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View Full Version : Any Star Wars TOY fans out there???

10-20-2006, 08:52 AM
TG brought this up the other day and man, he got no answers. We know there are MILLIONS of SW toy fanatics. Surely, a few of 'em have to be doing their own dios. BUT where are they? Anybody know any dio sites?

You gotta figure that GI Joe has a few database sites, fanficition sites, customs, and of course, HERE. Yet, where are the SW sites??? Or does Lucas have a tight reign on the sites out there?

I've never done a SW dio but I've done a few shots that could act like one. *shrug* JoeSightings.com has a SW section on their forums but you gotta host your own pics and well, throwing a dio in a post isn't very neat. Anybody? Anybody???

Lava Boss
10-20-2006, 12:04 PM
Nyub Nyub's site, but last I checked he hadn't updated in some time. His dios are all attempts to recapture the movie scenes. That's a limitation of Star Wars or its fans, I guess. The movie canon is all that matters for some people.

I've seen a decent amount of customs.

A fair amount of Star Wars toy collectors are Mint in Package types. In fact, collecting the sheer amount of stuff seems to be focus of SW message board posters. There's a few who show off Imperial and Clone armies.

10-20-2006, 08:55 PM
Me, I'm one. :D

But as far as poseability and playability go, yo joe!

10-20-2006, 09:56 PM
as we have seen, i have the '02 Traget A-wing. I also have an old B-wing that is in dis-repair. other than that, i have no others. :(

10-26-2006, 12:31 PM
I am a BIG SW collector. But I still love Joes better. I have more SW than Joes! I wish that there was a site for SW dios. Maybe this site could have a small SW gallery. Since there both hasbro. I want to this one site where people made custom clone troopers and they were amazing! But its not a dio site.

The Leader
11-07-2006, 06:44 AM
Damnit! Double post. :(

The Leader
11-07-2006, 06:45 AM
Rebelscum has a dio story section, but they call them “Photonovels”. Instead of word balloons the dialogue is posted underneath each pic, though a few people do use word balloons. They’re not nearly as good as most dio stories though, for some reason not many people spend much time making sets or custom figures, they just “use their imagination” and pretend that that Luke figure isn’t actually Luke. Meh, I’ve been spoiled by the Joe community.

rebelscum (http://threads.rebelscum.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=Fanart)

11-16-2006, 01:47 AM
being a SW fan (+600 action figs) i regularly attend these boards :


all of them host a dio/custom section give them a try

11-16-2006, 02:49 AM
[QUOTE=blaster_e11]being a SW fan (+600 action figs) i regularly attend these boards :


all of them host a dio/custom section give them a try[/QUOTE]

600 SW figs! :eek: I only have like 150 or 200! Hey take pics of them.

Lightning LA
11-16-2006, 02:29 PM
I collect Star Wars figures,i've got a little over 200 in-package figures.Now i buy mostly Storm - Clone & Snow Troopers, instead of trying to buy 1 of every wave that come's out.Since there's just so many Star Wars figures out there,it would take crazy $$$ to buy all the new ones that come out.And there's no way i could imagine trying to complete the whole Sar Wars collection,can you imagine how many pieces that would be! :eek: And talking about Star Wars Dio's i remember a Year or so back seeing pic's of a HUGE Star Wars & G.I Joe collection set up in Dio Scenes,and when i say HUGE,i mean HUUUUUUGE!! :eek: I'm pretty sure it was in a big Toy store in Canada,and i think the owner of the Store is who collects all the Toy's.And he hires Professional Model builders to come in and set up these Dio's,plus they made models of Big Star Ships and other custom made models.They had a bunch of different Dio scenes of both Star Wars, and G.I Joe.They had a bunch of Flaggs-Terror Dromes, and any other Joe set you can think of.And there wasn't just one or two of these,they had many many of them.There was a few Dio scenes that really stuck out in my mind,the Hoth battle scene Dio was amazing.There was a big bunch of AT-AT Walkers with Snow Speeders wraping the wires around the AT-AT's legs,and the whole on the ground Battle with the Snow Troopers against the Hoth Rebels.And there was a Space Battle Dio set up with all the custom Big Star Cruiser models,and of course there was a Death Star Dio scene.There was all the Star Wars, and Joe figues you could imagine.Also a Ocean scene with a Fleet of Flaggs,with Jet's taking off and landing on them!If anybody know's the place i'm talking about,post up the name of the Toy store,or post a link to it.I can promise any of you guy's out there that hasn't seen these pic's of that Toy Store's collection,it will definitely amaze you!I hope someone has the link to it,maybe someone in Canada will know the place i'm talking about and help us out.

