View Full Version : Lower the foto upload cap?

02-21-2009, 08:20 PM
It's been brought to my attention by a few members that the cap is currently too large. Long time members don't much like when people 'flood' the fotos page; regardless if the fotos are the best ever or if they utterly suck. Last time I made the cap it was a general consensus of 6 shots. That was without a poll. I am doing a poll this time to get an idea of what would be fine with you guys.

This comes from the members who post maybe 1 or 2 shots now and then and next thing they know, they are pushed back to page4 in a short amount of time. In fact, some of the OLDEST members don't come by anymore cuz their shots are lost in the shuffle so quickly.

So please give your 2 cents as well as vote for what you feel is best for the community.

02-21-2009, 08:24 PM
I hate posting a shot I've worked on for an hour just to see it pushed back in 20 seconds by three hundred out of focus, crummy shots taken on someone's kitchen floor of their new stands. I think it needs to come down to Quality over quantity.

02-21-2009, 08:25 PM
Voted for 2, cuz I have 2... hands, 2 eyes. And I hate the flood of pictures.

Black Knight
02-21-2009, 08:32 PM
I agree with two photos, but I voted four, since sometimes four might be better, like in the Weekend Warriors... four would be good, but two is fair.

02-22-2009, 02:38 AM
and I voted three as that is what you see on the main page when you log on. Don't really need much more then that.

Urban Saboteur
02-22-2009, 04:39 AM
No way! :D
I was uploading my 4 shots yesterday and I got to 3 when I tried uploading the 4th it kept telling me this message
"The file extension you have entered is incorrect" :confused: even though it was a Jpeg.. it took me ages to work on that and now I know why it wouldnt allow me to upload a 4th on the trot!

Not to worry, I agree there should be a photo cap for uploads.. I just forgot you'd added one. I've voted for 3 well because that is what it stands at the moment and it's always been a good base for stories.. beginning, middle and end.. I think with the right imagination you could stringe a sequence of pictures in 3 and still have an awesome upload, without flooding the page.

The problem here is that if someone really wanted to be an Ahole.. they could upload 3 and wait for someone else... upload another 3 and wait for another upload.. then upload another 3. Technically it's not flooding but when the page is expanded you'd still get 9 or 12 of their shots to someone elses 3 so it sort of doesn't solve that page issue thing.

02-22-2009, 06:26 AM
I voted for 3, because it seems like a cool number for something like this. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing more than 15 thumbnails at a time, but I've always liked lots of thumbnails. :-)

02-22-2009, 07:59 AM
[QUOTE=Death_at_Midnight]I voted for 3, because it seems like a cool number for something like this. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing more than 15 thumbnails at a time, but I've always liked lots of thumbnails. :-)[/QUOTE]
You can set the number of thumbnails to a page to 90. You get several days worth of pics at once. I cant help but say that eventually, your pic is gonna get pushed back, no matter how good it is. There are too many people that post up to let yours stay on the front page for as long as you would like. I agree that it should be quality over quantity, but if you wanna post 6 bad ass shots, go for it. I would agree that 3 is a good number because thats all you see from the front page, but seriously, set your view to 90 and it becomes a non-issue.

02-22-2009, 11:18 AM
I only set it temporarily at 90 if I miss a week. And even then, I only skim. Otherwise, I prefer to keep it at 15.

There is NO real cap. You can, in theory, post 200 shots if you want. And in theory, I'll be going thru at least 197 of them and deleting them. What, you guys see the different math in there? Isn't the cap upwards of 6? Shouldn't that be 194 shots I'd delete no matter how good they are? Well, in this case, I'd delete 197 cuz that was just cruel, mean and dumb to post 200 shots and make the rest of the community deal with your 1 vehicle, 200 angles flood!

As I said, several members have been discussing this lately which is the ONLY reason I brought this to light. Then again, this discussion was up for debate a couple years ago too. And some of you newer guys never dealt with some people who'll flood with 30+ shots.

