Black Knight
02-16-2009, 11:25 AM
[color=black]Weekend Warriors is a JD community event which takes place each weekend of the month. As each weekend comes and goes, the members here get to take pictures and do photo-shoots of the particular weekend theme. The themes are decided by myself, with ideas and suggestions from everyone, and then are posted weeks in advance so everyone has time. [/color]
[color=black]February is turning out to be a good WW month and I can only hope March will be the same. So, without further delay, here is March's line-up...[/color]
[color=red]March 6-8:[/color] [size=3][color=black]Women's Choice[/color][/size] [color=darkred](donated by Scuba Steve) [/color][size=2][color=dimgray]The women of our lives get to pick the figures, the place, the theme, and they themselves get to shoot the photo. All we get to do is watch. This weekend's theme is dedicated to those who stand by and support our hobbies (even tho sometimes they make fun of it). They watch us "play" with toys and spend money on them, so as a thank you for supporting us... here's a weekend dedicated to you.[/color][/size]
[color=red]March 13-15:[/color] [size=3][color=black]Secondary Specialties[/color][/size] [color=darkred](Mass Request)[/color] [size=2][color=dimgray]We welcome back this theme, I had recieved numerous requests for it. So, lets see those guys (& gals) using their secondary specialties... every Joe and Cobra has a secondary, something they specialize in but rarely use.[/color][/size]
[color=red]March 20-22: [/color][color=black][size=3]The JoeDios War[/size] [/color][color=darkred](inspired by everyone)[color=dimgray][size=2]Some time back we all witnessed or participated in what would be come to known as the "JD War", a war faught between the OWN (O-ring Warrior Nation) and the NFO (New Figure Order). While neither side won and no claimed victory, we all walked away inspired by the amazing photos that came from this war. So, this weekend's theme is to see an actual war... lets see those OWN and NFO battles, the skermishes at the borders, show their headquarters, motor pools, airforces... its up to you as the creator! The idea is, what if there really was a war between the factions... lets see how it would look.[/size][/color][/color]
[color=#696969][color=red]March 27-29:[/color] [size=3][color=black]Movie Scenes[/color][/size] [color=darkred](donated by Rambo)[/color] [size=2]Everyone has a favorite movie or two, so take a scene and reshoot it using your Joes... Lets see what you people can think of and just how creative we can be. [/size][size=1]It was mentioned that Brokeback Mountain shouldn't be used... I agree, but I can't discriminate... no restrictions on which movie scenes to use, just please use your better judgement and try to keep this "PG13" at the worst.[/size][/color]
[size=2][color=black]So, there you have it folks... I think March will be a month to remember, I hope everyone will enjoy this as much as I will.[/color][/size]
[color=black]February is turning out to be a good WW month and I can only hope March will be the same. So, without further delay, here is March's line-up...[/color]
[color=red]March 6-8:[/color] [size=3][color=black]Women's Choice[/color][/size] [color=darkred](donated by Scuba Steve) [/color][size=2][color=dimgray]The women of our lives get to pick the figures, the place, the theme, and they themselves get to shoot the photo. All we get to do is watch. This weekend's theme is dedicated to those who stand by and support our hobbies (even tho sometimes they make fun of it). They watch us "play" with toys and spend money on them, so as a thank you for supporting us... here's a weekend dedicated to you.[/color][/size]
[color=red]March 13-15:[/color] [size=3][color=black]Secondary Specialties[/color][/size] [color=darkred](Mass Request)[/color] [size=2][color=dimgray]We welcome back this theme, I had recieved numerous requests for it. So, lets see those guys (& gals) using their secondary specialties... every Joe and Cobra has a secondary, something they specialize in but rarely use.[/color][/size]
[color=red]March 20-22: [/color][color=black][size=3]The JoeDios War[/size] [/color][color=darkred](inspired by everyone)[color=dimgray][size=2]Some time back we all witnessed or participated in what would be come to known as the "JD War", a war faught between the OWN (O-ring Warrior Nation) and the NFO (New Figure Order). While neither side won and no claimed victory, we all walked away inspired by the amazing photos that came from this war. So, this weekend's theme is to see an actual war... lets see those OWN and NFO battles, the skermishes at the borders, show their headquarters, motor pools, airforces... its up to you as the creator! The idea is, what if there really was a war between the factions... lets see how it would look.[/size][/color][/color]
[color=#696969][color=red]March 27-29:[/color] [size=3][color=black]Movie Scenes[/color][/size] [color=darkred](donated by Rambo)[/color] [size=2]Everyone has a favorite movie or two, so take a scene and reshoot it using your Joes... Lets see what you people can think of and just how creative we can be. [/size][size=1]It was mentioned that Brokeback Mountain shouldn't be used... I agree, but I can't discriminate... no restrictions on which movie scenes to use, just please use your better judgement and try to keep this "PG13" at the worst.[/size][/color]
[size=2][color=black]So, there you have it folks... I think March will be a month to remember, I hope everyone will enjoy this as much as I will.[/color][/size]