11-16-2006, 02:41 PM
Cool! Hey what kinda clones and stormtroopers do ya have?
I have:
quick draw clones(regular)
articulate clone(regular)
shock troopers
red and green commanders
501st clones
commander cody
commander cody's troops
hunt for grevious pack
attack on coricant pack
AT-TE gunners
And too many more! :D

11-16-2006, 04:49 PM
Thanks Blaster.

Just geeked FYI, I have something like 30 Clone Troopers and 5 colored officers. I was building them but I don't really remember why. Probably cuz I need to waste $$$ on something since Joe was pretty dry at the time. I have a ObiWan (pilot), Count Dorku and Phantom Menace Mace Windu (w/ blue lightsaber).

11-16-2006, 07:14 PM
I'm in Canada, but I don't know anything about this guy who does this crazy diorama stuff. If I did I would attempt to take a peak, mind you Canada's a big place and this guy could be on the other side of the country for all I know. Sounds like he has a cool collection though.

Lightning LA
11-16-2006, 11:39 PM
GOT IT!!! www.toytraders.ca/ That takes you to the first page,then click on "Enter Darkside Collectables". Then you will see the small pic's of A Joe Tank and the next one is for Star Wars, and it's a pic of a AT-AT Walker.Click on the Star Wars pic,and that will take you to the different Dio Scenes.The G.I Joe part is under construction,but there are plenty of SUPER SWEET Star Wars scenes to see.It's amazing what those guy's have done,i would love to go and see it in person one day.

11-17-2006, 05:08 PM
Oh my god that site has awesome pictures, I can't believe those dioramas they're gargantuan and I don't use that term lightly. Haha and they're pretty close to where I live, An hour and a half ferry ride away followed by a 2-3 hour drive and I could make it there to check the place out. That's cool that Canada's finally getting a cool toy store, especially since I usually have to get my stuff from the US.

Lightning LA
11-17-2006, 09:29 PM
Yeah that place is flat out AWESOME,and their Dio's are FANTASTIC!!!I really like the Endor scene, and the Hoth is Sweet to!The last time i was on there they had the G.I Joe Dio pic's up to,and i'll tell you if you think the Star Wars Dio's are nice,wait until they get the Joe Dio pic's back up!I figure there making new Dios with the Joes and the other Toy lines they have to,i figure they'll have new Star Wars pic's up to.I'm going to keep a close eye on them now since i have the link,and i'll be sure to let you guy's know when the new pic's are up.And Dersham if you ever do get to go there,definitely take a Camera and take lot's & lot's of pic's.

11-18-2006, 05:24 AM
[QUOTE=Sonneilon]Thanks Blaster.

Just geeked FYI, I have something like 30 Clone Troopers and 5 colored officers. I was building them but I don't really remember why. Probably cuz I need to waste $$$ on something since Joe was pretty dry at the time. I have a ObiWan (pilot), Count Dorku and Phantom Menace Mace Windu (w/ blue lightsaber).[/QUOTE]

here's my current loose SW armies
1 Palpatine #35
1 governor Tarkin
5 royal guards red #23
11 clones #6
2 clones #41
4 tact ops clones 501st #65
1 clone pilot (regular)
2 clone pilots (black)
2 clone commanders (red)
1 deluxe clone with jetpack
1 ATTE gunner
1 commander bacara
2 shocktroopers (#6 variation)
1 starcorps trooper (evo pack)
1 commander bly
1 commander Gree
1 commander green (33)
2 AT-RT driver
2 target exclusive clones (neyo grunts)