Thanks for commenting and voting. I didn't have a date of when this would close. I'd like as many people to say what's up.

02-22-2009, 11:54 AM
I always say quality over quantity. It seems like when someone floods, they all suck. You take your time to get 1 shot the best you can do, it is always a quality shot, no matter what your skill. I voted for 2.

02-22-2009, 12:07 PM
[QUOTE=LordRaven]I hate posting a shot I've worked on for an hour just to see it pushed back in 20 seconds by three hundred out of focus, crummy shots taken on someone's kitchen floor of their new stands. I think it needs to come down to Quality over quantity.[/QUOTE]

Well said Shane. I voted for three, that seems fair enough.

02-22-2009, 06:32 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]In fact, some of the OLDEST members don't come by anymore cuz their shots are lost in the shuffle so quickly.[/QUOTE]

Two shots are nice and enough for me in a time. But this excuse over here is LAME. Come one! Sounds like something that came from Blowtorch "praise me, bla, bla, bla. Saying the flood is what made you step back... to me it is bull$hit.

02-23-2009, 07:02 AM
[QUOTE=ToneGunsRevisited]Two shots are nice and enough for me in a time. But this excuse over here is LAME. Come one! Sounds like something that came from Blowtorch "praise me, bla, bla, bla. Saying the flood is what made you step back... to me it is bull$hit.[/QUOTE]
quoted for truth.

02-23-2009, 10:15 AM
I vote no limit.

Honestly, I'm lucky if my pics get 7 or so replies and I'm pretty good about not spamming.

If a pic catches my interest, I respond. If not, I don't. Simple as that. I know how to surf the site, so no, just because a pic gets pushed off the front page doesn't mean its never going to be seen.

02-23-2009, 01:36 PM
Swindle, you apparently have never had to slog thru 3 pages of the same shot, different angles thang! LOL!

The BATman
02-23-2009, 01:52 PM
I don't think a cap really has an effect on the time a picture stays on the front page. Do you think the time needed for one user to post six pictures in a row and then another user to post one, is significantly different than the time needed for the first user to post three pictures, wait for the other user to post one, and then post the other three ? I don't believe so.

Your pictures will be pushed away from the front page, small cap or large cap or no cap. Personally, I visit this site daily, and there's practically always more than one page of thumbnails to visit. I just browse backwards until I encounter a photograph I've already seen on a previous visit. I would hope everybody does that, because after all, seeing new pictures is what people visit this place for.

What a cap does accomplish, is forcing people to make a selection. So the average quality or variation should be better with a cap than without. But the cap shouldn't be too small. Surely I'm not the only one who likes series of pictures of an evolving scene or of a common theme. A cap of 2 is simply too small for such an endeavour. 3 or 4 seems a lot more natural to me. But I have no problem with 5 or 6 either.

So my vote goes to: leave as is. If someone breaks the cap, simply send him a friendly update on the site policy, and possibly remove some pictures if it was really excessive. Most people should be reasonable enough for that to be sufficient.

Roland da Thompson Gunner
02-23-2009, 03:56 PM
Lowering the cap a bit might help, but one thing that occasionally turns me off of looking at photos is seeing shots that all look the same, after awhile it doesn't matter who posts it they all look the same, generally the styles that turn out like that are Night or urban shots (or both at the same time)

Beast from the east
02-23-2009, 04:01 PM
I voted 3 cause I have 3 legs lol

With 3 you can do a little dio

02-23-2009, 04:02 PM
[QUOTE=Beast from the east]I voted 3 cause I have 3 legs lol

With 3 you can do a little dio[/QUOTE]

Scuba Steve
02-23-2009, 04:27 PM
I went with three, because there are some people here that you can't get enough of their shots, and I kind of agree, that when you get the 6+ posts in a row they usually are not the most intresting (ex..blurry kitchen floor/same vehical at 20 differnt angles etc) I rarely have more than one shot to post at a time anyway.

