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03-05-2009, 04:09 PM
So since the move, I have yet to really make any progress on my Joe Room. One problem is I do not have access to a pick up truck and the prior owners left behind a few things that needed to be hauled off. I need to haul off 2 washing machines and an old entertainment center, which are taking up a large amount of available floor space. Another thing that has hindered the process is that my girlfriend's sister and 3 year old soon moved into the spare rooms in the basement, and everyday I find him digging into my crates of Joe stuff. I have hence installed a baby gate, and asked her nicely to keep out of my things, but it hasn't stopped the kid.

I have several ideas that I want to implement, there is an old hearth from a fireplace that used to be in the basement that was removed, Misty suggested I place my Terror Drome there and maybe spread some sand around it, making it seem as if it were on a cliff or bluff somewhere that can only be attacked by air (or Alpine). I am supposed to be acquiring a USS Flagg this weekend my cousing has had in storage, and I want to have a large table for it. My air forces I want to suspend from the ceiling and have a few housed on the Flagg, but I have a large number of land vehicles and the original Joe HQ that I want to display as well. I have thought of purchasing a couple more tables and some railroad model grass and the like and creating a table for the HQ and some of the smaller vehicles. Not sure how I am going to display all my vehicles though, I have some large ones such as the Rolling Thunder, the Mobile Command Center, the ROCC, Rhino, Mean Dog, and the Thunderclap. I thought about shelves, but I want something different. Figures can always be placed on shelves, but a lot of shelves will not accommodate the vehicles I do have. Any suggestions?

03-05-2009, 05:20 PM
:rolleyes: You could always send me the Terrordrome :rolleyes:

Urban Saboteur
03-05-2009, 05:23 PM
The first problem you need to sort out is the kid and the sister.. once those are out of the way and dealt with everything else will fall into place.

If you can't get tables, perhaps you could use the existing crates (once emptied of course) upside down and pushed together? just as a temporary setup.

Scuba Steve
03-05-2009, 06:24 PM
Man I had almost the same problem. The grand kid (yes i'm a grandpa at 34) moved on but now I have the cats terrorizing my joe room (they figured out the latch on the door is backwards so they can just push it open). the real problem I ran into was I accumulated so much stuff that all the tables (under and over) are so full that no reasonable set up became possable. I am doing dio stuff in the garage hopfully a few large dio pieces will relieve the overstock.

Black Knight
03-05-2009, 06:41 PM
I would suggest the Entertainment Center... a saw, some creativity, some paint, and a little extra wood and you have a "Joe Base". I did the same thing to my old entertainment center, but then the basement flooded and the Joe base kinda sank (it fell over and rotted) luckily all the Joes made it out alive.

Point is... use what you have. Cut or saw holes in the unit so they can access different levels, put in some stairs or elevators, and the some dio touch-ups and presto... you have a display base/dio and it only costs maybe the same as a table.

03-05-2009, 06:54 PM
I would recomend to you that you kept your Joe stuff under lock and key. Lock it in a box or closet. Not to keep the toys for yourself but because they are not suitable for such young kids, it even says so on the package. :D

And remember time is on your side..
Kudos on helping out your sister in law and nephew.

Beast from the east
03-06-2009, 04:44 PM
I used old computer desks and entertainment centers to make some barracks and med bay.Use what you have to make a base and hide your joes in there.