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View Full Version : Cloverfield Monster?

02-24-2009, 09:39 PM
HTS released a 14" version of the monster from Cloverfield. It has 2 heads and 70 (?) points of articulation. It also comes with 10 Parasites.

Everywebsite I look at has the crappy pics Hasbro used to promote the damn thing, but no one....not even the scalpers on ebay have posted pics of the parasites....

Does anyone on here own one? Or know someone who owns one? At 14" tall, I can figure the scale of the monster to Joes, but how big are the parasites? any clue?

02-24-2009, 09:51 PM
Holy moly!
That sounds awesome
Count me in for being interesting in these suckers!

Urban Saboteur
02-25-2009, 06:47 AM
I read a figure review of this online a while back, and for what it costs it's not worth it, some have also reported that you get 10 parasites while some have only received a box version with 5 or 7.. :o
For what it's worth the other review pictures also pointed out the joints are painted differently from the figures body, so he either looks anaemic or just sloppy paint job.. the whole review left me feeling rather blah at hasbros pathetic attempt at recreating clover.. I'm massively disappointed to see the price stand at a whopping $100 too, imagine me shipping that thing over :(

It did sound awesome to begin with.. but every review i've read so far has said to the contrary..
Cloverfield (http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/superiorraw/vpost?id=2676681)

^ there are some pictures, including a city scale diorama and stuff on that thread there.. i'd agree with Fengs comment, it's not nowhere near worth $100

02-25-2009, 11:34 AM
I saw pictures of that cityscape dio on youtube. someone took that footage at Toyfair 08. They had one shot of the parasites, but they were too far back to see any detail and they didn't include the monster in the pics so you could get an idea of the size of the things.

I don't mind that the monster won't be as big to the Joes as it is to the people in the movie, but how big would the parasites be? Man, this sucks! I Love Monsters and monster movies...not Slasher flicks (Although I kinda like the "Saw" series) and I would love to see the Joes mobilize to fight something huge that attacked a city. I'd just like to see one film that accurately portrays what would happen. In Cloverfield, the guys were shooting indescriminantly. I would think they would stand off a little more and pour artillary and big weapons on the beast. And they got there TOO fast. the nearest base is Ft Dix and it is pretty much shut down. At first, you know there would be Chaos and no one would know what was going on....but then what? Would the Government destroy a city to kill one large animal? hmmmm...makes you think......

02-25-2009, 12:50 PM
[QUOTE=ender098]and I would love to see the Joes mobilize to fight something huge that attacked a city.[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of a M.A.S.K. Episode where they battled a big blob thingy :)

But yeah, Mindbender experiment gone awry or Alien Invaders all fall into the periphery of Joedom me thinks ;)

02-25-2009, 01:09 PM
I was going to buy him for something like an experment gone horribly wrong or moster from mysterious origins but when I saw the pics I thoght no way. Read a few reviews (that only had the press pics on HTS and nothing new) that kind of confirmed my suspicions about it. so even if I had the money sorry. Cut the price down and we'll talk.

02-27-2009, 06:19 PM
The Joes fought a big blob thingy too!!!

I caught some of Cloverfield on... uh, the computer and man, I couldn't sit thru it. So dumb. Lame. boring. Carlito told me for at least 45 mins, "FIND SOMETHING ELSE!!!" I finally did after enough brain cells were lost!!!

Prince Adam
02-27-2009, 07:27 PM
I too don't really enjoy these new age Slasher films. I just feel there's so much more that can be done with a film. Monster movies are generally interesting as it's usually a huge "what if" scenario. I watched the last fifteen minutes or so and that's really all I think is needed. It's good and the concept of the cinematography is really interesting, but personally I found the beast to be a bit lame and gangly. That said, 70 points of articulation sounds really neat but it sucks that so many folks aren't getting all their parasites. Ender I'd wait for someone to throw the sucker on clearance, or you could check Amazon and Ebay for deals.

02-27-2009, 07:49 PM
The cinematography was already used in Blair Witch. Reviews I read back when this came out was that it made MORE people sick! I just found the acting to be pathetic. Too much yelling and intensity. But maybe that's how city-folk act when their Starbucks and wifi connections have been disrupted.

02-27-2009, 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon] But maybe that's how city-folk act when their Starbucks and wifi connections have been disrupted.[/QUOTE]

Yep. It is....trust me...

Prince Adam
02-27-2009, 09:10 PM
Well, yeah, it was used in Blair Witch but here there's more going on. The subject, aside from the monster, is ever changing. This would later inspire Romero's Diary of the Dead which pretty much lead to Quarantine.

Urban Saboteur
02-28-2009, 02:18 AM
I actually have a totally different opinion on the film., i think abrahms done this really well, it's nothing like blair witch.. but i'm not a film critique or dont have any specialist opinion on it.
I went to see the film on it's release here in the UK and got the DVD on the day of release, I just wish whoever was in charge of the toy distribution would of given the rights to Mcfarlane or someone who wouldnt fuck it up..
for example if you pay for something at $100 or whatever from Mcfarlane.. chances are it's going to be well worth it.. hasbro on the other hand, you'll have mispainted limbs.. and missing parasites.. and yes they'll expect you to fork out all that cash because they have 'extended experience in the action figure world'
shame that experience doesnt count for nothing eh?

Back to the film, with monster stompers.. we're not going to see any acting awards are we? I mean the whole idea is that the panic, destruction and chaos is recreated.. and i feel with all due respect.. abrahms didnt choose the big alisters on the cast list, he went for people with a good proportion of experience but ones who are up and coming in the acting world.

Dont get me wrong, i'm not saying its my best ever film.. but it's certainly not the worst and i definately wouldnt of turned it off after 40 minutes, but .. ah well each to their own, media whether it be music or television and film is way open to tastes and personal interpretation.