I am in total support of quality over quantity. Some of the best here only post one or two at a time anyway!

02-23-2009, 09:51 PM
I think that people should be better at commenting in general, and that people should tell people not to take a lot of shots of the same thing. Communication is the key to improving peoples pictures and in turn this site.

02-24-2009, 10:33 AM
I seem to remember a time where Master Fel wanted us to police ourselves. So if a guy posted his 60 shots of the MOBAT sleeping in the motorpool, the members were supposed to get on his case and tell him, "Dude, too many shots!". Also, the members were to deal with the spam and trolls. But as it turns out, the trolls don't leave no matter how many people get on their case. Which is how I ended up in power. We needed someone who would be active on the site and throw down when needed.

It'd be nice NOT to have a limit on the amount of fotos we upload in a row BUT I've found that people will comment on those several shots in a row rather than say, "Dude, enough!"

Urban Saboteur
02-24-2009, 10:45 AM

It'd be nice NOT to have a limit on the amount of fotos we upload in a row BUT I've found that people will comment on those several shots in a row rather than say, "Dude, enough!"[/QUOTE]

you want me to rig them with explosives set to detonate then? :o

I just wouldnt want a flame war ensuing if i told a newb he'd posted too many shots of the same crud. :D

02-24-2009, 03:27 PM
[QUOTE=Urban Saboteur]you want me to rig them with explosives set to detonate then? :o

I just wouldnt want a flame war ensuing if i told a newb he'd posted too many shots of the same crud. :D[/QUOTE]

I dunno Rich. It's all how you say it to 'em. I don't think a flame war would ensue. Or at least, you'd think there wouldn't be one.

02-24-2009, 10:26 PM
I think 3 is a good number (although I'm fine with 4). I'm sure I have posted 4 or 5 a few times earlier on when I wanted to post a mini story, and before I knew better. I have enjoyed posting a single picture, and then a followup a day or two later. I think for me that is the way to go...

Better to start a story and leave people wanting more than to post too much, and leave people wishing for less.

02-24-2009, 10:34 PM
[QUOTE=yorktownjoe]I think 3 is a good number (although I'm fine with 4). I'm sure I have posted 4 or 5 a few times earlier on when I wanted to post a mini story, and before I knew better. I have enjoyed posting a single picture, and then a followup a day or two later. I think for me that is the way to go...

Better to start a story and leave people wanting more than to post too much, and leave people wishing for less.[/QUOTE]
You are talking about a "feeling" that some people don't have. Right now the photo section keep being flooded with 5 or 6 shots of the same thing.

I don't get bored to watch 5 or 6 good shots, from diferent poses, in sequence. I get bored to look at 5 or 6 shots of the same scene just from diferent angles and close ups.

02-25-2009, 01:15 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon] I seem to remember a time where Master Fel wanted us to police ourselves. [/QUOTE] That is a good policy.
Also, the members were to deal with the spam and trolls. But as it turns out, the trolls don't leave no matter how many people get on their case.
Trolls are a special case, they get their jollies from having lots of people on their case thats why it is unfortunally necessary with moderators.
But thing is that people who post to many pictures of one thing and in poor quality are not trolls! Everyone who have been talked to have taken the hint. And without friendly pms from DaveCW2 and lots of other hints and tips on this site on in threads I would never have improved. You too once gave me some constructive critizism. We can set a cap on pics that works for me but I would like to stress the fact that people should be told in their coments on their pictures how many is proper.

02-25-2009, 09:44 AM
Trenchy, I fully agree.

I'll tell you guys what. For now, the usual 5-6 shot cap is still in effect. But I ask that ALL of the members here step up and tell those who post too many of the same shot (not quite flooding, but close, y'know) that it'd be appreciated if they picked and choose the best shots to represent what they want.

Let's see how that works. Otherwise, I'll go with what the people want. 3-foto cap.