8 clone captains (saga basic)
6 clone deluxe with speeder bike
1 SA clone (clone wars)
4 SA clones battle damaged (EE exclusive)
1 ARC trooper (clone wars)
1 commander (evo pack)

OT :

2 TSC Death Star gunners
16 4-pack sandtroopers
1 sandtrooper (POTF2)
8 4-pack stormtroopers
2 VOTC stormies
1 han storm (mail away)
2 luke storm
1 luke storm (VHS board game)
3 deathstar trooper
3 tie pilot (saga)
2 tie pilot (potf2)
8 imperial officers (potj)
1 imperial officer (saga pea head)
1 snowtrooper
2 imperial royal guards (saga)
1 tarkin (potf2)
1 thrawn (potf2 EU)
1 ozzel (saga)
1 Piett
1 Veers (TSC)
1 janus greejatus
1 kren blista-vanee
3 Han ATST drivers (saga)
1 R2-Q5 (POTJ)
1 Death Star droid (POTF2)
2 mouse droid (POTF2)
1 IT droid
1 sandtrooper from evo pack
2 SOTE Luke in stormtrooper disguise (coruscant)
2 ATAT drivers (TSC)

CIS / TF :

2 GG bodyguards (ROTS v1)
1 BD security (potj)
2 massifs with geonosians
1 DD (episode 1)
1 BD (clone wars 3-pack)
1 DD (clone wars 3-pack)
1 SBD (clone wars 3-pack)
2 SBD (saga)
1 DD rolled (clone wars deluxe)
1 DD (clone wars deluxe w/ DD launcher)
4 BD (episode 1)
1 OOM-9 (episode 1)
2 flying geonosian (deluxe Saga)
2 Staps with BD (Ep1 Preview)
1 AST with blue droid (Ep1 invasion force)
1 DD launcher (clone wars deluxe)
1 neimoidian gunner
1 nute gunray (ep1)
1 rune haako (ep1)
1 general grievous #36
1 battle boomer Battle droid (POTJ)


1 senator yarua (OTC)
1 Tarfful
1 chewbacca (ROTS)
1 Chewbacca Mechanic (POTJ)
1 Hoth Chewbacca (TRU 4pack)
1 Wookiee heavy gunner
3 Wookiee warriors (SP)
1 Chewbacca boush bounty (POTF2)
1 CCC Chewbacca (Saga)
2 ROTS wookiee warriors #43
1 chewbacca (TSC)
1 ROTS Wookiee heavy gunner

Rebel Alliance

POTF2 rebel trooper
POTJ rebel fleet trooper

on a side note Wink

Cobra army

12 cobra infarntry (tru 6pack)
2 CG immortals (funskool)
15 night watch troopers
5 Viper V6
5 Viper v8
6 Viper v1
2 CG v1
8 CG 2005
1 cobra soldier v1
3 televiper v1
4 technoviper v1
5 DTC snowserpents
1 snowserpent v1
1 toxo viper v1
4 imperial guards v1
1 DTC crimson guard
1 Destro v1
1 Baroness (crimson+Jvc blue)
2 Xamot (TRU business suit + V1)
2 Tomax (TRU business suit+ V1)
2 Firefly crimson pack
1 Dr Mindbender V1
1 Major bludd (funskool brown)
1 Cobra commander V1 (+ lots of other versions : v2, v3, v19, comic pack...)
1 zartan v1
1 zarana v1
1 zandar v1
1 monkeywrench v1
1 ripper v1
1 buzzer v1
1 roadpig v1

11-19-2006, 01:36 PM
Man! Everyone has commander bly or commander gree! I really wanted them!


11-19-2006, 02:33 PM
[QUOTE=Ranger_22]Man! Everyone has commander bly or commander gree! I really wanted them!

I don't have Bly or Gree. Just Deviss :D. Ah, of course, I've 1 Utapau Clone, 1 ARC Trooper from Huntr for Grievous and a Scorch. For the Jedis just Anakin from SAGA collection. But I preordered a Repubic Commando Pack, so I'm about to have a complete Delta squad :)