to pay for a college education.

Black Knight
02-16-2009, 09:16 PM
I cut out the file card and the UPC (you never know) and trash the rest. Sometimes I might cut out one of the "up coming figure" pictures on the back to use as a poster, but thats very rare.

I keep every file card I can get my hands on, and I buy ALOT of multiples... like I said before, I have 50ish Troopers, 30 Vipers, 10 Python Troopers (painted all black as seen in Dio) and a whole bunch more... I rarely army-build the joes, but I do sometimes so I can make customs (like the Outrider figure).

02-17-2009, 07:45 AM
We don't get the file cards in Canada anymore, just some big folded up piece of paper. Not impressed.

02-17-2009, 09:20 PM
I have been keeping the whole cardback, but that is because I'm too lazy to cut out the filecards. My 5 yr old thinks cut out filecards are cool. (Of course, operating a pair of scissors is pretty cool when you are 5.)

I don't know if eBay auctions give a slight edge to someone who sells a loose complete figure with a card vs a loose complete figure. (Although there could be the psychological thought that if a seller bothered to keep the card, he probably was pretty careful with the figure.)

I kept cardbacks in case I was ever to sell them, but come to think of that, it' really isn't likely....

CAse in point--> In an odd twist of fate, I have complete boxes (folded flat) for my ASP and Skyhawk, from the 80's. But those vehicles are so play-worn I could never sell them. Go figure... :)