View Full Version : Sonneilon's Fave Outrider Shots (Tribute)

02-28-2009, 12:25 PM
I'm a bit slow on doing tributary stuff to the man himself so I thought I'd throw down links to some of my fave shots that Mr. Holden Jr has done. (It IS, Holden, right Craig?) I went thru his 17 pages (set at 90 images/page) for these and I know that I didn't throw down links to a LOT of other great shots. But I guess you can see what sort of shots really catch me eye!

I'm a fan of Muskrat and Craig likes to use him a lot. Almost ANY shot that Craig does of him is an instant fave. The angle, the sunset, shadows, picture perfect.

Believe it or not, I DO like the Heavy Water figures. I like their sci-fi-ish/Microman look. Craig always does a great job with these and with the lighting to make them glow, awesome!

An OWN shot that threw the gauntlet down and raised the bar of quality, in my eyes. In fact, it bummed me out by the sheer awesomeness of the shot.

Cannon shots are always a hit with me. I wonder why???

I'm a Falcon fan. Even tho this figure is pretty sub-par, Craig knows how to make 'em look good!

My gawd. Just look at it. It conveys energy and the 'coolness' factor.

With the exception of a crummy LJ, this figure is ultra gnarly.

What can I really say about this one?

These two shots have a bit of history behind them. These were some of Craig's first posted shots on the JD way back when. At that time, a lot of the old guys were around (Helljester, Luke Ellison, LeoTDragon, General Hawk, etc). Now, Luke was the MAN when it came to photoshopped aerial shots. Luke's the reason I got into Joe fotography and dios. But it was Craig's work that got us members confused. I pm'd at one point, "Are you really Luke Ellison?" The answer was of course, "NO".

My eary dio works (ok, Transformations, not the stuff before it), I asked Craig to help me out with some shots because my fotoshop skills were pretty much NON-EXISTENT. Many months later, I ended up learning how to do this stuff on my own so I didn't have to bug Craig all the time. His work was, of course, GREATLY APPRECIATED".

THESE are the two shots that floored me and like Luke, it opened my mind to what could be done with the proper skill set.


02-28-2009, 01:21 PM
Thanks G, for both the time it would have taken you to put this together, and for the generosity of your praise. Some of those early shots look a bit rough around the edges now, but they bring back a lot of memories. :) Is it really almost four years? Time flies by so quickly..... :rolleyes:

02-28-2009, 03:36 PM
Hey, what you did for me personally, is huge. Not just the dio work, but those early shots just blew me away. To prove that 1) LUke's not the only guy and 2) it's doable! It just took me months or a year to learn how to play like that. I thought it'd be fun to showcase your earliest shots because I don't think most people know of 'em.

03-01-2009, 10:03 AM
all Fantastic Choices. That Nightraven Has Still Got To Be My Fave Of All Time.

03-04-2009, 06:32 AM
Some more great pics I gotta make one of these when I get some time

03-04-2009, 06:46 AM
[QUOTE=guiltridden]Some more great pics I gotta make one of these when I get some time[/QUOTE]

03-04-2009, 07:47 AM
Sonneilon, it was a great idea showing us your favorite's Outrider shots. As we can see, Outrider show us how to make a good use of Photoshop and how to use creativity to make amazing and sometimes, amazing but simple shots.

Despite of being far from the most participative mamber here, I remember some really cool shots since I started to visit this site and some of them are, of course, from Outrider and I'd like to put a few links of shots that opened more my eyes about Joes, Photoshopping a good taste:





Don't ask me why, but I love those guys:




hu hu hu no words for this:

Hard to find a few:o

03-04-2009, 09:07 AM
all Great Choices Gatilho!

03-04-2009, 10:45 AM
Thanks Gatilho, a lot of those shots made my short list as well! :)

03-04-2009, 11:29 AM
These are inspirational. I need to take more photos.