Urban Saboteur
02-25-2009, 04:27 PM
Sounds like a good plan G. :cool: we'll go with that. :D

03-09-2009, 10:05 AM
I see this is being followed, right now the first 10 pics are from the same person.

03-09-2009, 11:48 AM
Some people don't visit this forum. Feel free to pm the guy and tell 'em what's up!

03-09-2009, 02:38 PM
I went with 3 but have been guilty of going over in the past. What I don't like is all the off topic photo's that go up (ie. Star Wars, Marvel and so on). I collect alot of these myself but figure there is a place for them and its not a Joe Dio Site. Just my two cents.

03-09-2009, 08:29 PM
[QUOTE=rnrhero]What I don't like is all the off topic photo's that go up (ie. Star Wars, Marvel and so on). I collect alot of these myself but figure there is a place for them and its not a Joe Dio Site. Just my two cents.[/QUOTE]

This has come up before. I don't like non-Joe shots either, but I recall Hammerfel saying that he's cool with all that stuff, so we just have to put up with it. Do what I do and just ignore them and concentrate on the pics of Joes. :)

Roland da Thompson Gunner
03-09-2009, 09:01 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Some people don't visit this forum. Feel free to pm the guy and tell 'em what's up![/QUOTE]

If that was how you feel these situations should be handled, why did you bother making this thread?

I don't want to come off as a jerk, but 90% of the time there's a problem with photo flooding it's by a new member (who usually post a bunch of shots and then are never too be heard from again)

Would it be possible to place a "Joedios Etiquette" thing on the front page? Ya know just saying "In an effort to be fair to all members please limit your self to uploading *insert cap here* number of photos, be receptive to criticism and feel free to comment on photos by other members"

It'd solve a lot of problems this site has (photo flooding, no one but the same 8-10 people commenting)

03-09-2009, 09:51 PM
I kinda like the idea of a JoeDios Etiquette, but would suggest at the point to upload. For instance, you click on the "upload" link and are taken to a page that has the etiquette message. User clicks the "I agree" check box and the page continues to load all the normal upload things.

Urban Saboteur
03-09-2009, 11:04 PM
we do already have an etiquette of sorts.. but it's between those who actively participate at the forum. :)

I'd also like to think that the majority of vets here now know about the photo upload thing. I've limited myself to 3 now as I think this is a reasonable but fair number. I've been actively commenting alot on peoples photos too, i figure that if i am not contributing photos myself I can at least comment on the photos i do like :)

One more thing, this etiquette is between us all, veterans, recent members and contributors and lurkers.. this site would be alot better if we were honest with each other and pitched in with the front page more.

I'll suggest one thing here, and that is that the etiquette or brief guide rules with photo uploading be posted at the beginning of this thread and also pinned to the top of the message board. I will help out where I can by Pm'ing anyone that blatantly floods the forum, and then provide them with an instant link to the etiquette.. this will then give graham the chance to sort out the trolls and other general forum maintenance.

Just thought on, you could actually leave this thread open for general discussion and just sub head the etiquette under the rules and regulations thread.
I will then point the said member to that thread.

03-10-2009, 04:34 AM
I went with 3 as well for many of the reasons others said usually when it's more there are out of focus shots are many boring shots of the same pic from different angles I like seeing original pics are if the pics are close there better be a good story with them

Da Talent
03-10-2009, 06:42 AM
[QUOTE=Roland da Thompson Gunner] but 90% of the time there's a problem with photo flooding it's by a new member (who usually post a bunch of shots and then are never too be heard from again)


I think this point is exactly right. How does one police themselves if the photo flood is from typically not active member. They don't really have to care about etiquette.

03-10-2009, 12:21 PM
If they bother to post the pictures they want response, they care about what people here think of them. Unnless off course they are trolls but that is a special case. I yet to see any poster not adjusting his posting habits after being told in the comments.