View Full Version : Doomsday Machine update

02-22-2009, 12:50 AM
I am working quite a bit on a certain set that I had planned to use for Chapter3 - Slaves of Yesterday. But alas, I worked on that chapter tonite and I'm at almost 40 shots already! That's without the big gunfight I wanted to do. So check this out, I keep on pushing STUFF back into other chapters. (And just for the record, I have 2 sections that NEVER saw the light of day!)

So I've hinted at chapter3. It'll carry forth the events of Chapter2 (yeah, duh, but not all chapters can have utter action). The end of Chapter3, however, will hopefully define Cobra and Cobra Commander to all of you. (That's seeing how I never really used CC in my dios and that's because I tend to start from scratch with the characters. If I use someone in a dio (or at least focus on them a bit), I want to make them 3-dimensional. (Yeah, I do cameos. Yeah, I put people in the hospital after brief camera time! There IS a reason for that.)

Check this out. THis is what to come.

Chapter4 - The Last Enemy. THIS will be the big gunfight that I want and have told a few MSN ppl about. The set is being worked on and is rather expansive. I learned from the last episode of Transformations that BIG sets don't work if you can't take them apart and get the camera in there! I don't intend on making that mistake again. ("No, you just make NEW mistakes" -Jeff Goldblum, Jurassic Park2) THIS is a defining factor for a certain army builder. To make them ALL that so you guys will see them as they are supposed to be!

Chapter5 - Mechanic God Creation. This will jump back to the main storyline and well, weird shit will happen. The Joes, via Alpine, learn of Cobra's main HQ and send a team in so they can shut down the wireless ability to detonate MORE Doomsday Machines! But it's not that easy. And say, where did Cobra Commander run off to???

Chapter6 - The Great Darkness. Continuation of Ch5. Expect all action.

Chapter7 - Taking Back My Soul. Let's face it, a lot of Joes and citizens have lost their faith in things with Cobra destroying city after city! But this should be a bit of an epilogue. And if I plan it right, it'll lead into the next 'BIG' dio that will have MY take on the creation of Serpentor!

And for you metal fans out there, all my chapter titles (including the story title) come from Arch Enemy tracks! :D

Urban Saboteur
02-22-2009, 04:41 AM
Awesome matey, sounds good.. you might wanna post up url's to the previous chapters you've posted up in the dios section..
I need to badly catch up on your stuff as i've been a busy boy sorting out my new trade list :D

02-22-2009, 11:20 AM
Oh right. Hadn't thought of that.


Chew on that, sports fans!