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View Full Version : any photography books u recommend?

03-09-2009, 03:35 PM
hey guys, since I joined this site, I've been wowed by pictures of members such as outrider, vader9900, flatline, and fireflyed, etc. the lighting u guys utilize in your pictures is something I would like to learn and master. so would u please recommend photography books and other materials from where you learned lighting? thank you.


03-09-2009, 06:48 PM
LEARNING TO SEE CREATIVELY by Bryan Peterson. Just found the title...

03-09-2009, 08:10 PM
Honestly, I'd just go to a bookstore or library and see what they have to offer. OR check out regular fotography to see what catches your eye. Once you get the 'normal' stuff figured out (ISO, aperture, focus, macro, frame rate, etc), then it's all about composition and artistry.

03-09-2009, 08:25 PM
I wish I could recommend something, but I'm completely untrained in photography and lighting. My limited knowledge comes from two sources - experimenting for hours on end, and learning from the masters on this site. Look at what the best contributors do and copy them, or ask them for tips, I'm sure most of the guys here would be only too happy to help. The other thing that helps a novice like me is having a good camera. Spend the bread to get a good one and you won't be sorry. :)

Urban Saboteur
03-09-2009, 11:19 PM
Hello there,
I'd start by looking at the members you've already mentioned on the site.. check out their photos and pm them for tips or questions.
Also if you get really stuck you could post a ? in the how to section. I did this once when I was working on a night shot for my dio and Outrider helped me out loads with it :)

The guys here have all been through a similar point in their dio making hobby and we'll always try and help you out.
I read a book recently called DIGITAL Photography - Step by Step by Ben Owen.
It covers the points mentioned by Outrider above brilliantly as well as recommending photo editing packages.

ISBN 978-1-84193-544-7


Hope this helps some, any further questions feel free to send me a PM or post up here.


03-10-2009, 09:22 AM
thank you very much everyone. I'll be getting those books this week and if I have questions, will be sure to ask u guys.

03-10-2009, 06:35 PM
Look thru the books!!!

Some of the books speak in really technical terms. Those I'd stay away from unless you have a degree in photographical technology languistic translation. But good luck.

Might I suggest college nite courses in Photography? Usually the community colleges offer layman-like photography and photoshop classes.

03-13-2009, 06:48 PM
I found it and uploaded it for your use.

Book: Learning to See Creatively